Posts classified under: Bridges in Translational Mental Health

Steven Shoptaw, Ph.D.


Steve Shoptaw is a licensed psychologist and Professor in the UCLA Departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. Dr. Shoptaw joined the Department of Family Medicine as full professor in 2005. Prior to this, Dr. Shoptaw was a Research Psychologist with the Integrated Substance Abuse Program in the Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science since 2003. Dr. Shoptaw earned his BA (1982) in Psychology and MA (1985) and Ph.D. (1990) in Psychology at UCLA. His dissertation was nominated for the Gingerelli Award for Excellence in the Department of Psychology. Dr. Shoptaw completed his postdoctoral training in Psychophysiology at the UCLA NPI/VAMC in Sepulveda, CA in 1991. Following that, Dr. Shoptaw worked for 10 years as a Principal Investigator with Friends Research Institute, Inc., during which time, his program of clinical research with substance abusers supported opening several treatment research clinics in Rancho Cucamonga, Hollywood, South Los Angeles, and West Hollywood. Dr. Shoptaw received the FRI Daniel Mendelsohn Young Investigator Award in 1996 and a mentoring award in 2000. In 1996, Dr. Shoptaw opened Safe House, a 24 bed facility that provides emergency, transitional and permanent housing to persons living with HIV/AIDS, chemical dependency, transitional and permanent housing to persons living with HIV/AIDS, chemical dependency, and mental illness who are homeless or at risk for homelessness. He continues with this program as a volunteer Executive Director. These linkages of clinical research and community collaboration have led Dr. Shoptaw???s work to influence practice guidelines in intervening with substance abusers, especially those at high risk for HIV transmission, locally, nationally and in emerging international epidemics.


A selected list of publications:

