Andrew Fuligni, Ph.D.
760 Westwood Blvd.
Box 62
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Dr. Fuligni received his Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at the University of Michigan and was previously an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at New York University. His work has been funded by a FIRST award from NICHD, a Faculty Scholars Award from the William T. Grant Foundation, the Mac Arthur Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, and the Haynes Foundation. Fuligni is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and was a recipient of the American Psychological Association’s Boyd McCandless Award for Early Career Contribution to Developmental Psychology. He currently is Co-Director of the NIMH Family Research Consortium IV and was an associate member of the Mac Arthur Network on Middle Childhood and the Russell Sage Foundation Working Group on Social Identity and Institutional Engagement. Fuligni was a member of the Executive Committee of the Society for Research on Adolescence, and has served on the editorial boards of Child Development, Developmental Psychology, and the Journal of Research on Adolescence. He currently is an Associate Editor of Child Development.
- Fuligni AJ, Trimble A, Smola XA. The significance of feeling needed and useful to family and friends for psychological well-being during adolescence.. Journal of adolescence, 2024.
- Rahal D, Irwin MR, Fuligni AJ. Family meals are associated with lower substance use in female adolescents.. Family process, 2024.
- Rahal D, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Fuligni AJ. Associations between emotional reactivity to stress and adolescent substance use: Differences by sex and valence.. Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 2024.
- Rocha S, Bower JE, Chiang JJ, Cole SW, Irwin MR, Seeman T, Fuligni AJ. A dyadic longitudinal analysis of parent-adolescent inflammation trends and the role of shared socioeconomic characteristics on family inflammation.. Brain, behavior, & immunity - health, 2024.
- Rahal D, Huynh VW, Irwin MR, McCreath H, Fuligni AJ. Everyday discrimination, emotion, and daily interactions during adolescence.. Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, 2023.
- Sweijen SW, van de Groep S, Te Brinke LW, Fuligni AJ, Crone EA. Neural Mechanisms Underlying Trust to Friends, Community Members, and Unknown Peers in Adolescence.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2023.
- Rahal D, Bower JE, Fuligni AJ, Chiang JJ. Associations between emotion reactivity to daily interpersonal stress and acute social-evaluative stress during late adolescence.. Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 2023.
- Uy JP, Fuligni AJ, Eisenberger NI, Crone EA, Telzer EH, Galván A. Corticostriatal Connectivity during Prosocial Decision-making Relates to Giving Behavior during Adolescence.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2023.
- Rocha S, Fuligni A. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent sleep behavior.. Current opinion in psychology, 2023.
- Rahal D, Tashjian SM, Karan M, Eisenberger N, Galván A, Fuligni AJ, Hastings PD, Cole SW. Positive and negative emotion are associated with generalized transcriptional activation in immune cells.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2023.
- Kuhlman KR, Cole SW, Irwin MR, Craske MG, Fuligni AJ, Bower JE. The role of early life adversity and inflammation in stress-induced change in reward and risk processes among adolescents.. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 2023.
- Armstrong-Carter E, Fuligni AJ, Wu X, Gonzales N, Telzer EH. A 28-day, 2-year study reveals that adolescents are more fatigued and distressed on days with greater NO2 and CO air pollution.. Scientific reports, 2022.
- Rahal D, Chiang JJ, Huynh VW, Bower JE, McCreath H, Fuligni AJ. Low subjective social status is associated with daily selection of fewer healthy foods and more high-fat/high sugar foods.. Appetite, 2022.
- Fuligni AJ, Galván A. Young people need experiences that boost their mental health.. Nature, 2022.
- Uy JP, Dieffenbach M, Leschak CJ, Eisenberger NI, Fuligni AJ, Galván A. Sleep duration moderates the associations between immune markers and corticolimbic function during stress in adolescents.. Neuropsychologia, 2022.
- Rahal D, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Fuligni AJ, Chiang JJ. Resting respiratory sinus arrhythmia is related to emotion reactivity to social-evaluative stress.. Journal of affective disorders, 2022.
- Rahal D, Alkon A, Shirtcliff E, Gonzales N, Fuligni A, Eskenazi B, Deardorff J. Dampened autonomic nervous system responses to stress and substance use in adolescence.. Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 2022.
- Rocha S, Almeida DM, Chiang JJ, Cole SW, Irwin MR, Seeman T, Fuligni AJ. The Relationship Between Family Socioeconomic Status and Adolescent Sleep and Diurnal Cortisol.. Psychosomatic medicine, 2022.
