UCLA Integrative Center for Learning and Memory
UCLA’s Integrative Center for Learning and Memory (ICLM) includes a diverse, highly collaborative community of neuroscientists exploring some of the most fundamental questions in science:
- Now do we acquire, allocate, store, recall and alter our memories?
- What are the causes of cognitive deficits?
- What molecular, cellular, systems, and cognitive mechanisms are involved in these fascinating processes?
Answers to these questions are not only transforming our vision of self, they are also having a profound impact in nearly every aspect of the human experience. By its very nature, this research is integrative and cross-disciplinary, incorporating molecular, cell, systems, and behavioral level approaches to study synapses, neurons, circuits, brains, and behavior.
The ICLM provides a cohesive identity and organizational structure that facilitates collaborations and interactions amongst a large community of scientists, including faculty, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students. ICLM is an inclusive organization. If you would like to join the Center simply contact us.