Ling Murtaugh Kimberly, Krishnamurti Tamar, Davis Alexander L, Reback Cathy J, Shoptaw Steven   Spend today, clean tomorrow: Predicting methamphetamine abstinence in a randomized controlled trial Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2013; 32(9): 958-66.
Koblin Beryl A, Mayer Kenneth H, Eshleman Susan H, Wang Lei, Mannheimer Sharon, Del Rio Carlos, Shoptaw Steven, Magnus Manya, Buchbinder Susan, Wilton Leo, Liu Ting-Yuan, Cummings Vanessa, Piwowar-Manning Estelle, Fields Sheldon D, Griffith Sam, Elharrar Vanessa, Wheeler Darrell, Wheeler Darrell   Correlates of HIV Acquisition in a Cohort of Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States: HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 061 PloS one, 2013; 8(7): e70413.
Landovitz Raphael J, Tseng Chi-Hong, Weissman Matthew, Haymer Michael, Mendenhall Brett, Rogers Kathryn, Veniegas Rosemary, Gorbach Pamina M, Reback Cathy J, Shoptaw Steven   Epidemiology, Sexual Risk Behavior, and HIV Prevention Practices of Men who Have Sex with Men Using GRINDR in Los Angeles, California Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 2013; 90(4): 729-39.
Reback Cathy J, Fletcher Jesse B, Shoptaw Steven, Grella Christine E   Methamphetamine and other substance use trends among street-recruited men who have sex with men, from 2008 to 2011 Drug and alcohol dependence, 2013; 8(7): .
Swanson Aimee-Noelle, Shoptaw Steven, Heinzerling Keith Gregory, Wade Adam C, Worley Matthew, McCracken James, Wilson Sarah A, Asarnow Joan, London Edythe D   Up in Smoke? A Preliminary Open-Label Trial of Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Motivational Enhancement for Smoking Cessation Among Youth in Los Angeles Substance use & misuse, 2013; 8(7): .
Murphy Ryan D, Gorbach Pamina M, Weiss Robert E, Hucks-Ortiz Christopher, Shoptaw Steven J   Seroadaptation in a sample of very poor Los Angeles area men who have sex with men AIDS and behavior, 2013; 17(5): 1862-72.
Herrick Amy L, Stall Ron, Chmiel Joan S, Guadamuz Thomas E, Penniman Typhanye, Shoptaw Steven, Ostrow David, Plankey Michael W   It gets better: resolution of internalized homophobia over time and associations with positive health outcomes among MSM AIDS and behavior, 2013; 17(4): 1423-30.
Ding Yingying, He Na, Shoptaw Steven, Gao Meiyang, Detels Roger   Severity of club drug dependence and perceived need for treatment among a sample of adult club drug users in Shanghai, China Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 2013; 17(5): .
Brensilver Matthew, Heinzerling Keith G, Shoptaw Steven   Pharmacotherapy of amphetamine-type stimulant dependence: An update Drug and alcohol review, 2013; 17(4): .
Heinzerling Keith G, Gadzhyan Janette, van Oudheusden Henry, Rodriguez Felipe, McCracken James, Shoptaw Steven   Pilot randomized trial of bupropion for adolescent methamphetamine abuse/dependence The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2013; 52(4): 502-5.
Herrick Amy L, Lim Sin How, Plankey Michael W, Chmiel Joan S, Guadamuz Thomas E, Guadamuz Thomas T, Kao Uyen, Shoptaw Steven, Carrico Adam, Ostrow David, Stall Ron   Adversity and syndemic production among men participating in the multicenter AIDS cohort study: a life-course approach American journal of public health, 2013; 103(1): 79-85.
Nyamathi Adeline, Salem Benissa, Reback Cathy J, Shoptaw Steven, Branson Catherine M, Idemundia Faith E, Kennedy Barbara, Khalilifard Farinaz, Marfisee Mary, Liu Yihang   Correlates of hepatitis B virus and HIV knowledge among gay and bisexual homeless young adults in Hollywood American journal of men’s health, 2013; 7(1): 18-26.
Reback Cathy J, Grant Deborah Ling, Fletcher Jesse B, Branson Catherine M, Shoptaw Steven, Bowers Jane Rohde, Charania Mahnaz, Mansergh Gordon   Erratum to: Text Messaging Reduces HIV Risk Behaviors Among Methamphetamine-Using Men Who Have Sex with Men AIDS and behavior, 2012; .
Strathdee Steffanie A, Shoptaw Steven, Dyer Typhanye Penniman, Quan Vu Minh, Aramrattana Apinun, Aramrattana Apinun   Towards combination HIV prevention for injection drug users: addressing addictophobia, apathy and inattention Current opinion in HIV and AIDS, 2012; 7(4): 320-325.
Landovitz Raphael J, Fletcher Jesse B, Inzhakova Galina, Lake Jordan E, Shoptaw Steven, Reback Cathy J   A Novel Combination HIV Prevention Strategy: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis with Contingency Management for Substance Abuse Treatment Among Methamphetamine-Using Men Who Have Sex with Men AIDS patient care and STDs, 2012; 26(6): 320-8.
Reback Cathy J, Grant Deborah Ling, Fletcher Jesse B, Branson Catherine M, Shoptaw Steven, Bowers Jane Rohde, Charania Mahnaz, Mansergh Gordon   Text Messaging Reduces HIV Risk Behaviors Among Methamphetamine-Using Men Who Have Sex with Men AIDS and behavior, 2012; 26(6): .
Brensilver Matthew, Heinzerling Keith G, Swanson Aimee-Noelle, Shoptaw Steven J   A retrospective analysis of two randomized trials of bupropion for methamphetamine dependence: Suggested guidelines for treatment discontinuation/augmentation Drug and alcohol dependence, 2012; 26(6): .
Heinzerling Keith G, Shoptaw Steven   Gender, brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met, and frequency of methamphetamine use Gender medicine, 2012; 9(2): 112-20.
Brensilver Matthew, Heinzerling Keith G, Swanson Aimee-Noelle, Telesca Donatello, Furst Benjamin A, Shoptaw Steven J   Cigarette smoking as a target for potentiating outcomes for methamphetamine abuse treatment Drug and alcohol review, 2012; 9(2): .
Heinzerling Keith G, McCracken James T, Swanson Aimee-Noelle, Ray Lara A, Shoptaw Steven J   COMT Val158Met, BDNF Val66Met, and OPRM1 Asn40Asp and methamphetamine dependence treatment response: preliminary investigation Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, 2012; 32(1): 135-7.
Ling Walter, Shoptaw Steven, Hillhouse Maureen, Bholat Michelle A, Charuvastra Charles, Heinzerling Keith, Chim David, Annon Jeffrey, Dowling Patrick T, Doraimani Geetha   Double-blind placebo-controlled evaluation of the PROMETA™ protocol for methamphetamine dependence Addiction (Abingdon, England), 2012; 107(2): 361-9.
Xu Hongquan, Shen Qing, Yang Xiaowei, Shoptaw Steven   A quasi F-test for functional linear models with functional covariates and its application to longitudinal data Statistics in medicine, 2011; 30(23): 2842-53.
Ober Allison J, Iguchi Martin Y, Weiss Robert E, Gorbach Pamina M, Heimer Robert, Ouellet Lawrence J, Shoptaw Steven, Anglin M Douglas, Zule William A   The relative role of perceived partner risks in promoting condom use in a three-city sample of high-risk, low-income women AIDS and behavior, 2011; 15(7): 1347-58.
Tross Susan, Campbell Aimee N C, Calsyn Donald A, Metsch Lisa R, Sorensen James L, Shoptaw Steven, Haynes Louise, Woody George E, Malow Robert M, Brown Lawrence S, Feaster Daniel J, Booth Robert E, Mandler Raul N, Masson Carmen, Holmes Beverly W, Colfax Grant, Brooks Audrey J, Hien Denise A, Schackman Bruce R, Korthuis P Todd, Miele Gloria M, Miele Gloria M   NIDA’s Clinical Trials Network: an opportunity for HIV research in community substance abuse treatment programs The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 2011; 37(5): 283-93.
Young Sean D, Shoptaw Steven, Weiss Robert E, Munjas Brett, Gorbach Pamina M   Predictors of unrecognized HIV infection among poor and ethnic men who have sex with men in Los Angeles AIDS and behavior, 2011; 15(3): 643-9.

Alexander Young, M.D., M.S.P.H.