- Rahal D, Shirtcliff EA, Fuligni A, Kogut K, Gonzales N, Johnson M, Eskenazi B, Deardorff J. Dampened psychobiological responses to stress and substance use in adolescence.. Development and psychopathology, 2022.
- Karan M, Lazar L, Leschak CJ, Galván A, Eisenberger NI, Uy JP, Dieffenbach MC, Crone EA, Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ. Giving to others and neural processing during adolescence.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 2022.
- Fuligni AJ, Smola XA, Salek SA. Youth's Experiences of the Devaluing of Their Contributions Due to Their Ethnicity and Gender.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2022.
- Kuhlman KR, Cole SW, Craske MG, Fuligni AJ, Irwin MR, Bower JE. Enhanced Immune Activation Following Acute Social Stress Among Adolescents With Early-Life Adversity.. Biological psychiatry global open science, 2022.
- van de Groep S, Zanolie K, Burke SM, Brandner P, Fuligni AJ, Crone EA. Growing in generosity? The effects of giving magnitude, target, and audience on the neural signature of giving in adolescence.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 2022.
- Hernandez LM, Kim M, Hernandez C, Thompson W, Fan CC, Galván A, Dapretto M, Bookheimer SY, Fuligni A, Gandal MJ. Decoupling Sleep and Brain Size in Childhood: An Investigation of Genetic Covariation in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.. Biological psychiatry global open science, 2022.
- Fuligni AJ, Smola XA, Al Salek S. Feeling Needed and Useful during the Transition to Young Adulthood.. Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, 2021.
- Rahal D, Tashjian SM, Karan M, Eisenberger N, Galván A, Fuligni AJ, Hastings PD, Cole SW. Resting parasympathetic nervous system activity is associated with greater antiviral gene expression.. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 2021.
- Karan M, Rahal D, Almeida DM, Bower JE, Irwin MR, McCreath H, Seeman T, Fuligni AJ. School commute time, chronotype, and altered HPA axis functioning during adolescence.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2021.
- Fuligni AJ, Chiang JJ, Tottenham N. Sleep disturbance and the long-term impact of early adversity.. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 2021.
- Karan M, Bai S, Almeida DM, Irwin MR, McCreath H, Fuligni AJ. Sleep-Wake Timings in Adolescence: Chronotype Development and Associations with Adjustment.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2021.
- Bai S, Karan M, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. A daily diary study of sleep chronotype among Mexican-origin adolescents and parents: Implications for adolescent behavioral health.. Development and psychopathology, 2021.
- Tashjian SM, Rahal D, Karan M, Eisenberger N, Galván A, Cole SW, Fuligni AJ. Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial that Altruism Moderates the Effect of Prosocial Acts on Adolescent Well-being.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2020.
- Kim JJ, Fuligni AJ. Psychological Reactivity to Daily Family Experiences During Adolescence: Individual Differences and Developmental Stability.. Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, 2020.
- Kuhlman KR, Chiang JJ, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Seeman TE, McCreath HE, Almeida DM, Dahl RE, Fuligni AJ. Sleep problems in adolescence are prospectively linked to later depressive symptoms via the cortisol awakening response.. Development and psychopathology, 2020.
- Park H, Chiang JJ, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Almeida DM, Seeman TE, McCreath H, Fuligni AJ. Sleep and Inflammation During Adolescents' Transition to Young Adulthood.. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2020.
- Fuligni AJ. Is There Inequality in What Adolescents Can Give as Well as Receive?. Current directions in psychological science, 2020.
- Rahal D, Chiang JJ, Fales M, Fuligni AJ, Haselton MG, Slavich GM, Robles TF. Early life stress, subjective social status, and health during late adolescence.. Psychology & health, 2020.
- Rahal D, Huynh V, Cole S, Seeman T, Fuligni A. Subjective social status and health during high school and young adulthood.. Developmental psychology, 2020.
- Kuhlman KR, Chiang JJ, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Cole SW, Dahl RE, Almeida DM, Fuligni AJ. Persistent Low Positive Affect and Sleep Disturbance across Adolescence Moderate Link between Stress and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adulthood.. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 2020.
- Crone EA, Fuligni AJ. Self and Others in Adolescence.. Annual review of psychology, 2019.
- Huynh VW, Rahal D, Mercado E, Irwin MR, McCreath H, Seeman T, Fuligni AJ. Discrimination and health: A dyadic approach.. Journal of health psychology, 2019.
