Posts classified under: L

Hakwan Lau, Ph.D.


A selected list of publications:

Lau, Hakwan   Consciousness, Metacognition, & Perceptual Reality Monitoring. , PsyArXiv, 2019; .
Taschereau-Dumouchel Vincent, Kawato Mitsuo, Lau Hakwan   Multivoxel pattern analysis reveals dissociations between subjective fear and its physiological correlates Molecular psychiatry, 2019; 202: 116111.
Knotts J D, Odegaard Brian, Lau Hakwan, Rosenthal David   Subjective inflation: phenomenology’s get-rich-quick scheme Current opinion in psychology, 2019; 29: 49-55.
Taschereau-Dumouchel Vincent, Cortese Aurelio, Chiba Toshinori, Knotts J D, Kawato Mitsuo, Lau Hakwan   Towards an unconscious neural reinforcement intervention for common fears Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018; 115(13): 3470-3475.

Michel Lévesque, M.D.


Molecular and cellular analysis of nervous system regeneration Dr. Lévesque is internationally known for his work in the microsurgery of epilepsy and functional stereotactic neurosurgery. He developed a stereotactic imaging system for targeting and operating within precise landmarks to preserve eloquent cortex and a unique technique of selective hippocampectomy by posterior transinsular approach. Dr. Lévesque has now expanded the application of new methods of brain mapping to treat children with autistic-like features, with Landau-Kleffner syndrome, as well as for patients with severe infantile spasms. Dr. Lévesque, who has more than 100 publications in this field, is a consultant to the NIH and to the national and state medical committees.