Professor and Interim Chair, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences

Interim Director, Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior

Interim Physician-in-Chief, Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital

Contact Information


Work Phone Number: 310-206-1233

Work Address:

760 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095



Dr. Alexander S. Young is a psychiatrist and health services researcher. He is Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, and Interim Director of the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He is Interim Physician-in-Chief of the Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital. He is Associate Director of the Veterans Desert Pacific MIRECC Health Services Unit at the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Healthcare System. He is board certified in Psychiatry and Clinical Informatics. Dr. Young focuses on community psychiatry, serious mental illness, studying and improving the quality and value of healthcare, implementation science, patient-reported outcomes, and health informatics. He has led research grants studying implementation of effective practices, informatics systems to support improved care, and implementation of interventions to improve care.  Recent grants from VA, NIMH and other funders include studying an internet-based, peer-supported system that provides tailored education regarding diet and exercise to people with mental illness; studying computerized elicitation of preferences of mental health patients; and evaluating a housing first program. He is currently studying the implementation and effectiveness of a Patient-Centered Medical Home model with integrated mental health care to improve the primary care of people with serious mental illness; and use of smart phone data to predict behaviors and symptoms in patients with mental illness.


A selected list of publications:

Bromley Elizabeth, Mikesell Lisa, Armstrong Nikki Panasci, Young Alexander S   “You might lose him through the cracks”: clinicians’ views on discharge from Assertive Community Treatment Administration and policy in mental health, 2015; 42(1): 99-110.
Chrystal Joya G, Glover Dawn L, Young Alexander S, Whelan Fiona, Austin Erika L, Johnson Nancy K, Pollio David E, Holt Cheryl L, Stringfellow Erin, Gordon Adam J, Kim Theresa A, Daigle Shanette G, Steward Jocelyn L, Kertesz Stefan G   Experience of primary care among homeless individuals with mental health conditions PloS one, 2015; 10(2): e0117395.
Iyer Sharat P, Young Alexander S   Health screening, counseling, and hypertension control for people with serious mental illness at primary care visits General hospital psychiatry, 2015; 37(1): 60-6.
Armstrong Nikki Panasci, Cohen Amy N, Hellemann Gerhard, Reist Christopher, Young Alexander S   Validating a brief version of the Mental Health Recovery Measure for individuals with schizophrenia Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2014; 65(9): 1154-9.
Kertesz Stefan G, Pollio David E, Jones Richard N, Steward Jocelyn, Stringfellow Erin J, Gordon Adam J, Johnson Nancy K, Kim Theresa A, Daigle Shanette G, Austin Erika L, Young Alexander S, Chrystal Joya G, Davis Lori L, Roth David L, Holt Cheryl L   Development of the Primary Care Quality-Homeless (PCQ-H) instrument: a practical survey of homeless patients’ experiences in primary care Medical care, 2014; 52(8): 734-42.
Chang Evelyn T, Wells Kenneth B, Young Alexander S, Stockdale Susan, Johnson Megan D, Fickel Jacqueline J, Jou Kevin, Rubenstein Lisa V   The anatomy of primary care and mental health clinician communication: a quality improvement case study Journal of general internal medicine, 2014; 29 Suppl 2(8): S598-606.
Cohen Amy N, Golden Joya F, Young Alexander S   Peer wellness coaches for adults with mental illness Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2014; 65(1): 129-30.
Kertesz Stefan G, Holt Cheryl L, Steward Jocelyn L, Jones Richard N, Roth David L, Stringfellow Erin, Gordon Adam J, Kim Theresa W, Austin Erika L, Henry Stephen Randal, Kay Johnson N, Shanette Granstaff U, O’Connell James J, Golden Joya F, Young Alexander S, Davis Lori L, Pollio David E   Comparing homeless persons’ care experiences in tailored versus nontailored primary care programs American journal of public health, 2013; 103 Suppl 2(1): S331-9.
Hamilton Alison B, Cohen Amy N, Glover Dawn L, Whelan Fiona, Chemerinski Eran, McNagny Kirk P, Mullins Deborah, Reist Christopher, Schubert Max, Young Alexander S   Implementation of evidence-based employment services in specialty mental health Health services research, 2013; 48(6 Pt 2): 2224-44.
Chinman Matthew, Oberman Rebecca S, Hanusa Barbara H, Cohen Amy N, Salyers Michelle P, Twamley Elizabeth W, Young Alexander S   Erratum to: A Cluster Randomized Trial of Adding Peer Specialists to Intensive Case Management Teams in the Veterans Health Administration The journal of behavioral health services & research, 2013; 48(6 Pt 2): .
