Prof. Ben Wu received his D.D.S. from the University of Pacific, his advanced prosthodontics specialty certificate at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is currently Professor and Chair of the UCLA Department of Bioengineering, and Chair of the Division of Advanced Prosthodontics in the School of Dentistry. He holds joint appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery in the School of Medicine. Prof. Wu is Director of the Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, and a member of the UCLA Brain Research Institute, the California NanoSystems Institute, and Fellow of the the Academy of Prosthodontics.
A selected list of publications:
Yuki I, Uchiyama N, Murayama Y, Nien YL, Lee D, Ebara M, Ishii A, Chiang A, Vinters HV, Nishimura I, Wu BM, Vinuela F
Intravascular tissue reactions induced by various types of bioabsorbable polymeric materials: correlation between the degradation profiles and corresponding tissue reactions Neuroradiology, 2010; 52(11): 1017-24.
Kramerova I, Kudryashova E, Wu B, Germain S, Vandenborne K, Romain N, Haller RG, Verity MA, Spencer MJ.
Mitochondrial abnormalities, energy deficit and oxidative stress are features of calpain 3 deficiency in skeletal muscle Hum Mol Genet, 2009; 18(17): 3194-205.
Heydarkhan-Hagvall, S. Schenke-Layland, K. Dhanasopon, A. P. Rofail, F. Smith, H. Wu, B. M. Shemin, R. Beygui, R. E. MacLellan, W. R.
Three-dimensional electrospun ECM-based hybrid scaffolds for cardiovascular tissue engineering Biomaterials, 2008; 29(19): 2907-2914.
Cowan CM, Aghaloo T, Chou YF, Walder B, Zhang X, Soo C, Ting K, Wu BM. MicroCT Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Mineralization in Response to BMP-2 Doses In Vitro and in Critical Sized Rat Calvarial Defects, Tissue Engineering, 2007; 13(3): 501-512.
Wan DC, Pomerantz JH, Brunet LJ, Kim JB, Chou YF, Wu, BM, Harland R, Blau HM, Longaker MT
Noggin suppression enhances in vitro osteogenesis and accelerates in vivo bone formation J. Biol Chem, 2007; 282(36): 26450-26459.
Cowan, C. M. Jiang, X. Q. Hsu, T. Soo, C. Zhang, B. J. Wang, J. Z. Kuroda, S. Wu, B. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhang, X. L. Ting, K.
Synergistic effects of Nell-1 and BMP-2 on the osteogenic differentiation of myoblasts Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2007; 22(6): 918-930.
Cowan CM, Jiang X, Hsu T, Soo C, Zhang J, Wang J, Kuroda S, Wu B, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Ting K
Synergistic effects of Nell-1 and BMP-2 on the osteogenic differentiation of myoblasts J Bone Mineral Res, 2007; 22(6): 918-30.
Lu SS, Zhang X, Soo C, Hsu T, Napoli A, Aghaloo T, Wu BM, Tsou P, Ting K, Wang JC
The osteoinductive properties of Nell-1 in rat spinal fusion model The Spine Journal, 2007; 7(1): 50-60.
Yuki I, Lee D, Murayama Y, Chiang A, Vinters HV, Nishimura I, Wang CJ, Ishii A, Wu BM, Vinuela V
Thrombus organization and healing in an experimental aneurysm model. Part II. The effect of various types of bioabsorbable polymeric coils J. Neurosurgery, 2007; 107(1): 109-120.
Lee D, Yuki I, Murayama Y, Chiang A, Nishimura I, Vinters HV, Wang CJ, Nien YL, Ishii A, Wu BM, Vinuela F
Thrombus organization and healing in the swine experimental aneurysm model. Part I. A histological and molecular analysis J. Neurosurgery, 2007; 107(1): 94-108.
Aghaloo T, Cowan K, Chou YF, Zhang X, Lee HF, Miao S, Hong N, Kuroda S, Wu B, Ting K, Soo C
Nell-1 Induced Bone Regeneration in Calvarial Defects Am J Pathol, 2006; 169(3): 903-15.
Zhang X, Cowan K, Jiang X, Soo C, Miao S, Carpenter D, Wu, B, Kuroda K, and Ting K.
Nell-1 induces acrania-like cranioskeletal deformities during mouse embryonic development Lab Invest, 2006; 86(7): 633-44.
Dunn, JCY. Wu, BM Tissue Engineering of Intestine, Encyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, 2006; 1-7.
Chou, Y.F., Wulur, I., Dunn, JCY., Wu, BM. Biomimetic Nano-Ordered Apatites , Handbook of Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications. edited by H. S. Nalwa,, 2005; 2(6): 198-222.
