Posts classified under: Neuroscience and Educational Learning Science

Bruce Teter, Ph.D.


A selected list of publications:

Teter Bruce, LaDu Mary Jo, Sullivan Patrick M, Frautschy Sally A, Cole Greg M   Apolipoprotein E isotype-dependent modulation of microRNA-146a in plasma and brain Neuroreport, 2016; 27(11): 791-5.
Teter, B.   Life-span influences of apoE4 on CNS function. Invited Peer Commentary on: Schonheit, B., Glockner, F., and Ohm, T.G. (2006) Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and dendritic shape. , Neurobiology of Aging, 2006; 28(5): 693-703; discussion 704-6..
Teter, B., Finch, C.E.   Caliban’s Inheritance: Genetics of Neuronal Aging, Trends in Neuroscience , 2004; 10: 627-32.
Teter B, Xu P-T, Gilbert JR, Roses AD, Galasko D, Cole GM   Defective neuronal sprouting supported by human Apolipoprotein E4 represents a gain-of-deleterious function, J. Neurosci. Res, 2002; (687): 331-336.
Teter B, Ashford JW   Neuroplasticity in Alzheimer’s Disease, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2002; 70(Aging Brain and Alzheimer’s Disease Special Issue): 402-437.
Teter B, Raber J, Nathan B, Crutcher KA   The presence of apoE4, not the absence of apoE3, contributes to AD pathology, J. Alzheimer’s Disease, 2002; (4): 155-163.