Leif Havton, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Neurology Member, UCLA Neurological Rehabilitation and Research Program Brain Research Institute General Neurology Program
(310) 794-1195
UCLA Neuro
BOX 957334, 415 NRB
Los Angeles, CA 90095
- Hanna P, Dacey MJ, Brennan J, Moss A, Robbins S, Achanta S, Biscola NP, Swid MA, Rajendran PS, Mori S, Hadaya JE, Smith EH, Peirce SG, Chen J, Havton LA, Cheng ZJ, Vadigepalli R, Schwaber J, Lux RL, Efimov I, Tompkins JD, Hoover DB, Ardell JL, Shivkumar K. Innervation and Neuronal Control of the Mammalian Sinoatrial Node a Comprehensive Atlas.. Circulation research, 2021.
- Bartmeyer PM, Biscola NP, Havton LA. A shape-adjusted ellipse approach corrects for varied axonal dispersion angles and myelination in primate nerve roots.. Scientific reports, 2021.
- Biscola NP, Christe KL, Rosenzweig ES, Tuszynski MH, Havton LA. Sexual dimorphism of detrusor function demonstrated by urodynamic studies in rhesus macaques.. Scientific reports, 2020.
- Havton LA, Biscola NP, Christe KL, Colman RJ. Ketamine-induced neuromuscular reactivity is associated with aging in female rhesus macaques.. PloS one, 2020.
- Havton LA, Christe KL, Edgerton VR, Gad PN. Noninvasive spinal neuromodulation to map and augment lower urinary tract function in rhesus macaques.. Experimental neurology, 2019.
- Rosenzweig ES, Salegio EA, Liang JJ, Weber JL, Weinholtz CA, Brock JH, Moseanko R, Hawbecker S, Pender R, Cruzen CL, Iaci JF, Caggiano AO, Blight AR, Haenzi B, Huie JR, Havton LA, Nout-Lomas YS, Fawcett JW, Ferguson AR, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Tuszynski MH. Chondroitinase improves anatomical and functional outcomes after primate spinal cord injury.. Nature neuroscience, 2019.
- Sayenko DG, Rath M, Ferguson AR, Burdick JW, Havton LA, Edgerton VR, Gerasimenko YP. Self-Assisted Standing Enabled by Non-Invasive Spinal Stimulation after Spinal Cord Injury.. Journal of neurotrauma, 2018.
- Chang HH, Lee U, Vu T, Pikov V, Nieto JH, Christe KL, Havton LA. EMG characteristics of the external anal sphincter guarding reflex and effects of a unilateral ventral root avulsion injury in rhesus macaques ( Macaca mulatta).. Journal of neurophysiology, 2018.
- Chang HH, Yeh JC, Ichiyama RM, Rodriguez LV, Havton LA. Mapping and neuromodulation of lower urinary tract function using spinal cord stimulation in female rats.. Experimental neurology, 2018.
- Rosenzweig ES, Brock JH, Lu P, Kumamaru H, Salegio EA, Kadoya K, Weber JL, Liang JJ, Moseanko R, Hawbecker S, Huie JR, Havton LA, Nout-Lomas YS, Ferguson AR, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Tuszynski MH. Restorative effects of human neural stem cell grafts on the primate spinal cord.. Nature medicine, 2018.
- Gad PN, Kokikian N, Christe KL, Edgerton VR, Havton LA. Noninvasive neurophysiological mapping of the lower urinary tract in adult and aging rhesus macaques.. Journal of neurophysiology, 2018.
- Bigbee AJ, Akhavan M, Havton LA. Plasticity of Select Primary Afferent Projections to the Dorsal Horn after a Lumbosacral Ventral Root Avulsion Injury and Root Replantation in Rats.. Frontiers in neurology, 2017.
- Gad PN, Salyards GW, Garzel LM, Christe KL, Edgerton VR, Havton LA. Generalized convulsive seizures are associated with ketamine anesthesia in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) undergoing urodynamic studies and transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation.. Journal of medical primatology, 2017.
- Ohlsson M, Nieto JH, Christe KL, Villablanca JP, Havton LA. Radiographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Identification of Thoracolumbar Spine Variants with Implications for the Positioning of the Conus Medullaris in Rhesus Macaques.. Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), 2016.
- Havton LA. Introduction to Special Issue on Bladder Control in Neurological Diseases.. Experimental neurology, 2016.
- Chang HH, Havton LA. A ventral root avulsion injury model for neurogenic underactive bladder studies.. Experimental neurology, 2016.
- Moheban AA, Chang HH, Havton LA. The Suitability of Propofol Compared with Urethane for Anesthesia during Urodynamic Studies in Rats.. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS, 2016.
- Friedli L, Rosenzweig ES, Barraud Q, Schubert M, Dominici N, Awai L, Nielson JL, Musienko P, Nout-Lomas Y, Zhong H, Zdunowski S, Roy RR, Strand SC, van den Brand R, Havton LA, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Bézard E, Bloch J, Edgerton VR, Ferguson AR, Curt A, Tuszynski MH, Courtine G. Pronounced species divergence in corticospinal tract reorganization and functional recovery after lateralized spinal cord injury favors primates.. Science translational medicine, 2015.
