Postdoctoral Scholar Awards

Postdoctoral Scholar Awards

The Brain Research Institute in conjunction with various sponsors such as the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, Arnold Scheibel Education Foundation and Fine Science Tools would like to showcase and recognize Postdoctoral Scholars for their research endeavors.  The following awards are available for Postdoctoral Scholars:

Brain Research Institute Annual Arnold Scheibel Postdoctoral Lecture Award
Established in 2004, the Arnold Scheibel Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience Lecture honors one postdoctoral fellow for their outstanding research in neuroscience. Award recipients will be the featured speaker for the Joint Seminars in Neuroscience Lecture series during the Fall quarter and will receive a travel award to attend the annual SfN Meeting or any Neuroscience-related meeting.

Fine Science Tools Postdoctoral Travel Award & the BRI/Semel Neuroscience Postdoctoral Fellows Travel Award
These awards are sponsored by Fine Science Tools as well as the Brain Research Institute and Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, the travel awards help defray the cost of attending the annual SfN meeting.  Award recipients will be expected to showcase their abstract and be recognized at the Brain Research Institute Annual Poster Session and Distinguished Lecture event.


Eligibility & Requirements
Current Postdoctoral Scholar
Letter of Recommendation from Mentor
Copy of SfN abstract receipt
Supplemental Form (provided by the BRI)
Annual Deadline follows the SfN Abstract Submission Deadline (varies)

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