ICLM 2025 Southern California Learning And Memory Symposium

ICLM 2025 Southern California Learning And Memory Symposium

The 2025 Southern California Learning and Memory Symposium

A yearly ICLM meeting primarily for Southern California laboratories interested in plasticity and learning. Everyone is invited, and attendance is free. It is designed to promote collaborations and interactions between the many outstanding laboratories working in this field in Southern California. It is also a valuable resource for students and post-doctoral fellows interested since it provides an opportunity for them to be exposed to the breath and richness of our learning and memory community. No registration required for this meeting.

The date and location of the 2025 Southern California Learning and Memory Symposium is to be determined.

Symposium Program

8:30 AM: Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM: Welcome remarks

Session 1 – Chair: TBD
9:05: Anne Churchland (University of California, Los Angeles)
9:30: Ahmet Arac (University of California, Los Angeles)
9:55: Cory Miller (University of California, San Diego)

Break 10:20-10:35 AM

Session 2 – Chair: TBD
10:35: Gina Poe (University of California, Los Angeles)
11:00: Paul Mathews (University of California, Los Angeles)
11:25: Dario Ringach (University of California, Los Angeles)

Lunch 11:50-1:20 PM

Session 3 – Chair: TBD
1:20: Vijay Namboordiri (University of California, San Fransisco)
1:45: Sean Ostlund (University of California, Irvine)
2:10: Jonathan Kao (University of California, Los Angeles)

Break 2:35-2:50 PM

Session 4 – Chair: TBD
2:50: Meghan Peters (University of California, Irvine)
3:15: Christine Smith (University of California, San Diego)
3:40: Ilana Bennet (University of California, Riverside)

Break 4:05-4:20 PM

Session 5 – Chair: TBD
4:20: Kay Tye (Salk Institute for Biological Studies)
4:45: Brian Wiltgen (University of California, Davis)
5:10: Yi Zuo (University of California, Santa Cruz)

5:35: Concluding Remarks



We gratefully acknowledge support from the Brain Research Institute, the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, and the Departments of Psychology, Integrative Biology & Physiology, Neurobiology, Neurology, and Physiology.

No registration required for this meeting.