Sotiris Masmanidis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Neurobiology Member, Brain Research Institute California NanoSystems Institute Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology GPB Home Area Neuroscience GPB Home Area
Awards and Honors
- Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, UCLA, 2014.
- McKnight Foundation Technical Innovations in Neuroscience Award, UCLA, 2014.
- Broad Fellowship in Brain Circuitry, California Institute of Technology, 2006-2011.
- Long C, Lee K, Yang L, Dafalias T, Wu AK, Masmanidis SC. Constraints on the subsecond modulation of striatal dynamics by physiological dopamine signaling.. Nature neuroscience, 2024.
- Yang L, Singla D, Wu AK, Cross KA, Masmanidis SC. Dopamine lesions alter the striatal encoding of single-limb gait.. eLife, 2024.
- Hur SW, Safaryan K, Yang L, Blair HT, Masmanidis SC, Mathews PJ, Aharoni D, Golshani P. Correlated signatures of social behavior in cerebellum and anterior cingulate cortex.. eLife, 2024.
- Dagher M, Perrotta KA, Erwin SA, Hachisuka A, Iyer R, Masmanidis SC, Yang H, Andrews AM. Optogenetic Stimulation of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons Produces Striatal Serotonin Release.. ACS chemical neuroscience, 2022.
- Zhou S, Masmanidis SC, Buonomano DV. Encoding time in neural dynamic regimes with distinct computational tradeoffs.. PLoS computational biology, 2022.
- Shobe JL, Donzis EJ, Lee K, Chopra S, Masmanidis SC, Cepeda C, Levine MS. Early impairment of thalamocortical circuit activity and coherence in a mouse model of Huntington's disease.. Neurobiology of disease, 2021.
- Zhou S, Masmanidis SC, Buonomano DV. Neural Sequences as an Optimal Dynamical Regime for the Readout of Time.. Neuron, 2020.
- Yang L, Masmanidis SC. Differential encoding of action selection by orbitofrontal and striatal population dynamics.. Journal of neurophysiology, 2020.
- Yang L, Lee K, Villagracia J, Masmanidis SC. Open source silicon microprobes for high throughput neural recording.. Journal of neural engineering, 2020.
- Lee K, Claar LD, Hachisuka A, Bakhurin KI, Nguyen J, Trott JM, Gill JL, Masmanidis SC. Temporally restricted dopaminergic control of reward-conditioned movements.. Nature neuroscience, 2020.
- Shuman T, Aharoni D, Cai DJ, Lee CR, Chavlis S, Page-Harley L, Vetere LM, Feng Y, Yang CY, Mollinedo-Gajate I, Chen L, Pennington ZT, Taxidis J, Flores SE, Cheng K, Javaherian M, Kaba CC, Rao N, La-Vu M, Pandi I, Shtrahman M, Bakhurin KI, Masmanidis SC, Khakh BS, Poirazi P, Silva AJ, Golshani P. Breakdown of spatial coding and interneuron synchronization in epileptic mice.. Nature neuroscience, 2020.
- Lee K, Bakhurin KI, Claar LD, Holley SM, Chong NC, Cepeda C, Levine MS, Masmanidis SC. Gain Modulation by Corticostriatal and Thalamostriatal Input Signals during Reward-Conditioned Behavior.. Cell reports, 2019.
- Lee K, Masmanidis SC. Aberrant features of in vivo striatal dynamics in Parkinson's disease.. Journal of neuroscience research, 2019.
- Hachisuka A, Masmanidis SC. Interneurons Tap the Brakes on Learning.. Neuron, 2019.
- Lazaro MT, Taxidis J, Shuman T, Bachmutsky I, Ikrar T, Santos R, Marcello GM, Mylavarapu A, Chandra S, Foreman A, Goli R, Tran D, Sharma N, Azhdam M, Dong H, Choe KY, Peñagarikano O, Masmanidis SC, Rácz B, Xu X, Geschwind DH, Golshani P. Reduced Prefrontal Synaptic Connectivity and Disturbed Oscillatory Population Dynamics in the CNTNAP2 Model of Autism.. Cell reports, 2019.
- Nagai J, Rajbhandari AK, Gangwani MR, Hachisuka A, Coppola G, Masmanidis SC, Fanselow MS, Khakh BS. Hyperactivity with Disrupted Attention by Activation of an Astrocyte Synaptogenic Cue.. Cell, 2019.
- Kissinger ST, Pak A, Tang Y, Masmanidis SC, Chubykin AA. Oscillatory Encoding of Visual Stimulus Familiarity.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2018.
