Posts classified under: Circadian and Sleep Medicine

Gina Poe, Ph.D.


Gina Poe has been working since 1995 on the mechanisms through which sleep serves memory consolidation and restructuring. Dr. Poe is a southern California native who graduated from Stanford University then worked for two post-baccalaureate years at the VA researching Air Force Test Pilots’ brainwave signatures under high-G maneuvers. She then earned her PhD in Basic Sleep in the Neuroscience Interdepartmental Program at UCLA under the guidance of Ronald Harper then moved to the University of Arizona for her postdoctoral studies with Carol Barnes and Bruce McNaughtons looking at graceful degradation of hippocampal function in aged rats as well as hippocampal coding in a 3-D maze navigated in the 1998 space shuttle mission. She brought these multiunit teachings to answer a burning question of whether REM sleep were for remembering or forgetting and found that activity of neurons during REM sleep is consistent both with the consolidation of novel memories and the elimination of already consolidated memories from the hippocampus, readying the associative memory network for new learning the next day. Moving first to Washington State University then to the University of Michigan before joining UCLA in 2016, Poe has over 80 undergraduates, 9 graduate students, and 8 postdoctoral scholars, and has served in university faculty governance as well as led 5 different programs designed to diversify the neuroscience workforce and increase representation of people of the global majority in the STEM fields. At UCLA she continues research and teaching and Directs the COMPASS-Life Sciences and BRI-SURE programs and co-Directs the MARC-U*STAR program. Nationally she has served as course director of the Marine Biological Lab’s SPINES course and co-Directs the Society for Neuroscience’s NSP program which earned the nation’s highest mentoring honor in 2018. These programs have over 1000 PhD level alumni.

Research Interests

The Poe lab investigates the mechanisms by which sleep traits serve learning and memory consolidation. Memories are encoded by the pattern of synaptic connections between neurons. We employ tetrode recording and optogenetic techniques in learning animals to see how neural patterns underlying learning are reactivated during sleep, and how activity during sleep influences the neural memory code. Both strengthening and weakening of synapses is important to the process of sculpting a network when we make new memories and integrate them into old schema. Results from our studies suggest that while synaptic strengthening can be efficiently accomplished during the waking learning process, the synaptic weakening part of memory integration requires conditions unique to sleep. The absence of noradrenaline during sleep spindles and REM sleep as well as the low levels of serotonin during REM sleep allow the brain to integrate new memories and to refresh and renew old synapses so that we are ready to build new associations the next waking period. Memory difficulties involved in post-traumatic stress disorder, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and even autism involve abnormalities in the sleep-dependent memory consolidation process that my lab studies. Keywords: Sleep, learning and memory, PTSD, memory consolidation, reconsolidation, REM sleep, sleep spindles, Norepinephrine, LTP, depotentiation, reversal learning, optogenetics, electrophysiology, tetrode recordings, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex.


B.A., Human Biology, Stanford University 1987
Ph.D., Neuroscience, University of California, Los Angeles 1995

Selected Publications

Cao J, Herman AB, West GB, Poe G, Savage VM. Unraveling why we sleep: Quantitative analysis reveals abrupt transition from neural reorganization to repair in early development. Sci Adv 6(38):eaba0398 (11 pages), 2020. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba0398.

Guthrie R, Ciliberti D, Mankin E, Poe GR. Recurrent hippocampo-neocortical sleep-state divergence in humans. PNAS 119(44): e2123427119, PM36279474, 2022.

Frazer M, Cabrera Y, Guthrie R, Poe GR. Shining a light on the mechanisms of sleep for memory consolidation. Current Sleep Medicine Rep, 7:221-231, 2021.

Cabrera Y, Holloway J, Poe GR (2020) ‘Sleep Changes Across the Female Hormonal Cycle Affecting Memory: Implications for Resilient Adaptation to Traumatic Experiences.’ J Womens Health (Larchmt), 29 (3): 446-451. PMID: 32186966

Swift KM, Keus K, Echeverria CG, Cabrera Y, Jimenez J, Holloway J, Clawson BC, Poe GR () ‘Sex differences within sleep in gonadally-intact rats.’ Sleep, 2019.PMID: 31784755

Swift KM, Gross BA, Frazer MA, Bauer DS, Clark KJD, Vazey EM, Aston-Jones G, Li Y, Pickering AE, Sara SJ, Poe GR (2018) ‘Abnormal Locus Coeruleus Sleep Activity Alters Sleep Signatures of Memory Consolidation and Impairs Place Cell Stability and Spatial Memory.’ Curr Biol, 28 (22): 3599-3609.e4. PMID: 30393040

Zaborszky L, Gombkoto P, Varsanyi P, Poe GR, Role L, Ananth M, Rajebhosale P, Talmage D, Hasselmo M, Dannenberg H, Minces V, Chiba A, “Specific basal forebrain-cortical cholinergic circuits coordinate cognitive operations”, J Neurosci, 38 (44): 9446-9458 (2018).

