CELL Scholars (Grades: 11-12)

CELL Scholars (Grades: 11-12)

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CELL Scholars at UCLA

CELL Scholars (Cultivating Early Laboratory Learning) is a UCLA outreach organization which aims to provide early exposure to scientific research and to increase diversity and inclusion in STEM. CELL Scholars is led by a team of UCLA graduate and undergraduate students, and is sponsored by the UCLA Brain Research Institute, Graduate Programs in Bioscience, Physiology JEDI Chapter, and the National Science Policy Network’s Lifting Underrepresented Voices Grant. If you are a part of the UCLA community and would like to join our team, please visit our website for available opportunities.

Hands-On Bioscience Research Opportunities for High School Students 

CELL Scholars provides scholarship-sponsored research opportunities in UCLA bioscience laboratories for high school students from underrepresented backgrounds. During the school year, each high school student mentee is paired with a graduate student mentor to hone technical skills at the bench, learn coding skills for computational projects, and gain career and college advice from individuals in the field. At the end of the year, high school students present their research project to the community at an annual poster symposium. CELL Scholars research opportunities are open to high school students at University High School in Los Angeles who are from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM. If you are a high school student at University High School and would like to apply in the next cycle, please visit our website for available opportunities. 

Science Education Workshops at Title I High Schools 

CELL Scholars graduate and undergraduate student volunteers host workshops at Title I high schools in Los Angeles to help students build critical skills for a career in STEM. Past workshop themes have included Science Writing and Communication, Neuroscience 101, Careers in STEM, College Planning, and Introduction to Laboratory Techniques. If you are a Title I high school administrator or representative and would like our organization to host a workshop for your students, please email us at cellscholars@gmail.com. 

Follow Us!

Instagram: @cellscholars

Twitter: @scholars_cell

Email: cellscholars@gmail.com



Our Team (see our full list of team bios here):

President – Megan Chappell

Vice President of Outreach – Keionna Newton

Vice Presidents of Mentorship – Sara Blagburn & Dylan Hughes

Vice President of External Affairs – Mykel Barrett

Vice President of Internal Affairs – Douglas Vormstein-Schneider