- Abud EM, Ichiyama RM, Havton LA, Chang HH. Spinal stimulation of the upper lumbar spinal cord modulates urethral sphincter activity in rats after spinal cord injury.. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2015.
- Nielson JL, Haefeli J, Salegio EA, Liu AW, Guandique CF, Stück ED, Hawbecker S, Moseanko R, Strand SC, Zdunowski S, Brock JH, Roy RR, Rosenzweig ES, Nout-Lomas YS, Courtine G, Havton LA, Steward O, Reggie Edgerton V, Tuszynski MH, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Ferguson AR. Leveraging biomedical informatics for assessing plasticity and repair in primate spinal cord injury.. Brain research, 2014.
- Tuszynski MH, Wang Y, Graham L, McHale K, Gao M, Wu D, Brock J, Blesch A, Rosenzweig ES, Havton LA, Zheng B, Conner JM, Marsala M, Lu P. Neural stem cells in models of spinal cord injury.. Experimental neurology, 2014.
- Tuszynski MH, Wang Y, Graham L, Gao M, Wu D, Brock J, Blesch A, Rosenzweig ES, Havton LA, Zheng B, Conner JM, Marsala M, Lu P. Neural stem cell dissemination after grafting to CNS injury sites.. Cell, 2014.
- Christe KL, Lee UJ, Lemoy MJ, Havton LA. Generalized seizure activity in an adult rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) during ketamine anesthesia and urodynamic studies.. Comparative medicine, 2013.
- Chang HH, Havton LA. Serotonergic 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist (8-OH-DPAT) ameliorates impaired micturition reflexes in a chronic ventral root avulsion model of incomplete cauda equina/conus medullaris injury.. Experimental neurology, 2012.
- Lu P, Wang Y, Graham L, McHale K, Gao M, Wu D, Brock J, Blesch A, Rosenzweig ES, Havton LA, Zheng B, Conner JM, Marsala M, Tuszynski MH. Long-distance growth and connectivity of neural stem cells after severe spinal cord injury.. Cell, 2012.
- Chang HH, Havton LA. Modulation of the visceromotor reflex by a lumbosacral ventral root avulsion injury and repair in rats.. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2012.
- Lu P, Blesch A, Graham L, Wang Y, Samara R, Banos K, Haringer V, Havton L, Weishaupt N, Bennett D, Fouad K, Tuszynski MH. Motor axonal regeneration after partial and complete spinal cord transection.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2012.
- Havton LA. A lumbosacral ventral root avulsion injury and repair model for studies of neuropathic pain in rats.. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2012.
- Carlstedt T, Havton L. The longitudinal spinal cord injury: lessons from intraspinal plexus, cauda equina and medullary conus lesions.. Handbook of clinical neurology, 2012.
- Wu L, Wu J, Chang HH, Havton LA. Selective plasticity of primary afferent innervation to the dorsal horn and autonomic nuclei following lumbosacral ventral root avulsion and reimplantation in long term studies.. Experimental neurology, 2011.
- Chang HH, Havton LA. Systemic administration of fluorogold for anatomical pre-labeling of autonomic and motor neurons in the rat spinal cord compromises urodynamic recordings in acute but not long-term studies.. Neurourology and urodynamics, 2011.
- Zai L, Ferrari C, Dice C, Subbaiah S, Havton LA, Coppola G, Geschwind D, Irwin N, Huebner E, Strittmatter SM, Benowitz LI. Inosine augments the effects of a Nogo receptor blocker and of environmental enrichment to restore skilled forelimb use after stroke.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011.
- Ichiyama RM, Broman J, Roy RR, Zhong H, Edgerton VR, Havton LA. Locomotor training maintains normal inhibitory influence on both alpha- and gamma-motoneurons after neonatal spinal cord transection.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011.
- Rosenzweig ES, Courtine G, Jindrich DL, Brock JH, Ferguson AR, Strand SC, Nout YS, Roy RR, Miller DM, Beattie MS, Havton LA, Bresnahan JC, Edgerton VR, Tuszynski MH. Extensive spontaneous plasticity of corticospinal projections after primate spinal cord injury.. Nature neuroscience, 2010.
- Victório SC, Havton LA, Oliveira AL. Absence of IFNγ expression induces neuronal degeneration in the spinal cord of adult mice.. Journal of neuroinflammation, 2010.
- Brock JH, Rosenzweig ES, Blesch A, Moseanko R, Havton LA, Edgerton VR, Tuszynski MH. Local and remote growth factor effects after primate spinal cord injury.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2010.
- Gros T, Sakamoto JS, Blesch A, Havton LA, Tuszynski MH. Regeneration of long-tract axons through sites of spinal cord injury using templated agarose scaffolds.. Biomaterials, 2010.
- Havton LA, Carlstedt T. Repair and rehabilitation of plexus and root avulsions in animal models and patients.. Current opinion in neurology, 2009.