Lewis P, Knoblich G, Poe GR, “Recasting reality: how memory replay in sleep boosts creative problem solving”, Trends Cogni Sci, 22 (6): 491-503 (2018).

Bjorness TE, Booth V, Poe GR (2018) ‘Hippocampal theta power pressure builds over non-REM sleep and dissipates within REM sleep episodes.’ Arch Ital Biol, 156 (3): 112-126. PMID: 30324607

Poe GR (2017) ‘Sleep Is for Forgetting.’ J Neurosci, 37 (3): 464-473. PMID: 28100731

Javanbakht, A and Poe, GR, “Behavioral neuroscience of circuits involved in arousal regulation”, The Neurobiology of PTSD, Ressler, K and Liberzon, I(Eds.), 130-147 (2016).

Emrick JJ, Gross BA, Riley BT, Poe GR (2016) ‘Different Simultaneous Sleep States in the Hippocampus and Neocortex.’ Sleep, 39 (12): 2201-2209. PMID: 27748240

Vanderheyden WM, George SA, Urpa L, Kehoe M, Liberzon I, Poe GR (2015) ‘Sleep alterations following exposure to stress predict fear-associated memory impairments in a rodent model of PTSD.’ Exp Brain Res, 233 (8): 2335-46. PMID: 26019008.

Watts A, Gritton HJ, Sweigart J, Poe GR (2012) ‘Antidepressant suppression of non-REM sleep spindles and REM sleep impairs hippocampus-dependent learning while augmenting striatum-dependent learning.’ J Neurosci, 32 (39): 13411-20. PMID: 23015432

Booth V, Poe GR (2006) ‘Input source and strength influences overall firing phase of model hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells during theta: relevance to REM sleep reactivation and memory consolidation.’ Hippocampus, 16 (2): 161-73. PMID: 16411243

Felix Schweizer, Ph.D.


Felix E. Schweizer was born in Basel, Switzerland and conducted his graduate research in the laboratory of Prof. Max M. Burger under the direction of Dr. Theo Schafer. He received his PhD degree in biochemistry summa cum laude from the University of Basel in 1989. From 1990 to 1994, he was a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at Stanford University in the laboratory of Prof. Richard W. Tsien. From 1994 to 1998, he was postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Neurobiology at Duke University in the laboratory of Professor George J. Augustine. Dr. Schweizer joined the Department of Neurobiology in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in 1998 as Assistant Professor and was promoted to Full Professor in 2010. Dr. Schweizer’s research interests concern the molecular mechanisms by which neurons communicate, the regulation of communication by neurons and how alterations in neuronal communication might contribute to neuronal diseases. The Schweizer laboratory uses electrophysiological and optical tools to investigate the dynamic molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of neurotransmitter release. We are particularly interested in the role of protein ubiquitination in regulating neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission. In collaboration with Dr. James Wohlschlegel, we used multiplexed SILAC and identified synaptic proteins that are dynamically regulated. More recently, in collaboration with Dr. David Krantz, we are using pesticides linked to neuro-degenerative disorders as unbiased tools identify novel pathways that might be involved in early signs of degeneration. In addition, we are characterizing transmission at the first synapse of the vestibular system, i.e. between utricular sensory hair cells and primary afferent neurons. In collaboration with Dr. Larry Hoffman we are finding that changing the gravitational load alters synaptic structures. We are now using serial EM and EM tomography in addition to physiology and cell biology to define in more detail the transfer function between head-movement input and afferent nerve-firing output.

Jerome Siegel, Ph.D.