- Rahal D, Chiang JJ, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Venkatraman J, Fuligni AJ. Subjective social status and stress responsivity in late adolescence.. Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2019.
- Park H, Chiang JJ, Irwin MR, Bower JE, McCreath H, Fuligni AJ. Developmental trends in sleep during adolescents' transition to young adulthood.. Sleep medicine, 2019.
- Chiang JJ, Cole SW, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Taylor SE, Arevalo J, Fuligni AJ. Depressive symptoms and immune transcriptional profiles in late adolescents.. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 2019.
- Mercado E, Kim J, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. Emotional Coregulation in Mexican-Origin Parent-Adolescent Dyads: Associations with Adolescent Mental Health.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2019.
- Chiang JJ, Park H, Almeida DM, Bower JE, Cole SW, Irwin MR, McCreath H, Seeman TE, Fuligni AJ. Psychosocial stress and C-reactive protein from mid-adolescence to young adulthood.. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2019.
- Chiang JJ, Cole SW, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Taylor SE, Arevalo J, Fuligni AJ. Daily interpersonal stress, sleep duration, and gene regulation during late adolescence.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2018.
- Fuligni AJ. The Need to Contribute During Adolescence.. Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 2018.
- Chiang JJ, Ko A, Bower JE, Taylor SE, Irwin MR, Fuligni AJ. Stress, Psychological Resources, and HPA and Inflammatory Reactivity During Late Adolescence.. Development and psychopathology, 2018.
- Zucker RA, Gonzalez R, Feldstein Ewing SW, Paulus MP, Arroyo J, Fuligni A, Morris AS, Sanchez M, Wills T. Assessment of culture and environment in the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study: Rationale, description of measures, and early data.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 2018.
- Fuligni AJ, Dapretto M, Galván A. Broadening the Impact of Developmental Neuroscience on the Study of Adolescence.. Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, 2018.
- Majeno A, Tsai KM, Huynh VW, McCreath H, Fuligni AJ. Discrimination and Sleep Difficulties during Adolescence: The Mediating Roles of Loneliness and Perceived Stress.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2017.
- Fuligni AJ, Bai S, Krull JL, Gonzales NA. Individual Differences in Optimum Sleep for Daily Mood During Adolescence.. Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53, 2017.
- Tsai KM, Dahl RE, Irwin MR, Bower JE, McCreath H, Seeman TE, Almeida DM, Fuligni AJ. The Roles of Parental Support and Family Stress in Adolescent Sleep.. Child development, 2017.
- Chiang JJ, Kim JJ, Almeida DM, Bower JE, Dahl RE, Irwin MR, McCreath H, Fuligni AJ. Sleep Efficiency Modulates Associations Between Family Stress and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms and Negative Affect.. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2017.
- Chiang JJ, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Taylor SE, Fuligni AJ. Adiposity moderates links from early adversity and depressive symptoms to inflammatory reactivity to acute stress during late adolescence.. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 2017.
- Yuen CX, Fuligni AJ, Gonzales N, Telzer EH. Family First? The Costs and Benefits of Family Centrality for Adolescents with High-Conflict Families.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2017.
- Goldenberg D, Telzer EH, Lieberman MD, Fuligni AJ, Galván A. Greater response variability in adolescents is associated with increased white matter development.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2017.
- Fuligni AJ, Arruda EH, Krull JL, Gonzales NA. Adolescent Sleep Duration, Variability, and Peak Levels of Achievement and Mental Health.. Child development, 2017.
- Pfeifer JH, Mahy CEV, Merchant JS, Chen C, Masten CL, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Lessard J, Dong Q, Chen C. Neural systems for reflected and direct self-appraisals in Chinese young adults: Exploring the role of the temporal-parietal junction.. Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology, 2017.
- Park H, Tsai KM, Dahl RE, Irwin MR, McCreath H, Seeman TE, Fuligni AJ. Sleep and Inflammation During Adolescence.. Psychosomatic medicine, 2016.
- Espinoza G, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. Parent Discrimination Predicts Mexican-American Adolescent Psychological Adjustment 1 Year Later.. Child development, 2016.
- Chiang JJ, Tsai KM, Park H, Bower JE, Almeida DM, Dahl RE, Irwin MR, Seeman TE, Fuligni AJ. Daily family stress and HPA axis functioning during adolescence: The moderating role of sleep.. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2016.
