silhouette of a male

Eain Cornford, Ph.D.

Professor, Neurology Member, Brain Research Institute


Healthcare Sys Bldg.
Los Angeles, CA 90095


Glucose transporter modulations in the blood-brain barrier Our laboratory studies brain metabolism and blood-brain barrier function. Recent work has focused on analysis of subcellular mechanisms involved in regulation of blood-brain barrier nutrient transport, correlation of physiological measurements of transport (in experimental animals, in vivo) with subcellular location of the transporter protein. Methods include quantitative electron microscopic analyses of cell and membrane transporters, in vivomeasurement of brain uptake, internal carotid artery perfusion analyses of blood-brain barrier transfer, and measurement of cerebral blood flow rates in vivo. We have also been active in defining the role of the Glut1 glucose transporter isoform in brain tumors. A secondary interest is in transport and metabolism in schistosome parasites, with particular reference to gender-specific specialization.
