My laboratory performs basic and translational research to understand how our memory system works, how this system goes awry in memory and mood disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and depression, and how we might be able to modify mood, memory, and underlying neural dysfunction in these disorders. We utilize
interdisciplinary approaches toward understanding memory and factors that impact memory, including high-resolution imaging techniques, PET imaging of amyloid and tau pathology, neuroendocrine and salivary approaches, and novel experimental paradigms to understand brain-behavior relationships.
Dr. Asarnow is the director of the UCLA Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Research Program. He is the Della Martin Professor of Psychiatry in the UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and also a Professor in the UCLA Department of Psychology. He is a neuropsychologist with extensive experience in the neuropsychological evaluation of children and adolescents with TBI and in the use of brain imaging and electrophysiology in clinical research. Dr. Asarnow and his students and colleagues have conducted one of the major studies of the cognitive and psychological outcomes following mild traumatic brain injury in children and one of the largest controlled studies of cognitive training in children with brain injuries. By enhancing our understanding of the likely range of outcomes after a child incurs a mild traumatic brain injury these studies have provided information that help parents develop plans to maximize the recovery of their children. He is the principal investigator of two studies of pediatric traumatic brain injuries funded by the National Institute of Health that are currently being conducted in the laboratory. In addition to his research Dr. Asarnow also sees patients with traumatic brain injuries and their families clinically.