Sleep, Motor control Our primary interest is in understanding the evolution, function and disorders of REM sleep. We are analyzing the brainstem-forebrain interactions responsible for the control of muscle tone in waking and across the sleep cycle. This is of importance in understanding REM sleep behavior disorder, cataplexy and sleep apnea. We are studying the phylogeny of sleep by investigating the physiology and neurochemistry of sleep in reptiles, marine mammals and other species. We are particularly interested in the role of monoamines in the control of arousal and movement. A major focus of the laboratory is on narcolepsy, its anatomy, pathophysiology and treatment. We have identified the cause of human narcolepsy, a loss of hypocretin cells. We are investigating ways of identifying, controlling and reversing the symptoms of narcolepsy in narcoleptic animals and in humans.


A selected list of publications:

  See: , , ; .
Dell Leigh-Anne, Patzke Nina, Bhagwandin Adhil, Bux Faiza, Fuxe Kjell, Barber Grace, Siegel Jerome M, Manger Paul R   Organization and number of orexinergic neurons in the hypothalamus of two species of Cetartiodactyla: A comparison of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) and harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Journal of chemical neuroanatomy, 2012; .
Lyamin Oleg I, Pavlova Ivetta F, Kosenko Peter O, Mukhametov Lev M, Siegel Jerome M   Regional differences in cortical electroencephalogram (EEG) slow wave activity and interhemispheric EEG asymmetry in the fur seal Journal of sleep research, 2012; .
Gravett Nadine, Bhagwandin Adhil, Lyamin Oleg I, Siegel Jerome M, Manger Paul R   Sleep in the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis Brain, behavior and evolution, 2012; 79(3): 155-69.
Ramanathan Lalini, Siegel Jerome M   Sleep deprivation under sustained hypoxia protects against oxidative stress Free radical biology & medicine, 2011; 51(10): 1842-8.
McGregor Ronald, Wu Ming-Fung, Barber Grace, Ramanathan Lalini, Siegel Jerome M   Highly specific role of hypocretin (orexin) neurons: differential activation as a function of diurnal phase, operant reinforcement versus operant avoidance and light level The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011; 31(43): 15455-67.
Siegel Jerome M   REM sleep: a biological and psychological paradox Sleep medicine reviews, 2011; 15(3): 139-42.
Wu Ming-Fung, Nienhuis Robert, Maidment Nigel, Lam Hoa A, Siegel Jerome M   Role of the hypocretin (orexin) receptor 2 (Hcrt-r2) in the regulation of hypocretin level and cataplexy The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011; 31(17): 6305-10.
Bhagwandin Adhil, Gravett Nadine, Lyamin Oleg I, Oosthuizen Maria K, Bennett Nigel C, Siegel Jerome M, Manger Paul R   Sleep and wake in rhythmic versus arrhythmic chronotypes of a microphthalmic species of African mole rat (Fukomys mechowii) Brain, behavior and evolution, 2011; 78(2): 162-83.
McGregor Ronald, Siegel Jerome M   Illuminating the locus coeruleus: control of posture and arousal Nature neuroscience, 2010; 13(12): 1448-9.
Lai Yuan-Yang, Kodama Tohru, Schenkel Elizabeth, Siegel Jerome M   Behavioral response and transmitter release during atonia elicited by medial medullary stimulation Journal of neurophysiology, 2010; 104(4): 2024-33.
Ramanathan Lalini, Hu Shuxin, Frautschy Sally A, Siegel Jerome M   Short-term total sleep deprivation in the rat increases antioxidant responses in multiple brain regions without impairing spontaneous alternation behavior Behavioural brain research, 2010; 207(2): 305-9.
Siegel Jerome M   Sleep viewed as a state of adaptive inactivity Nature reviews. Neuroscience, 2009; 10(10): 747-53.
Rajendra Arathi, Cohen Seth A, Kasmin Franklin E, Siegel Jerome H, Leitman Michael   Surgical clip migration and stone formation in a gallbladder remnant after laparoscopic cholecystectomy Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2009; 70(4): 780-1.
Siegel Jerome M   The neurobiology of sleep Seminars in neurology, 2009; 29(4): 277-96.