- Li B, Lee K, Masmanidis SC, Li M. A nanofabricated optoelectronic probe for manipulating and recording neural dynamics.. Journal of neural engineering, 2018.
- Shobe JL, Bakhurin KI, Claar LD, Masmanidis SC. Selective Modulation of Orbitofrontal Network Activity during Negative Occasion Setting.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2017.
- Lee K, Holley SM, Shobe JL, Chong NC, Cepeda C, Levine MS, Masmanidis SC. Parvalbumin Interneurons Modulate Striatal Output and Enhance Performance during Associative Learning.. Neuron, 2017.
- Bakhurin KI, Goudar V, Shobe JL, Claar LD, Buonomano DV, Masmanidis SC. Differential Encoding of Time by Prefrontal and Striatal Network Dynamics.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2017.
- Smith WC, Rosenberg MH, Claar LD, Chang V, Shah SN, Walwyn WM, Evans CJ, Masmanidis SC. Frontostriatal Circuit Dynamics Correlate with Cocaine Cue-Evoked Behavioral Arousal during Early Abstinence.. eNeuro, 2016.
- Nigam S, Shimono M, Ito S, Yeh FC, Timme N, Myroshnychenko M, Lapish CC, Tosi Z, Hottowy P, Smith WC, Masmanidis SC, Litke AM, Sporns O, Beggs JM. Rich-Club Organization in Effective Connectivity among Cortical Neurons.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2016.
- Bakhurin KI, Mac V, Golshani P, Masmanidis SC. Temporal correlations among functionally specialized striatal neural ensembles in reward-conditioned mice.. Journal of neurophysiology, 2016.
- Shobe JL, Claar LD, Parhami S, Bakhurin KI, Masmanidis SC. Brain activity mapping at multiple scales with silicon microprobes containing 1,024 electrodes.. Journal of neurophysiology, 2015.
- Alivisatos AP, Andrews AM, Boyden ES, Chun M, Church GM, Deisseroth K, Donoghue JP, Fraser SE, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Looger LL, Masmanidis S, McEuen PL, Nurmikko AV, Park H, Peterka DS, Reid C, Roukes ML, Scherer A, Schnitzer M, Sejnowski TJ, Shepard KL, Tsao D, Turrigiano G, Weiss PS, Xu C, Yuste R, Zhuang X. Nanotools for neuroscience and brain activity mapping.. ACS nano, 2013.
- Lee SH, Kwan AC, Zhang S, Phoumthipphavong V, Flannery JG, Masmanidis SC, Taniguchi H, Huang ZJ, Zhang F, Boyden ES, Deisseroth K, Dan Y. Activation of specific interneurons improves V1 feature selectivity and visual perception.. Nature, 2012.
- Scott KM, Du J, Lester HA, Masmanidis SC. Variability of acute extracellular action potential measurements with multisite silicon probes.. Journal of neuroscience methods, 2012.
- Du J, Blanche TJ, Harrison RR, Lester HA, Masmanidis SC. Multiplexed, high density electrophysiology with nanofabricated neural probes.. PloS one, 2011.
- Karabalin RB, Lifshitz R, Cross MC, Matheny MH, Masmanidis SC, Roukes ML. Signal amplification by sensitive control of bifurcation topology.. Physical review letters, 2011.
- Sadek AS, Karabalin RB, Du J, Roukes ML, Koch C, Masmanidis SC. Wiring nanoscale biosensors with piezoelectric nanomechanical resonators.. Nano letters, 2010.
- Du J, Riedel-Kruse IH, Nawroth JC, Roukes ML, Laurent G, Masmanidis SC. High-resolution three-dimensional extracellular recording of neuronal activity with microfabricated electrode arrays.. Journal of neurophysiology, 2008.
- Masmanidis SC, Karabalin RB, De Vlaminck I, Borghs G, Freeman MR, Roukes ML. Multifunctional nanomechanical systems via tunably coupled piezoelectric actuation.. Science (New York, N.Y.), 2007.
- Masmanidis SC, Tang HX, Myers EB, Li M, De Greve K, Vermeulen G, Van Roy W, Roukes ML. Nanomechanical measurement of magnetostriction and magnetic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As.. Physical review letters, 2005.
- Tang HX, Masmanidis S, Kawakami RK, Awschalom DD, Roukes ML. Negative intrinsic resistivity of an individual domain wall in epitaxial (Ga,Mn)As microdevices.. Nature, 2004.