Hamilton Alison B, Chinman Matthew, Cohen Amy N, Oberman Rebecca Shoai, Young Alexander S   Implementation of Consumer Providers into Mental Health Intensive Case Management Teams The journal of behavioral health services & research, 2013; 48(6 Pt 2): .
Chinman Matthew, Oberman Rebecca S, Hanusa Barbara H, Cohen Amy N, Salyers Michelle P, Twamley Elizabeth W, Young Alexander S   A Cluster Randomized Trial of Adding Peer Specialists to Intensive Case Management Teams in the Veterans Health Administration The journal of behavioral health services & research, 2013; 48(6 Pt 2): .
Cohen Amy N, Chinman Matthew J, Hamilton Alison B, Whelan Fiona, Young Alexander S   Using patient-facing kiosks to support quality improvement at mental health clinics Medical care, 2013; 51(3 Suppl 1): S13-20.
Niv Noosha, Cohen Amy N, Hamilton Alison, Reist Christopher, Young Alexander S   Effectiveness of a Psychosocial Weight Management Program for Individuals with Schizophrenia The journal of behavioral health services & research, 2012; .
Rost Kathryn, Hsieh Yi-Ping, Xu Stanley, Menachemi Nir, Young Alexander S   Potential disparities in the management of schizophrenia in the United States Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2011; 62(6): 613-8.
Addinall Stephen Gregory, Holstein Eva-Maria, Lawless Conor, Yu Min, Chapman Kaye, Banks A Peter, Ngo Hien-Ping, Maringele Laura, Taschuk Morgan, Young Alexander, Ciesiolka Adam, Lister Allyson Lurena, Wipat Anil, Wilkinson Darren James, Lydall David   Quantitative fitness analysis shows that NMD proteins and many other protein complexes suppress or enhance distinct telomere cap defects PLoS genetics, 2011; 7(4): e1001362.
Young Alexander S, Niv Noosha, Chinman Matthew, Dixon Lisa, Eisen Susan V, Fischer Ellen P, Smith Jeffrey, Valenstein Marcia, Marder Stephen R, Owen Richard R   Routine outcomes monitoring to support improving care for schizophrenia: report from the VA Mental Health QUERI Community mental health journal, 2011; 47(2): 123-35.
Banta Jim E, Andersen Ronald M, Young Alexander S, Kominski Gerald, Cunningham William E   Psychiatric comorbidity and mortality among veterans hospitalized for congestive heart failure Military medicine, 2010; 175(10): 732-41.
Young Alexander   ‘SWINEUPDATE’: Using EMR charting tools as a clinical decision support tool during the H1N1 outbreak WMJ : official publication of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 2010; 109(4): 222-3.
Lawless Conor, Wilkinson Darren J, Young Alexander, Addinall Stephen G, Lydall David A   Colonyzer: automated quantification of micro-organism growth characteristics on solid agar BMC bioinformatics, 2010; 11(4): 287.
Young Alexander S   The client, the clinician, and the computer Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2010; 61(7): 643.
Henderson Claire, Jackson Carlos, Slade Mike, Young Alexander S, Strauss Jennifer L   How Should we Implement Psychiatric Advance Directives? Views of Consumers, Caregivers, Mental Health Providers and Researchers Administration and policy in mental health, 2010; .
Cohen Amy N, Glynn Shirley M, Hamilton Alison B, Young Alexander S   Implementation of a family intervention for individuals with schizophrenia Journal of general internal medicine, 2010; 25 Suppl 1: 32-7.
Hamilton Alison B, Cohen Amy N, Young Alexander S   Organizational readiness in specialty mental health care Journal of general internal medicine, 2010; 25 Suppl 1: 27-31.
Bystritsky Alexander, Kerwin Lauren, Niv Noosha, Natoli Jaime L, Abrahami Natalie, Klap Ruth, Wells Kenneth, Young Alexander S   Clinical and subthreshold panic disorder Depression and anxiety, 2009; 25 Suppl 1: .
Chin Marshall H, Alexander-Young Morgen, Burnet Deborah L   Health care quality-improvement approaches to reducing child health disparities Pediatrics, 2009; 124 Suppl 3(4): S224-36.
Niv Noosha, Shatkin Jess P, Hamilton Alison B, Unützer Jürgen, Klap Ruth, Young Alexander S   The Use of Herbal Medications and Dietary Supplements by People with Mental Illness Community mental health journal, 2009; 124 Suppl 3: .
Young Alexander S, Klap Ruth, Shoai Rebecca, Wells Kenneth B   Persistent depression and anxiety in the United States: prevalence and quality of care Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2008; 59(12): 1391-8.
Brown Alison H, Cohen Amy N, Chinman Matthew J, Kessler Christopher, Young Alexander S   EQUIP: Implementing chronic care principles and applying formative evaluation methods to improve care for schizophrenia: QUERI Series Implementation science : IS, 2008; 3(12): 9.
Young Alexander S, Niv Noosha, Cohen Amy N, Kessler Christopher, McNagny Kirk   The Appropriateness of Routine Medication Treatment for Schizophrenia Schizophrenia bulletin, 2008; 59(12): .
Hebert, M. Rosenheck, R. Drebing, C. Young, A. S. Armstrong, M.   Integrating peer support initiatives in a large healthcare organization Psychological Services, 2008; 5(3): 216-227.
Chinman, M. Hamilton, A. Butler, B. Knight, E. Murray, S. Young, A.   Mental Health Consumer Providers: A Guide for Clinical Staff Technical Report, 2008; volume(number): pages.