Thannickal Thomas C, Nienhuis Robert, Siegel Jerome M   Localized loss of hypocretin (orexin) cells in narcolepsy without cataplexy Sleep, 2009; 32(8): 993-8.
Pryaslova Julia P, Lyamin Oleg I, Siegel Jerome M, Mukhametov Lev M   Behavioral sleep in the walrus Behavioural brain research, 2009; 201(1): 80-7.
Siegel Jerome M   Narcolepsy. Interview by Norman Sussman CNS spectrums, 2009; 14(6): 295-7.
Scammell Thomas E, Willie Jon T, Guilleminault Christian, Siegel Jerome M, Siegel Jerome M   A consensus definition of cataplexy in mouse models of narcolepsy Sleep, 2009; 32(1): 111-6.
Siegel Jerome M   Gaps that wake you up Sleep, 2008; 31(12): 1625-6.
John Joshi, Ramanathan Lalini, Siegel Jerome M   Rapid changes in glutamate levels in the posterior hypothalamus across sleep-wake states in freely behaving rats American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2008; 295(6): R2041-9.
Lyamin Oleg I, Kosenko Peter O, Lapierre Jennifer L, Mukhametov Lev M, Siegel Jerome M   Fur seals display a strong drive for bilateral slow-wave sleep while on land The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2008; 28(48): 12614-21.
Lyamin Oleg I, Manger Paul R, Ridgway Sam H, Mukhametov Lev M, Siegel Jerome M   Cetacean sleep: an unusual form of mammalian sleep Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 2008; 32(8): 1451-84.
Allada Ravi, Siegel Jerome M   Unearthing the phylogenetic roots of sleep Current biology : CB, 2008; 18(15): R670-R679.
Lyamin Oleg I, Lapierre Jennifer L, Kosenko Peter O, Mukhametov Lev M, Siegel Jerome M   Electroencephalogram asymmetry and spectral power during sleep in the northern fur seal Journal of sleep research, 2008; 17(2): 154-65.
Burgess Christian, Lai Diane, Siegel Jerome, Peever John   An endogenous glutamatergic drive onto somatic motoneurons contributes to the stereotypical pattern of muscle tone across the sleep-wake cycle The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2008; 28(18): 4649-60.
Siegel Jerome M   Do all animals sleep? Trends in neurosciences, 2008; 31(4): 208-13.
Thannickal Thomas C, Lai Yuan-Yang, Siegel Jerome M   Hypocretin (orexin) and melanin concentrating hormone loss and the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease Brain : a journal of neurology, 2008; 131(Pt 1): e87.
Stupak Daniel, Cohen Seth, Kasmin Franklin, Lee Young, Siegel Jerome H   Intra-abdominal actinomycosis 11 years after spilled gallstones at the time of laparoscopic cholecystectomy Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques, 2007; 17(6): 542-4.
Deadwyler Sam A, Porrino Linda, Siegel Jerome M, Hampson Robert E   Systemic and nasal delivery of orexin-A (Hypocretin-1) reduces the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance in nonhuman primates The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2007; 27(52): 14239-47.
Lyamin Oleg, Pryaslova Julia, Kosenko Peter, Siegel Jerome   Behavioral aspects of sleep in bottlenose dolphin mothers and their calves Physiology & behavior, 2007; 92(4): 725-33.
Lapierre Jennifer L, Kosenko Peter O, Lyamin Oleg I, Kodama Tohru, Mukhametov Lev M, Siegel Jerome M   Cortical acetylcholine release is lateralized during asymmetrical slow-wave sleep in northern fur seals The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2007; 27(44): 11999-2006.
Cohen Seth A, Siegel Jerome H, Kasmin Franklin E   Treatment of pancreatic strictures Current treatment options in gastroenterology, 2007; 10(5): 347-54.
Wayne Michael, Cooperman Avram, Kasmin Franklin, Cohen Seth, Dryska Herbert, Ottaviano Lawrence, Katcherian Chris, Cambronero Neil, Siegel Jerome   Chronic pancreatitis with synchronous and metachronous malignancy: three unusual cases and a literature review Journal of surgical education, 2007; 64(3): 158-61.
Thannickal Thomas C, Lai Yuan-Yang, Siegel Jerome M   Hypocretin (orexin) cell loss in Parkinson’s disease Brain : a journal of neurology, 2007; 130(Pt 6): 1586-95.