Cowan, C. M. Aalami, O. O. Shi, Y. Y. Chou, Y. F. Mari, C. Thomas, R. Quarto, N. Nacamuli, R. P. Contag, C. H. Wu, B. Longaker, M. T.
Bone morphogenetic protein 2 and retinoic acid accelerate in vivo bone formation, osteoclast recruitment, and bone turnover Tissue Eng, 2005; 11(3-4): 645-58.
Brown DA. Chou YF. Lam M. Beygui RE. Dunn JYC. Wu BM Gelatin embedding cell-polymer constructs for frozen sections, J. Biomedical Materials Research, 2005; 72B: 79-85.
Brown DA. Beygui RE. Antrobus S. Ross RS. MacLellan WR. Laks H. Dunn JYC. Wu BM. Modulation of hypertrophy in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes by surface modification of synthetic substrates, J. Biomedical Materials Research, 2005; 74A(3): 419-429.
Jarrahy R., Huang W., Rudkin GH., Lee JM., Ishida K., Berry MD., Sukkarieh M., Wu BM., Yamaguchi DT., Miller TA.
Osteogenic differentiation is inhibited and angiogenic expression is enhanced in MC3T3-E1 cells cultured on three-dimensional scaffolds Am J Physiology – Cell Physiology, 2005; 289: 408-414.
Lee M. Dunn JCY. Wu BM. Scaffold Fabrication by Indirect 3D Printing, Biomaterials, 2005; 26(20): 4281-4289.
St. John M. Li Y. Zhou XF. DennyD. Ho CM. Montemagno C. Shi WY. Qi FX. Wu BM. Sinha U. Jordan R. Wolinsky L. Park NH. Abemayor E. Wong DTW IL-6 and IL-8: Potential Biomarkers for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal SSC, Arch of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery , 2004; 130(8): 929-35.
Cowan, CM., Shi S., Alami, OO., Chou, YF., Thomas R. Marie C., Quarto N., Wu BM. Longaker MT.
Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Tissue Engineer Bone in Critical Sized Mouse Calvarial Defects Nature Biotechnology, 2004; 22(5): 560-567.
Wu, B. N. Lin, R. J. Lo, Y. C. Shen, K. P. Wang, C. C. Lin, Y. T. Chen, I. J.
KMUP-1, a xanthine derivative, induces relaxation of guinea-pig isolated trachea: the role of the epithelium, cyclic nucleotides and K+ channels Br J Pharmacol, 2004; 142(7): 1105-14.
Kreth, J., Hagerman, E., Tam, K., Merritt, J., Wu, B.M., Myung, M., Shi, W., and Qi, F
Quantitative Analyses of Streptococcus mutans Biofilms with Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Microjet Impingement, and Confocal Microscopy Biofilms, 2004; 1(4): 277-284.
Wu, B. Li, P. Liu, Y. Lou, Z. Ding, Y. Shu, C. Ye, S. Bartlam, M. Shen, B. Rao, Z.
3D structure of human FK506-binding protein 52: implications for the assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor/Hsp90/immunophilin heterocomplex Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2004; 101(22): 8348-53.
Liu, B. Hattori, N. Jiang, B. Nakayama, Y. Zhang, N. Y. Wu, B. Kitagawa, K. Taketo, M. Matsuda, H. Inagaki, C.
Single cell RT-PCR demonstrates differential expression of GABAC receptor rho subunits in rat hippocampal pyramidal and granule cells Brain Res Mol Brain Res, 2004; 123(1-2): 1-6.
He, Y. Yang, J. Wu, B. Robinson, D. Sprankle, K. Kung, P. P. Lowery, K. Mohan, V. Hofstadler, S. Swayze, E. E. Griffey, R.
Synthesis and evaluation of novel bacterial rRNA-binding benzimidazoles by mass spectrometry Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 2004; 14(3): 695-9.
Wu, B. Abbott, T. Fishman, D. McMurray, W. Mor, G. Stone, K. Ward, D. Williams, K. Zhao, H.
Comparison of statistical methods for classification of ovarian cancer using mass spectrometry data Bioinformatics, 2003; 19(13): 1636-43.
Wu, B. Yee, A. Pineda-Lucena, A. Semesi, A. Ramelot, T. A. Cort, J. R. Jung, J. W. Edwards, A. Lee, W. Kennedy, M. Arrowsmith, C. H.
Solution structure of ribosomal protein S28E from Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Protein Sci, 2003; 12(12): 2831-7.