Nuechterlein Keith H, Green Michael F, Kern Robert S, Baade Lyle E, Barch Deanna M, Cohen Jonathan D, Essock Susan, Fenton Wayne S, Frese Frederick J, Gold James M, Goldberg Terry, Heaton Robert K, Keefe Richard S E, Kraemer Helena, Mesholam-Gately Raquelle, Seidman Larry J, Stover Ellen, Weinberger Daniel R, Young Alexander S, Zalcman Steven, Marder Stephen R   The MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery, part 1: test selection, reliability, and validity The American journal of psychiatry, 2008; 165(2): 203-13.
Young Alexander S, Chaney Edmund, Shoai Rebecca, Bonner Laura, Cohen Amy N, Doebbeling Brad, Dorr David, Goldstein Mary K, Kerr Eve, Nichol Paul, Perrin Ruth   Information technology to support improved care for chronic illness Journal of general internal medicine, 2007; 22 Suppl 3(7): 425-30.
Chinman Matthew, Hassell Joseph, Magnabosco Jennifer, Nowlin-Finch Nancy, Marusak Susan, Young Alexander S   The feasibility of computerized patient self-assessment at mental health clinics Administration and policy in mental health, 2007; 34(4): 401-9.
Fremont, A. M. Young, A. S. Chinman, M. Pantoja, P. Morton, S. Koegel, P. Sullivan, G. Kanouse, D.   Differences in HIV care between patients with and without severe mental illness Psychiatr Serv, 2007; 58(5): 681-8.
Azrin, S. T. Huskamp, H. A. Azzone, V. Goldman, H. H. Frank, R. G. Burnam, M. A. Normand, S. L. Ridgely, M. S. Young, A. S. Barry, C. L. Busch, A. B. Moran, G.   Impact of full mental health and substance abuse parity for children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Pediatrics, 2007; 119(2): e452-9.
Dorr, D. Bonner, L. M. Cohen, A. N. Shoai, R. S. Perrin, R. Chaney, E. Young, A. S.   Informatics systems to promote improved care for chronic illness: a literature review J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2007; 14(2): 156-63.
Young, A. S. Chaney, E. Shoai, R. Bonner, L. Cohen, A. N. Doebbeling, B. Dorr, D. Goldstein, M. K. Kerr, E. Nichol, P. Perrin, R.   Information technology to support improved care for chronic illness J Gen Intern Med, 2007; 22 Suppl 3(number): 425-30.
Young, A. S.   Routinely measuring schizophrenia treatment quality–shortcomings with medical records Med Care, 2007; 45(1): 104; author reply 104-5.
Niv, N. Cohen, A. N. Sullivan, G. Young, A. S.   The MIRECC version of the Global Assessment of Functioning scale: reliability and validity Psychiatr Serv, 2007; 58(4): 529-35.
Chinman, M. Hassell, J. Magnabosco, J. Nowlin-Finch, N. Marusak, S. Young, A. S.   The feasibility of computerized patient self-assessment at mental health clinics Adm Policy Ment Health, 2007; 34(4): 401-9.
Niv, N. Cohen, A. N. Mintz, J. Ventura, J. Young, A. S.   The validity of using patient self-report to assess psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia Schizophr Res, 2007; 90(1-3): 245-50.
Fremont Allen M, Young Alexander S, Chinman Matthew, Pantoja Philip, Morton Sally, Koegel Paul, Sullivan Greer, Kanouse David   Differences in HIV care between patients with and without severe mental illness Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2007; 58(5): 681-8.
Dorr David, Bonner Laura M, Cohen Amy N, Shoai Rebecca S, Perrin Ruth, Chaney Edmund, Young Alexander S   Informatics systems to promote improved care for chronic illness: a literature review Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 2007; 14(2): 156-63.
Niv Noosha, Cohen Amy N, Sullivan Greer, Young Alexander S   The MIRECC version of the Global Assessment of Functioning scale: reliability and validity Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2007; 58(4): 529-35.
Azrin Susan T, Huskamp Haiden A, Azzone Vanessa, Goldman Howard H, Frank Richard G, Burnam M Audrey, Normand Sharon-Lise T, Ridgely M Susan, Young Alexander S, Barry Colleen L, Busch Alisa B, Moran Garrett   Impact of full mental health and substance abuse parity for children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Pediatrics, 2007; 119(2): e452-9.
Niv Noosha, Cohen Amy N, Mintz Jim, Ventura Joseph, Young Alexander S   The validity of using patient self-report to assess psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia Schizophrenia research, 2007; 90(1-3): 245-50.
Young Alexander S   Routinely measuring schizophrenia treatment quality–shortcomings with medical records Medical care, 2007; 45(1): 104; author reply 104-5.
Sullivan Greer, Kanouse David, Young Alexander S, Han Xiaotong, Perlman Judy, Koegel Paul   Co-location of health care for adults with serious mental illness and HIV infection Community mental health journal, 2006; 42(4): 345-61.
Young, A. S. Cohen, A. N. Mintz, J.   A vignette in the chapter on information systems Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions: Quality Chasm Series, 2006; volume(number): 241-242.
Sullivan, G. Kanouse, D. Young, A. S. Han, X. Perlman, J. Koegel, P.   Co-location of health care for adults with serious mental illness and HIV infection Community Ment Health J, 2006; 42(4): 345-61.