Hu Wang-Ping, Li Jia-Da, Zhang Chengkang, Boehmer Lisa, Siegel Jerome M, Zhou Qun-Yong   Altered circadian and homeostatic sleep regulation in prokineticin 2-deficient mice Sleep, 2007; 30(3): 247-56.
Cohen Seth A, Siegel Jerome H   Endotherapy for pancreatic fistulae: inside out or outside in? The American journal of gastroenterology, 2007; 102(3): 525-6.
Cohen Seth A, Kasmin Franklin E, Siegel Jerome H   Do not desert me in my old age Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2006; 64(6): 906-7.
Li Jia-Da, Hu Wang-Ping, Boehmer Lisa, Cheng Michelle Y, Lee Alex G, Jilek Alexander, Siegel Jerome M, Zhou Qun-Yong   Attenuated circadian rhythms in mice lacking the prokineticin 2 gene The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2006; 26(45): 11615-23.
Siegel Jerome H, Cohen Seth A   Pull or push pancreatic sphincterotomy for sphincter of Oddi dysfunction? A conundrum for experts only Gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2006; 64(5): 723-5.
Siegel Jerome M, Boehmer Lisa N   Narcolepsy and the hypocretin system–where motion meets emotion Nature clinical practice. Neurology, 2006; 2(10): 548-56.
Siegel Jerome M   The stuff dreams are made of: anatomical substrates of REM sleep Nature neuroscience, 2006; 9(6): 721-2.
Siegel Jerome M   Clues to the functions of mammalian sleep Nature, 2005; 437(7063): 1264-71.
Pisula Wojciech, Siegel Jerome   Exploratory behavior as a function of environmental novelty and complexity in male and female rats Psychological reports, 2005; 97(2): 631-8.
Vertes Robert P, Siegel Jerome M   Time for the sleep community to take a critical look at the purported role of sleep in memory processing Sleep, 2005; 28(10): 1228-9; discussion 1230-3.
Lyamin Oleg, Pryaslova Julia, Lance Valentine, Siegel Jerome   Animal behaviour: continuous activity in cetaceans after birth Nature, 2005; 435(7046): 1177.
Mileykovskiy Boris Y, Kiyashchenko Lyudmila I, Siegel Jerome M   Behavioral correlates of activity in identified hypocretin/orexin neurons Neuron, 2005; 46(5): 787-98.
Siegel Jerome M   Functional implications of sleep development PLoS biology, 2005; 3(5): e178.
Ramanathan Lalini, Gozal David, Siegel Jerome M   Antioxidant responses to chronic hypoxia in the rat cerebellum and pons Journal of neurochemistry, 2005; 93(1): 47-52.
John Joshi, Wu Ming-Fung, Maidment Nigel T, Lam Hoa A, Boehmer Lisa N, Patton Melanie, Siegel Jerome M   Developmental changes in CSF hypocretin-1 (orexin-A) levels in normal and genetically narcoleptic Doberman pinschers The Journal of physiology, 2004; 560(Pt 2): 587-92.
Siegel Jerome   Brain mechanisms that control sleep and waking Die Naturwissenschaften, 2004; 91(8): 355-65.
John Joshi, Wu Ming-Fung, Boehmer Lisa N, Siegel Jerome M   Cataplexy-active neurons in the hypothalamus: implications for the role of histamine in sleep and waking behavior Neuron, 2004; 42(4): 619-34.
Siegel Jerome M   Hypocretin (orexin): role in normal behavior and neuropathology Annual review of psychology, 2004; 55(4): 125-48.
Greene Robert, Siegel Jerome   Sleep: a functional enigma Neuromolecular medicine, 2004; 5(1): 59-68.
Manger Paul R, Fuxe Kjell, Ridgway Sam H, Siegel Jerome M   The distribution and morphological characteristics of catecholaminergic cells in the diencephalon and midbrain of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Brain, behavior and evolution, 2004; 64(1): 42-60.
Siegel Jerome M   The neurotransmitters of sleep The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2004; 65 Suppl 16(1): 4-7.
Siegel Jerome M   Why we sleep Scientific American, 2003; 289(5): 92-7.
Thannickal Thomas C, Siegel Jerome M, Nienhuis Robert, Moore Robert Y   Pattern of hypocretin (orexin) soma and axon loss, and gliosis, in human narcolepsy Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland), 2003; 13(3): 340-51.
Cohen Seth A, Kasmin Franklin E, Siegel Jerome H   Re: ERCP during pregnancy The American journal of gastroenterology, 2003; 98(7): 1658-9; author reply 1659.
