Postdoctoral Position – Rodent surgery and electrophysiology, motor learning and stroke rehabilitation.

Motor Systems Neuroscience Laboratory
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles

We have a postdoctoral position available in the Motor Systems Neuroscience and Neural Engineering Laboratory at Cedars-Sinai’s Center for Neural Science and Medicine (CNSM) in Los Angeles. Our lab is utilizing a combination of systems neuroscience & neural engineering methods, along with causal manipulation (optogenetic/ electrical stimulation) of networks to understand the process of motor skill learning and recovery post-injury (stroke) in the brain. While our prior work looked at primary motor cortex (M1) for these themes (Gulati et al, Nat Neurosci 2014; Gulati et al, Nat Neurosci 2017; Kim, Gulati & Ganguly, Cell 2019; Gulati et al, J Neurosci 2015; Ramanathan*, Guo*, Gulati* et al, Nat Med 2018), our current work investigates M1 and cerebellum during skill learning and stroke recovery (Abbasi et al, J Neural Eng & Rehab, 2021; Abbasi et al, Biorxiv 2022- summarized in twitter thread here; Fleischer et al, Biorxiv, 2022- summarized in twitter thread here). Postdoctoral fellow will lead the rodent surgeries for neural implants, rodent stroke models and viral injection procedures. Postdoc fellow will also participate in neurophysiology recordings, behavioral trainings, and analyses. Salary will follow the minimum salary guidelines for California exempt employees and position is
eligible for excellent Cedars-Sinai benefits.

Applicants are expected to have a PhD in Systems Neuroscience or a related discipline. Candidates should have prior experience in neural implant (recording/ stimulation) surgical procedures and viral injections as evidenced through a first-author publication. Prior experience with rodent stroke/ brain-injury models and/ or behavioral trainings is desirable. Experience in electrophysiology data analyses is a plus.

Application Instructions
Interested applicants should contact Dr. Tanuj Gulati with their CV, an email stating their interests & experiences, and contact information for 2-3 references.
Lab website:


Postdoctoral Job Opening