Bogart, L. M. Fremont, A. M. Young, A. S. Pantoja, P. Chinman, M. Morton, S. Koegel, P. Sullivan, G. Kanouse, D. E.   Patterns of HIV care for patients with serious mental illness AIDS Patient Care STDS, 2006; 20(3): 175-82.
Busch, A. B. Huskamp, H. A. Normand, S. L. Young, A. S. Goldman, H. Frank, R. G.   The impact of parity on major depression treatment quality in the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Program after parity implementation Med Care, 2006; 44(6): 506-12.
Chinman, M. Young, A. S. Hassell, J. Davidson, L.   Toward the implementation of mental health consumer provider services J Behav Health Serv Res, 2006; 33(2): 176-95.
Busch Alisa B, Huskamp Haiden A, Normand Sharon-Lise T, Young Alexander S, Goldman Howard, Frank Richard G   The impact of parity on major depression treatment quality in the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Program after parity implementation Medical care, 2006; 44(6): 506-12.
Chinman Matthew, Young Alexander S, Hassell Joseph, Davidson Larry   Toward the implementation of mental health consumer provider services The journal of behavioral health services & research, 2006; 33(2): 176-95.
Goldman, H. H. Frank, R. G. Burnam, M. A. Huskamp, H. A. Ridgely, M. S. Normand, S. L. Young, A. S. Barry, C. L. Azzone, V. Busch, A. B. Azrin, S. T. Moran, G. Lichtenstein, C. Blasinsky, M.   Behavioral health insurance parity for federal employees N Engl J Med, 2006; 354(13): 1378-86.
Goldman Howard H, Frank Richard G, Burnam M Audrey, Huskamp Haiden A, Ridgely M Susan, Normand Sharon-Lise T, Young Alexander S, Barry Colleen L, Azzone Vanessa, Busch Alisa B, Azrin Susan T, Moran Garrett, Lichtenstein Carolyn, Blasinsky Margaret   Behavioral health insurance parity for federal employees The New England journal of medicine, 2006; 354(13): 1378-86.
Bogart Laura M, Fremont Allen M, Young Alexander S, Pantoja Philip, Chinman Matthew, Morton Sally, Koegel Paul, Sullivan Greer, Kanouse David E   Patterns of HIV care for patients with serious mental illness AIDS patient care and STDs, 2006; 20(3): 175-82.
Erhart Stephen M, Young Alexander S, Marder Stephen R, Mintz Jim   Clinical utility of magnetic resonance imaging radiographs for suspected organic syndromes in adult psychiatry The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2005; 66(8): 968-73.
Young Alexander S, Chinman Matthew, Forquer Sandra L, Knight Edward L, Vogel Howard, Miller Anita, Rowe Melissa, Mintz Jim   Use of a consumer-led intervention to improve provider competencies Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2005; 56(8): 967-75.
Hoge Michael A, Paris Manuel, Adger Hoover, Collins Frank L, Finn Cherry V, Fricks Larry, Gill Kenneth J, Haber Judith, Hansen Marsali, Ida D J, Kaplan Linda, Northey William F, O’Connell Maria J, Rosen Anita L, Taintor Zebulon, Tondora Janis, Young Alexander S   Workforce competencies in behavioral health: an overview Administration and policy in mental health, 2005; 32(5-6): 593-631.
Young, A. S. Chinman, M. J. Cradock-O’Leary, J. A. Sullivan, G. Murata, D. Mintz, J. Koegel, P.   Characteristics of individuals with severe mental illness who use emergency services Community Ment Health J, 2005; 41(2): 159-68.
Erhart, S. M. Young, A. S. Marder, S. R. Mintz, J.   Clinical utility of magnetic resonance imaging radiographs for suspected organic syndromes in adult psychiatry J Clin Psychiatry, 2005; 66(8): 968-73.
Young, A. S. Sullivan, G. Bogart, L. M. Koegel, P. Kanouse, D. E.   Needs for services reported by adults with severe mental illness and HIV Psychiatr Serv, 2005; 56(1): 99-101.
Young, A. S. Chinman, M. Forquer, S. L. Knight, E. L. Vogel, H. Miller, A. Rowe, M. Mintz, J.   Use of a consumer-led intervention to improve provider competencies Psychiatr Serv, 2005; 56(8): 967-75.
Hoge, M. A. Paris, M., Jr. Adger, H., Jr. Collins, F. L., Jr. Finn, C. V. Fricks, L. Gill, K. J. Haber, J. Hansen, M. Ida, D. J. Kaplan, L. Northey, W. F., Jr. O’Connell, M. J. Rosen, A. L. Taintor, Z. Tondora, J. Young, A. S.   Workforce competencies in behavioral health: an overview Adm Policy Ment Health, 2005; 32(5-6): 593-631.
Young Alexander S, Chinman Matthew J, Cradock-O’Leary Julie A, Sullivan Greer, Murata Dennis, Mintz Jim, Koegel Paul   Characteristics of individuals with severe mental illness who use emergency services Community mental health journal, 2005; 41(2): 159-68.
Young Alexander S, Sullivan Greer, Bogart Laura M, Koegel Paul, Kanouse David E   Needs for services reported by adults with severe mental illness and HIV Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2005; 56(1): 99-101.
Young Alexander S, Mintz Jim, Cohen Amy N, Chinman Matthew J   A network-based system to improve care for schizophrenia: the Medical Informatics Network Tool (MINT) Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 2004; 11(5): 358-67.