- Alto LT, Havton LA, Conner JM, Hollis ER, Blesch A, Tuszynski MH. Chemotropic guidance facilitates axonal regeneration and synapse formation after spinal cord injury.. Nature neuroscience, 2009.
- Persson S, Havton LA. Retrogradely transported fluorogold accumulates in lysosomes of neurons and is detectable ultrastructurally using post-embedding immuno-gold methods.. Journal of neuroscience methods, 2009.
- Sozmen EG, Kolekar A, Havton LA, Carmichael ST. A white matter stroke model in the mouse: axonal damage, progenitor responses and MRI correlates.. Journal of neuroscience methods, 2009.
- Rosenzweig ES, Brock JH, Culbertson MD, Lu P, Moseanko R, Edgerton VR, Havton LA, Tuszynski MH. Extensive spinal decussation and bilateral termination of cervical corticospinal projections in rhesus monkeys.. The Journal of comparative neurology, 2009.
- Yang CY, Song B, Ao Y, Nowak AP, Abelowitz RB, Korsak RA, Havton LA, Deming TJ, Sofroniew MV. Biocompatibility of amphiphilic diblock copolypeptide hydrogels in the central nervous system.. Biomaterials, 2009.
- Kudryashova E, Wu J, Havton LA, Spencer MJ. Deficiency of the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM32 in mice leads to a myopathy with a neurogenic component.. Human molecular genetics, 2009.
- Chang HY, Havton LA. Differential effects of urethane and isoflurane on external urethral sphincter electromyography and cystometry in rats.. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology, 2008.
- Chang HY, Havton LA. Surgical implantation of avulsed lumbosacral ventral roots promotes restoration of bladder morphology in rats.. Experimental neurology, 2008.
- Hoang TX, Akhavan M, Wu J, Havton LA. Minocycline protects motor but not autonomic neurons after cauda equina injury.. Experimental brain research, 2008.
- Chang HY, Havton LA. Re-established micturition reflexes show differential activation patterns after lumbosacral ventral root avulsion injury and repair in rats.. Experimental neurology, 2008.
- Havton LA, Hotson JR, Kellerth JO. Correlation of median forearm conduction velocity with carpal tunnel syndrome severity.. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2007.
- Ichiyama RM, Broman J, Edgerton VR, Havton LA. Ultrastructural synaptic features differ between alpha- and gamma-motoneurons innervating the tibialis anterior muscle in the rat.. The Journal of comparative neurology, 2006.
- Hoang TX, Pikov V, Havton LA. Functional reinnervation of the rat lower urinary tract after cauda equina injury and repair.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2006.
- Hoang TX, Havton LA. Novel repair strategies to restore bladder function following cauda equina/conus medullaris injuries.. Progress in brain research, 2006.
- Ohlsson M, Hoang TX, Wu J, Havton LA. Glial reactions in a rodent cauda equina injury and repair model.. Experimental brain research, 2005.
- Ohlsson M, Havton LA. Complement activation after lumbosacral ventral root avulsion injury.. Neuroscience letters, 2005.
- Hoang TX, Havton LA. A single re-implanted ventral root exerts neurotropic effects over multiple spinal cord segments in the adult rat.. Experimental brain research, 2005.
- Akhavan M, Hoang TX, Havton LA. Improved detection of fluorogold-labeled neurons in long-term studies.. Journal of neuroscience methods, 2005.
- Nieto JH, Hoang TX, Warner EA, Franchini BT, Westerlund U, Havton LA. Titanium mesh implantation--a method to stabilize the spine and protect the spinal cord following a multilevel laminectomy in the adult rat.. Journal of neuroscience methods, 2005.
- Havton LA, Broman J. Systemic administration of cholera toxin B subunit conjugated to horseradish peroxidase in the adult rat labels preganglionic autonomic neurons, motoneurons, and select primary afferents for light and electron microscopic studies.. Journal of neuroscience methods, 2005.
- Warner EA, Deyoung DZ, Hoang TX, Franchini BT, Westerlund U, Havton LA. Differential distribution of growth associated protein (GAP-43) in the motor nuclei of the adult rat conus medullaris.. Experimental brain research, 2004.
- Havton LA, Kellerth JO. Plasticity of lumbosacral monosynaptic reflexes after a ventral root transection injury in the adult cat.. Experimental brain research, 2004.
- Hoang TX, Nieto JH, Tillakaratne NJ, Havton LA. Autonomic and motor neuron death is progressive and parallel in a lumbosacral ventral root avulsion model of cauda equina injury.. The Journal of comparative neurology, 2003.
- Havton LA, Kellerth JO. Neurofilamentous hypertrophy of intramedullary axonal arbors in intact spinal motoneurons undergoing peripheral sprouting.. Journal of neurocytology, 2001.
- Havton LA, Kellerth JO. Transformation of synaptic vesicle phenotype in the intramedullary axonal arbors of cat spinal motoneurons following peripheral nerve injury.. Experimental brain research, 2001.
- Havton LA, Hotson JR, Kellerth JO. Partial peripheral motor nerve lesions induce changes in the conduction properties of remaining intact motoneurons.. Muscle & nerve, 2001.