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In The News

The Unexpected Force That May Make Us Get Less Sleep

The Unexpected Force That May Make Us Get Less Sleep

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Link
Taking a Brain-Health Approach to Addiction Treatment

Taking a Brain-Health Approach to Addiction Treatment

Timothy Fong, M.D.

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Link
UCLA Receives $9.5M for Wide-Ranging Cannabis Research

UCLA Receives $9.5M for Wide-Ranging Cannabis Research

Ziva Cooper, Ph.D.

UCLA Newsroom Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article Link
The Brain’s Support Cells May Play a Key Role In OCD

The Brain’s Support Cells May Play a Key Role In OCD

Baljit Khakh, Ph.D.

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Link
A Career Defining Discovery

A Career Defining Discovery

Gina Poe, Ph.D.

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Marijuana Has Special Risks for Older People

Marijuana Has Special Risks for Older People

Ziva Cooper, Ph.D.

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Link
Higher Lithium Levels In Drinking Water May Raise Autism Risk

Higher Lithium Levels In Drinking Water May Raise Autism Risk

Beate Ritz, M.D., Ph.D.

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Link
Researchers Identify Biomarker For Diagnosis Vascular Dementia

Researchers Identify Biomarker For Diagnosis Vascular Dementia

Jason Hinman, Ph.D.. M.D.

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Link
Too Little Sleep Could Make Vaccination Less Effective

Too Little Sleep Could Make Vaccination Less Effective

In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Uncategorized Link
How UCLA Neurosurgeons Are Transforming Spine Care

How UCLA Neurosurgeons Are Transforming Spine Care

Daniel C. Lu, M.D., Ph.D.

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom
Finding A Way To Halt Memory Loss

Finding A Way To Halt Memory Loss

Itzhak Fried, M.D., Ph.D.

UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Uncategorized In The News Image
Biomarker Helps Diagnose Vascular Dementia

Biomarker Helps Diagnose Vascular Dementia

Jason Hinman, M.D., Ph.D.

UCLA Newsroom Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article Link
Helping Stroke Patients Regain Movement In Their Hands

Helping Stroke Patients Regain Movement In Their Hands

Daniel Lu, M.D., Ph.D.

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Link
Making Lab-Grown Brain Organoids ‘Brainier’

Making Lab-Grown Brain Organoids ‘Brainier’

In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Uncategorized Link
Even In Sleep, Your Brain’s Neurons Are Humming Along to Mozart

Even In Sleep, Your Brain’s Neurons Are Humming Along to Mozart

Itzhak Fried, M.D., Ph.D.

Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Link
Pathway Deep In the Brain Makes It Resilient After Injury

Pathway Deep In the Brain Makes It Resilient After Injury

UCLA Newsroom Uncategorized In The News UCLA Health News Article Link
UCLA Study Identifies How the Brain Links Memories

UCLA Study Identifies How the Brain Links Memories

In The News UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom Uncategorized Link
Cannabis: Discovering its effects on the body and brain

Cannabis: Discovering its effects on the body and brain

Dr. Ziva Cooper is interviewed on Nova about the effects of cannabis on the brain.

In The News UCLA Health News Radio Link
UCLA-Led Group Receives $10M Grant for Study of Concussions in Children

UCLA-Led Group Receives $10M Grant for Study of Concussions in Children

Dr. Christopher Giza leads a new multi-institution NIH study on concussions in children.


In The News UCLA Health News Article Link
Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Dr. Stephanie Correa and graduate student Norma Sandoval discuss research, mentoring and collaborations.

In The News UCLA Newsroom Link
10 Common Depression Symptoms

10 Common Depression Symptoms

Andrew Leuchter comments on signs of depression”

In The News UCLA Health News Article Link
Navigating social knowledge

Navigating social knowledge

Meng Du and Carolyn Parkinson discuss new research on social decision making”

UCLA Health News Article UCLA Newsroom In The News Link
How VR could make you smarter

How VR could make you smarter

In The News US News Article Link
Your Health: Tracking the Brain

Your Health: Tracking the Brain

In The News UCLA Health News TV Interview Link
How brains navigate physical space

How brains navigate physical space

In The News UCLA Health News TV Interview Link
What quitting weed does to your body

What quitting weed does to your body

In The News UCLA Health News Article Link