Chinman Matthew, Young Alexander S, Schell Terry, Hassell Joseph, Mintz Jim   Computer-assisted self-assessment in persons with severe mental illness The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2004; 65(10): 1343-51.
Young, A. S. Mintz, J. Cohen, A. N. Chinman, M. J.   A network-based system to improve care for schizophrenia: the medical informatics network tool (MINT) Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2004; 11(5): 358-67.
Chinman, M. Young, A. S. Schell, T. Hassell, J. Mintz, J.   Computer-assisted self-assessment in persons with severe mental illness Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2004; 65(10): 1343-51.
Young, A. S. Magnabosco, J. L.   Services for adults with mental illness Mental Health Services: A Public Health Perspective, 2004; volume(number): 177-208.
Young, A. S. Mintz, J. Cohen, A. N.   Using information systems to improve care for persons with schizophrenia Psychiatr Serv, 2004; 55(3): 253-5.
Young Alexander S, Mintz Jim, Cohen Amy N   Using information systems to improve care for persons with schizophrenia Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2004; 55(3): 253-5.
Young Alexander S   Dosages and outcomes Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2003; 54(11): 1547; author reply 1547-8.
Chinman, M. Young, A. S. Rowe, M. Forquer, S. Knight, E. Miller, A.   An instrument to assess competencies of providers treating severe mental illness Mental Health Services Research, 2003; 5(2): 97-108.
Young, A. S. Chinman, M. Rowe, M. Forquer, S. Knight, E. Miller, A.   Competency Assessment Instrument (CAI) secondary-title, 2003; 2003(August 26): pages.
Edlund, M. J. Young, A. S. Kung, F. Y. Sherbourne, C. D. Wells, K. B.   Does satisfaction reflect the technical quality of mental health care? Health Services Research, 2003; 38(2): 631-45.
Young, A. S.   Dosages and outcomes Psychiatr Serv, 2003; 54(11): 1547.
Chinman Matthew, Young Alexander S, Rowe Melissa, Forquer Sandy, Knight Edward, Miller Anita   An instrument to assess competencies of providers treating severe mental illness Mental health services research, 2003; 5(2): 97-108.
Edlund Mark J, Young Alexander S, Kung Fuan Yue, Sherbourne Cathy D, Wells Kenneth B   Does satisfaction reflect the technical quality of mental health care? Health services research, 2003; 38(2): 631-45.
Mares Alvin S, Young Alexander S, Mcguire James F, Rosenheck Robert A   Residential environment and quality of life among seriously mentally ill residents of board and care homes Community mental health journal, 2002; 38(6): 447-58.
Wells Kenneth B, Sherbourne Cathy Donald, Sturm Roland, Young Alexander S, Burnam M Audrey   Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health care for uninsured and insured adults Health services research, 2002; 37(4): 1055-66.
Cradock-O’Leary Julie, Young Alexander S, Yano Elizabeth M, Wang Mingming, Lee Martin L   Use of general medical services by VA patients with psychiatric disorders Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2002; 53(7): 874-8.
Wells, K. B. Sherbourne, C. D. Sturm, R. Young, A. S. Burnam, M. A.   Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health care for uninsured and insured adults Health Serv Res, 2002; 37(4): 1055-66.
Cradock, Julie A. Young, Alexander S. Forquer, Sandra L.   Evaluating client and family preferences regarding outcomes in severe mental illness Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 2002; 29(3): 257-261.
Mares, Alvin S. Young, Alexander S. McGuire, James F. Rosenheck, Robert A.   Residential environment and quality of life among seriously mentally ill residents of board and care homes Community Mental Health Journal, 2002; 38(6): 447-458.
Cradock-O’Leary, J. Young, A. S. Yano, E. M. Wang, M. Lee, M. L.   Use of general medical services by VA patients with psychiatric disorders Psychiatric Services, 2002; 53(7): 874-8.
Cradock Julie A, Young Alexander S, Forquer Sandra L   Evaluating client and family preferences regarding outcomes in severe mental illness Administration and policy in mental health, 2002; 29(3): 257-61.
Sullivan, G. Young, A. S. Fortney, S. Tillipman, D. Murata, D. Koegel, P.   Managed care in the public sector: lessons learned from the Los Angeles PARTNERS program J Behav Health Serv Res, 2001; 28(2): 155-63.
Cradock, J. Young, A. S. Sullivan, G.   The accuracy of medical record documentation in schizophrenia Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 2001; 28(4): 456-65.
Young, A. S. Klap, R. Sherbourne, C. D. Wells, K. B.   The quality of care for depressive and anxiety disorders in the United States Archives of General Psychiatry, 2001; 58(1): 55-61.
Young, Alexander S. Kapur, Kanika Murata, Dennis   The time course of treatment costs among patients with severe mental illness Psychiatric Services, 2001; 52(1): 21.
Kapur Kanika, Young Alexander S., Murata Dennis   Risk adjustment for high utilizers of public mental health care The journal of mental health policy and economics, 2000; 3(3): 129-137.