- Spees L, Perreira KM, Fuligni A. Family Matters: Promoting the Academic Adaptation of Latino Youth in New and Established Destination.. Journal of family issues, 2016.
- Qu Y, Fuligni AJ, Galván A, Lieberman MD, Telzer EH. Links between parental depression and longitudinal changes in youths' neural sensitivity to rewards.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2016.
- Guan SA, Bower JE, Almeida DM, Cole SW, Dahl RE, Irwin MR, Seeman TE, McDade T, Fuligni AJ. Parental support buffers the association of depressive symptoms with cortisol and C-reactive protein during adolescence.. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 2016.
- Camacho-Thompson DE, Gillen-O'Neel C, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. Financial Strain, Major Family Life Events, and Parental Academic Involvement During Adolescence.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2016.
- Huynh VW, Guan SA, Almeida DM, McCreath H, Fuligni AJ. Everyday discrimination and diurnal cortisol during adolescence.. Hormones and behavior, 2016.
- Telzer EH, Yuen C, Gonzales N, Fuligni AJ. Filling Gaps in the Acculturation Gap-Distress Model: Heritage Cultural Maintenance and Adjustment in Mexican-American Families.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2016.
- Titzmann PF, Fuligni AJ. Immigrants' adaptation to different cultural settings: A contextual perspective on acculturation: Introduction for the special section on immigration.. International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie, 2015.
- Qu Y, Fuligni AJ, Galvan A, Telzer EH. Buffering effect of positive parent-child relationships on adolescent risk taking: A longitudinal neuroimaging investigation.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 2015.
- Qu Y, Galvan A, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Telzer EH. Longitudinal Changes in Prefrontal Cortex Activation Underlie Declines in Adolescent Risk Taking.. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2015.
- Yahirun JJ, Perreira KM, Fuligni AJ. Family Obligation Across Contexts: Hispanic Youth in North Carolina and Southern California.. Journal of family issues, 2015.
- Tsai KM, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. Mexican American Adolescents' Emotional Support to the Family in Response to Parental Stress.. Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, 2015.
- Welborn BL, Lieberman MD, Goldenberg D, Fuligni AJ, Galván A, Telzer EH. Neural mechanisms of social influence in adolescence.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2015.
- Telzer EH, Goldenberg D, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Gálvan A. Sleep variability in adolescence is associated with altered brain development.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 2015.
- Chiang JJ, Bower JE, Almeida DM, Irwin MR, Seeman TE, Fuligni AJ. Socioeconomic status, daily affective and social experiences, and inflammation during adolescence.. Psychosomatic medicine, 2015.
- Tsai KM, Telzer EH, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. Parental Cultural Socialization of Mexican-American Adolescents' Family Obligation Values and Behaviors.. Child development, 2015.
- Fuligni AJ, Tsai KM, Krull JL, Gonzales NA. Daily concordance between parent and adolescent sleep habits.. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2015.
- Telzer EH, Tsai KM, Gonzales N, Fuligni AJ. Mexican American adolescents' family obligation values and behaviors: links to internalizing symptoms across time and context.. Developmental psychology, 2015.
- Witkow MR, Huynh V, Fuligni AJ. Understanding Differences in College Persistence: A Longitudinal Examination of Financial Circumstances, Family Obligations, and Discrimination in an Ethnically Diverse Sample.. Applied developmental science, 2015.
- Chan M, Tsai KM, Fuligni AJ. Changes in Religiosity Across the Transition to Young Adulthood.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2014.
- Telzer EH, Qu Y, Goldenberg D, Fuligni AJ, Galván A, Lieberman MD. Adolescents' emotional competence is associated with parents' neural sensitivity to emotions.. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2014.
- Fuligni AJ, Tsai KM. Developmental flexibility in the age of globalization: autonomy and identity development among immigrant adolescents.. Annual review of psychology, 2014.
- Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Miernicki ME, Galván A. The quality of adolescents' peer relationships modulates neural sensitivity to risk taking.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2014.
- Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A. Neural sensitivity to eudaimonic and hedonic rewards differentially predict adolescent depressive symptoms over time.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014.
- Camacho DE, Fuligni AJ. Extracurricular participation among adolescents from immigrant families.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2014.
- Espinoza G, Gillen-O'Neel C, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. Friend affiliations and school adjustment among Mexican-American adolescents: the moderating role of peer and parent support.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2013.