Manger Paul R, Ridgway Sam H, Siegel Jerome M   The locus coeruleus complex of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) as revealed by tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry Journal of sleep research, 2003; 12(2): 149-55.
Peever John H, Lai Yuan-Yang, Siegel Jerome M   Excitatory effects of hypocretin-1 (orexin-A) in the trigeminal motor nucleus are reversed by NMDA antagonism Journal of neurophysiology, 2003; 89(5): 2591-600.
John Joshi, Wu Ming-Fung, Kodama Tohru, Siegel Jerome M   Intravenously administered hypocretin-1 alters brain amino acid release: an in vivo microdialysis study in rats The Journal of physiology, 2003; 548(Pt 2): 557-62.
Lai Yuan-Yang, Siegel Jerome M   Physiological and anatomical link between Parkinson-like disease and REM sleep behavior disorder Molecular neurobiology, 2003; 27(2): 137-52.
Kodama Tohro, Lai Yuan-Yang, Siegel Jerome M   Changes in inhibitory amino acid release linked to pontine-induced atonia: an in vivo microdialysis study The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2003; 23(4): 1548-54.
Siegel Jerome M   The narcoleptic borderland Sleep medicine, 2003; 4(1): 3-4.
Mileykovskiy Boris Y, Kiyashchenko Lyudmila I, Siegel Jerome M   Cessation of activity in red nucleus neurons during stimulation of the medial medulla in decerebrate rats The Journal of physiology, 2002; 545(Pt 3): 997-1006.
Ramanathan Lalini, Gulyani Seema, Nienhuis Robert, Siegel Jerome M   Sleep deprivation decreases superoxide dismutase activity in rat hippocampus and brainstem Neuroreport, 2002; 13(11): 1387-90.
Eiland Monica M, Ramanathan Lalini, Gulyani Seema, Gilliland Marcia, Bergmann Bernard M, Rechtschaffen Allan, Siegel Jerome M   Increases in amino-cupric-silver staining of the supraoptic nucleus after sleep deprivation Brain research, 2002; 945(1): 1-8.
Kiyashchenko Lyudmila I, Mileykovskiy Boris Y, Maidment Nigel, Lam Hoa A, Wu Ming-Fung, John Joshi, Peever John, Siegel Jerome M   Release of hypocretin (orexin) during waking and sleep states The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2002; 22(13): 5282-6.
Mileykovskiy Boris Y, Kiyashchenko Lyudmila I, Siegel Jerome M   Muscle tone facilitation and inhibition after orexin-a (hypocretin-1) microinjections into the medial medulla Journal of neurophysiology, 2002; 87(5): 2480-9.
Siegel, J.M.   A tribute to Nathaniel Kleitman, Arch. Ital. Biol. , 2001; 139: 3-10.
Eiland, M.M., Lyamin, O.I. and Siegel, J.M.   State related discharge of neruons in the brainstem of freely moving box turtles, Terapene Carolina major, Arch. Ital. Biol, 2001; 139: 23-36.
Kiyashchenko, LI Mileykovskiy, BY Lai, YY Siegel, JM   Increased and decreased muscle tone with orexin (hypocretin) microinjections in the locus coeruleus and pontine inhibitory area Journal of neurophysiology. , 2001; 85(5): 2008-16.
Mileykovskiy, BY Kiyashchenko, LI Kodama, T Lai, YY Siegel, JM   Activation of pontine and medullary motor inhibitory regions reduces discharge in neurons located in the locus coeruleus and the anatomical equivalent of the midbrain locomotor region The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 2000; 20(22): 8551-8.
Hajnik, T Lai, YY Siegel, JM   Atonia-related regions in the rodent pons and medulla Journal of neurophysiology. , 2000; 84(4): 1942-8.
Thannickal, TC Moore, RY Nienhuis, R Ramanathan, L Gulyani, S Aldrich, M Cornford, M Siegel, JM   Reduced number of hypocretin neurons in human narcolepsy Neuron. , 2000; 27(3): 469-74.
Siegel, J. M.   Brainstem mechanisms generating REM sleep, Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, 2000; Third Edition: 112-133.
Siegel, J. M.   Brainstem mechanisms generating REM sleep, Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, 2000; Third Edition: 112-133.
Siegel, J.M.   Narcolepsy, Scientific American, 2000; 282: 76-81.
Siegel, J.M.   Phylogenetic data bearing on the REM sleep-learning connection, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2000; 23: 1007.