Young, A. S. Forquer, S. L. Tran, A. Starzynski, M. Shatkin, J.   Identifying clinical competencies that support rehabilitation and empowerment in individuals with severe mental illness Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 2000; 27(3): 321-33.
Unützer, J. Klap, R. Sturm, R. Young, A. S. Marmon, T. Shatkin, J. Wells, K. B.   Mental disorders and the use of alternative medicine: results from a national survey American Journal of Psychiatry, 2000; 157(11): 1851-7.
Kapur, K. Young, A. S. Murata, D.   Risk adjustment for high utilizers of public mental health care Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 2000; 3(3): 129-137.
Young, A. S. Grusky, O. Jordan, D. Belin, T. R.   Routine outcome monitoring in a public mental health system: the impact of patients who leave care Psychiatric Services, 2000; 51(1): 85-91.
Belin, T. R. Hu, M. Y. Young, A. S. Grusky, O.   Using multiple imputation to incorporate cases with missing items in a mental health services study Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 2000; 1(1): 7-22.
Belin, T. R. Hu, M. Y. Young, A. S. Grusky, O.   Performance of a general location model with an ignorable missing-data assumption in a multivariate mental health services study Statistics in Medicine, 1999; 18(22): 3123-35.
Young, A. S.   Evaluating and improving the appropriateness of treatment for schizophrenia Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 1999; 7(2): 114-118.
Sullivan, G. Koegel, P. Kanouse, D. E. Cournos, F. McKinnon, K. Young, A. S. Bean, D.   HIV and people with serious mental illness: The public sector’s role in reducing HIV risk and improving care Psychiatric Services, 1999; 50(5): 648-652.
Young, A. S. Sullivan, G.   Patient, provider, and organizational factors associated with poor quality care for schizophrenia [abstract] Abstract Book / Association for Health Services Research, 1999; 16(3): 385-6.
Young, A. S. Sullivan, G. Duan, N.   Patient, provider, and treatment factors associated with poor-quality care for schizophrenia Mental Health Services Research, 1999; 1(4): 201-11.
Young, A. S. Sherbourne, C. D. Wells, K. B. Klap, R. Burnam, M. A.   Quality of care for depressive and anxiety disorders in communities across the United States [abstract] Abstract Book / Association for Health Services Research, 1999; 16(3): 443-4.
Webster, C. Grusky, O. Podus, D. Young, A. S.   Team leadership: Networks differences in women’s and men’s instrumental and expressive relations Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 1999; 26(3): 169-190.
Sturm, R. Gresenz, C. Sherbourne, C. Minnium, K. Klap, R. Bhattacharya, J. Farley, D. Young, A. S. Burnam, M. A. Wells, K. B.   The design of Healthcare for Communities: a study of health care delivery for alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health conditions Inquiry, 1999; 36(2): 221-33.
Kapur, K. Young, A. S. Murata, D. Sullivan, G. Koegel, P.   The economic impact of capitated care for high utilizers of public mental health services: The Los Angeles PARTNERS program experience Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 1999; 26(4): 416-429.
Carlisle, D. M. Leake, B. D. Young, A. S.   Use of electroconvulsive therapy to treat patients hospitalized with depression in California [abstract] Abstract Book / Association for Health Services Research, 1999; 16(3): 142.
Young, A. S. Sullivan, G. Murata, D. Sturm, R. Koegel, P.   Implementing publicly funded risk contracts with community mental health organizations Psychiatric Services, 1998; 49(12): 1579-1584.
Webster, C. M. Grusky, O. Young, A. S. Podus, D.   Leadership structures in case management teams: an application of social network analysis Research In Community & Mental Health, 1998; 9(number): 11-28.
Young, A. S. Sullivan, G. Burnam, M. A. Brook, R. H.   Measuring the quality of outpatient treatment for schizophrenia Archives of General Psychiatry, 1998; 55(7): 611-7.
Young, A. S. Nuechterlein, K. H. Mintz, J. Ventura, J. Gitlin, M. Liberman, R. P.   Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in recent-onset schizophrenia Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1998; 24(4): 629-634.
Young, A. S. Grusky, O. Sullivan, G. Webster, C. M. Podus, D.   The effect of provider characteristics on case management activities Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 1998; 26(1): 21-32.
Sullivan, G. Young, A. S. Morgenstern, H.   Behaviors as risk factors for rehospitalization: implications for predicting and preventing admissions among the seriously mentally ill Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1997; 32(4): 185-90.
Grusky, O. Podus, D. Webster, C. Young, A. S.   Measuring the cost and outcome effects of case management teams Research in the Sociology of Health Care, 1997; 14(number): 305-325.
Matsuda, K. T. Cho, M. C. Lin, K. M. Smith, M. W. Young, A. S. Adams, J. A.   Clozapine dosage, serum levels, efficacy, and side-effect profiles: a comparison of Korean-American and Caucasian patients Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 1996; 32(2): 253-7.
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