- Tsai KM, Telzer EH, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. Adolescents' Daily Assistance to the Family in Response to Maternal Need.. Journal of marriage and the family, 2013.
- Goldenberg D, Telzer EH, Lieberman MD, Fuligni A, Galván A. Neural mechanisms of impulse control in sexually risky adolescents.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 2013.
- Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ. Positive daily family interactions eliminate gender differences in internalizing symptoms among adolescents.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2013.
- Telzer EH, Gonzales N, Fuligni AJ. Family obligation values and family assistance behaviors: protective and risk factors for Mexican-American adolescents' substance use.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2013.
- Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A. The effects of poor quality sleep on brain function and risk taking in adolescence.. NeuroImage, 2013.
- Espinoza G, Gonzales NA, Fuligni AJ. Daily school peer victimization experiences among Mexican-American adolescents: associations with psychosocial, physical and school adjustment.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2012.
- Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A. Meaningful family relationships: neurocognitive buffers of adolescent risk taking.. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2012.
- Neel CG, Fuligni A. A longitudinal study of school belonging and academic motivation across high school.. Child development, 2012.
- Tsai KM, Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ. Continuity and discontinuity in perceptions of family relationships from adolescence to young adulthood.. Child development, 2012.
- Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A. Ventral striatum activation to prosocial rewards predicts longitudinal declines in adolescent risk taking.. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 2012.
- Crosnoe R, Fuligni AJ. Children from immigrant families: introduction to the special section.. Child development, 2012.
- Gillen-O'Neel C, Huynh VW, Fuligni AJ. To study or to sleep? The academic costs of extra studying at the expense of sleep.. Child development, 2012.
- Rogers LO, Zosuls KM, Halim ML, Ruble D, Hughes D, Fuligni A. Meaning making in middle childhood: an exploration of the meaning of ethnic identity.. Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology, 2012.
- Potochnick S, Perreira KM, Fuligni A. Fitting in: the roles of social acceptance and discrimination in shaping the daily psychological well-being of Latino youth.. Social science quarterly, 2012.
- Fuligni AJ. Gaps, conflicts, and arguments between adolescents and their parents.. New directions for child and adolescent development, 2012.
- Huynh VW, Fuligni AJ. Perceived ethnic stigma across the transition to college.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2011.
- Tsai KM, Fuligni AJ. Change in ethnic identity across the college transition.. Developmental psychology, 2011.
- Gillen-O'Neel C, Ruble DN, Fuligni AJ. Ethnic stigma, academic anxiety, and intrinsic motivation in middle childhood.. Child development, 2011.
- Chung GH, Flook L, Fuligni AJ. Reciprocal associations between family and peer conflict in adolescents' daily lives.. Child development, 2011.
- Cole SW, Arevalo JM, Manu K, Telzer EH, Kiang L, Bower JE, Irwin MR, Fuligni AJ. Antagonistic pleiotropy at the human IL6 promoter confers genetic resilience to the pro-inflammatory effects of adverse social conditions in adolescence.. Developmental psychology, 2011.
- Lopez AB, Huynh VW, Fuligni AJ. A longitudinal study of religious identity and participation during adolescence.. Child development, 2011.
- Telzer EH, Masten CL, Berkman ET, Lieberman MD, Fuligni AJ. Neural regions associated with self control and mentalizing are recruited during prosocial behaviors towards the family.. NeuroImage, 2011.
- Fuligni AJ. Social identity, motivation, and well being among adolescents from Asian and Latin American backgrounds.. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 2011.
- Masten CL, Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Eisenberger NI. Time spent with friends in adolescence relates to less neural sensitivity to later peer rejection.. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 2010.
- Kiang L, Perreira KM, Fuligni AJ. Ethnic label use in adolescents from traditional and non-traditional immigrant communities.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2010.
- Telzer EH, Masten CL, Berkman ET, Lieberman MD, Fuligni AJ. Gaining while giving: an fMRI study of the rewards of family assistance among white and Latino youth.. Social neuroscience, 2010.
- Kiang L, Fuligni AJ. Meaning in life as a mediator of ethnic identity and adjustment among adolescents from Latin, Asian, and European American backgrounds.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2009.
- Chung GH, Flook L, Fuligni AJ. Daily family conflict and emotional distress among adolescents from Latin American, Asian, and European backgrounds.. Developmental psychology, 2009.
- Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ. Daily family assistance and the psychological well-being of adolescents from Latin American, Asian, and European backgrounds.. Developmental psychology, 2009.