Lyamin, O.I., Manger,P.R. Mukhametov, L.M., Siegel, J.M.and Shpak, O.V.   Rest and activity states in a gray whale, J. Sleep Res, 2000; 9: 261-267.
Rechtschaffen, A. and Siegel, J.M.   Sleep and Dreaming, Principles of Neuroscience, 2000; Fourth Edition: 936-947.
John, J Wu, MF Siegel, JM   Systemic administration of hypocretin-1 reduces cataplexy and normalizes sleep and waking durations in narcoleptic dogs Sleep research online [electronic resource] : SRO. , 2000; 3(1): 23-8.
Wu, MF Gulyani, SA Yau, E Mignot, E Phan, B Siegel, JM   Locus coeruleus neurons: cessation of activity during cataplexy Neuroscience. , 1999; 91(4): 1389-99.
Siegel, J.M.   Narcolepsy: A key role for hypocretins (orexins), Cell, 1999; 98: 409-412.
Lai. Y.Y., Shalita, T., Hajnik, T., Wu, J.-P., Kuo, J.-S., Chia, L.-G., and Siegel, J.M.   Neurotoxic Nmethyl-D-Aspartate lesion of the ventral midbrain and mesopontine junction alters sleep-wake organization, Neuroscience, 1999; 90: 469-483.
Siegel, JM Manger, PR Nienhuis, R Fahringer, HM Shalita, T Pettigrew, JD   Sleep in the platypus Neuroscience. , 1999; 91(1): 391-400.
Siegel, J.M.   Sleep, Encarta Encyclopedia, 1999; 2000: 0000.
Siegel, J.M.   Sleep, Encarta Encyclopedia, 1999; 2000: 0000.
Siegel, J.M.   The evolution of REM sleep, In Handbook of Behavioral State Control, 1999; first edition: pp 87-100.
Lai, YY Clements, JR Wu, XY Shalita, T Wu, JP Kuo, JS Siegel, JM   Brainstem projections to the ventromedial medulla in cat: retrograde transport horseradish peroxidase and immunohistochemical studies The Journal of comparative neurology. , 1999; 408(3): 419-36.
Siegel, JM Nienhuis, R Gulyani, S Ouyang, S Wu, MF Mignot, E Switzer, RC McMurry, G Cornford, M   Neuronal degeneration in canine narcolepsy The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 1999; 19(1): 248-57.
Kohyama, J Lai, YY Siegel, JM   Inactivation of the pons blocks medullary-induced muscle tone suppression in the decerebrate cat Sleep. , 1998; 21(7): 695-9.
Siegel, JM Manger, PR Nienhuis, R Fahringer, HM Pettigrew, JD   Monotremes and the evolution of rapid eye movement sleep Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. , 1998; 353(1372): 1147-57.
Kohyama, J., Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M.   Conduction velocity of the reticulospinal system mediating muscle tone suppression, J. Neurophysiol, 1998; 80: 1839-1851.
Lai, Y.Y. and Siegel, J.M.   Muscle atonia and REM sleep, Rapid eye movement sleep, 1998; first edition: 69-90.
Reid, MS Nishino, S Tafti, M Siegel, JM Dement, WC Mignot, E   Neuropharmacological characterization of basal forebrain cholinergic stimulated cataplexy in narcoleptic canines Experimental neurology. , 1998; 151(1): 89-104.
Kodama, T Lai, YY Siegel, JM   Enhanced glutamate release during REM sleep in the rostromedial medulla as measured by in vivo microdialysis Brain research. , 1998; 780(1): 178-81.
Nitz, D Siegel, J   GABA release in the dorsal raphe nucleus: role in the control of REM sleep The American journal of physiology. , 1997; 273(1 Pt 2): R451-5.
Nitz, D. and Siegel, J.M.   GABA release in the locus coeruleus as a function of sleep/wake state, Neuroscience, 1997; 78: 795-801.
Siegel, J.M.   Sleep in monotremes; implications for the evolution of REM sleep, Sleep and sleep disorders: from molecule to behavior, 1997; First edition: 113-128.
Lai, YY Siegel, JM   Brainstem-mediated locomotion and myoclonic jerks. I. Neural substrates Brain research. , 1997; 745(1-2): 257-64.
Lai, YY Siegel, JM   Brainstem-mediated locomotion and myoclonic jerks. II Pharmacological effects Brain research. , 1997; 745(1-2): 265-70.
Nitz, D Siegel, JM   GABA release in posterior hypothalamus across sleep-wake cycle The American journal of physiology. , 1996; 271(6 Pt 2): R1707-12.
Reid, MS Tafti, M Nishino, S Sampathkumaran, R Siegel, JM Mignot, E   Local administration of dopaminergic drugs into the ventral tegmental area modulates cataplexy in the narcoleptic canine Brain research. , 1996; 733(1): 83-100.
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