- Pfeifer JH, Masten CL, Borofsky LA, Dapretto M, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD. Neural correlates of direct and reflected self-appraisals in adolescents and adults: when social perspective-taking informs self-perception.. Child development, 2009.
- Kiang L, Witkow MR, Baldelomar OA, Fuligni AJ. Change in ethnic identity across the high school years among adolescents with Latin American, Asian, and European backgrounds.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2009.
- Fuligni AJ, Telzer EH, Bower J, Irwin MR, Kiang L, Cole SW. Daily family assistance and inflammation among adolescents from Latin American and European backgrounds.. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 2009.
- Perreira KM, Fuligni A, Potochnick S. Fitting In: The Roles of Social Acceptance and Discrimination in Shaping the Academic Motivations of Latino Youth in the U.S. Southeast.. The Journal of social issues, 2009.
- Fuligni AJ, Telzer EH, Bower J, Cole SW, Kiang L, Irwin MR. A preliminary study of daily interpersonal stress and C-reactive protein levels among adolescents from Latin American and European backgrounds.. Psychosomatic medicine, 2009.
- Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ. A longitudinal daily diary study of family assistance and academic achievement among adolescents from Mexican, Chinese, and European backgrounds.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2009.
- Windle M, Spear LP, Fuligni AJ, Angold A, Brown JD, Pine D, Smith GT, Giedd J, Dahl RE. Transitions into underage and problem drinking: summary of developmental processes and mechanisms: ages 10-15.. Alcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2009.
- Kiang L, Fuligni AJ. Ethnic identity and family processes among adolescents from Latin American, Asian, and European backgrounds.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2008.
- Huynh VW, Fuligni AJ. Ethnic socialization and the academic adjustment of adolescents from Mexican, Chinese, and European backgrounds.. Developmental psychology, 2008.
- Fuligni AJ, Kiang L, Witkow MR, Baldelomar O. Stability and change in ethnic labeling among adolescents from Asian and Latin American immigrant families.. Child development, 2008.
- Allen ML, Elliott MN, Fuligni AJ, Morales LS, Hambarsoomian K, Schuster MA. The relationship between Spanish language use and substance use behaviors among Latino youth: a social network approach.. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2008.
- Flook L, Fuligni AJ. Family and school spillover in adolescents' daily lives.. Child development, 2008.
- Windle M, Spear LP, Fuligni AJ, Angold A, Brown JD, Pine D, Smith GT, Giedd J, Dahl RE. Transitions into underage and problem drinking: developmental processes and mechanisms between 10 and 15 years of age.. Pediatrics, 2008.
- Kiang L, Fuligni AJ. Ethnic identity in context: variations in ethnic exploration and belonging within parent, same-ethnic peer, and different-ethnic peer relationships.. Journal of youth and adolescence, 2008.
- Pfeifer JH, Rubble DN, Bachman MA, Alvarez JM, Cameron JA, Fuligni AJ. Social identities and intergroup bias in immigrant and nonimmigrant children.. Developmental psychology, 2007.
- Hardway C, Fuligni AJ. Dimensions of family connectedness among adolescents with Mexican, Chinese, and European backgrounds.. Developmental psychology, 2006.
- Kiang L, Yip T, Gonzales-Backen M, Witkow M, Fuligni AJ. Ethnic identity and the daily psychological well-being of adolescents from Mexican and Chinese backgrounds.. Child development, 2006.
- Fuligni AJ, Witkow M, Garcia C. Ethnic identity and the academic adjustment of adolescents from Mexican, Chinese, and European backgrounds.. Developmental psychology, 2005.
- Fuligni AJ, Flook L. A social identity approach to ethnic differences in family relationships during adolescence.. Advances in child development and behavior, 2005.
- Fuligni AJ, Zhang W. Attitudes toward family obligation among adolescents in contemporary urban and rural China.. Child development, 2004.
- Yip T, Fuligni AJ. Daily variation in ethnic identity, ethnic behaviors, and psychological well-being among American adolescents of Chinese descent.. Child development, 2002.
- Fuligni AJ, Pedersen S. Family obligation and the transition to young adulthood.. Developmental psychology, 2002.
- Greenfield PM, Keller H, Fuligni A, Maynard A. Cultural pathways through universal development.. Annual review of psychology, 2002.
- Fuligni AJ, Yip T, Tseng V. The impact of family obligation on the daily activities and psychological well-being of Chinese American adolescents.. Child development, 2002.