Michelle Craske, Ph.D.
Professor, Clinical Psychology Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
(310) 825-3642
UCLA Department of Psychology
3229 Franz Hall
Mail Code 156304
Los Angeles, CA 90095
A selected list of publications:
Wolitzky-Taylor Kate, Bobova Lyuba, Zinbarg Richard E, Mineka Susan, Craske Michelle G Longitudinal investigation of the impact of anxiety and mood disorders in adolescence on subsequent substance use disorder onset and vice versa Addictive behaviors, 2012; 37(8): 982-5.
Arch Joanna J, Wolitzky-Taylor Kate B, Eifert Georg H, Craske Michelle G Longitudinal treatment mediation of traditional cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety disorders Behaviour research and therapy, 2012; 50(7-8): 469-78.
Lang Ariel J, Wilkins Kendall, Roy-Byrne Peter P, Golinelli Daniela, Chavira Denise, Sherbourne Cathy, Rose Raphael D, Bystritsky Alexander, Sullivan Greer, Craske Michelle G, Stein Murray B Abbreviated PTSD Checklist (PCL) as a guide to clinical response General hospital psychiatry, 2012; 34(4): 332-8.
Kircanski Katharina, Mortazavi Arezou, Castriotta Natalie, Baker Aaron S, Mystkowski Jayson L, Yi Rena, Craske Michelle G Challenges to the traditional exposure paradigm: variability in exposure therapy for contamination fears Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 2012; 43(2): 745-51.
Meuret Alicia E, Wolitzky-Taylor Kate B, Twohig Michael P, Craske Michelle G Coping skills and exposure therapy in panic disorder and agoraphobia: latest advances and future directions Behavior therapy, 2012; 43(2): 271-84.
Culver Najwa C, Stoyanova Milena, Craske Michelle G Emotional variability and sustained arousal during exposure Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 2012; 43(2): 787-93.
Mohlman Jan, Bryant Christina, Lenze Eric J, Stanley Melinda A, Gum Amber, Flint Alastair, Beekman Aartjan T F, Wetherell Julie Loebach, Thorp Steven R, Craske Michelle G Improving recognition of late life anxiety disorders in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition: observations and recommendations of the Advisory Committee to the Lifespan Disorders Work Group International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 2012; 27(6): 549-56.
Rapee Ronald M, BÅgels Susan M, van der Sluis Cathy M, Craske Michelle G, Ollendick Thomas Annual research review: conceptualising functional impairment in children and adolescents Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 2012; 53(5): 454-68.
Stein Alan, Murphy Susannah, Arteche Adriane, Lehtonen Annukka, Harvey Allison, Craske Michelle G, Harmer Catherine Effects of reboxetine and citalopram on appraisal of infant facial expressions and attentional biases Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), 2012; 26(5): 670-6.
Craske Michelle G, Wolitzky-Taylor Kate B, Mineka Susan, Zinbarg Richard, Waters Allison M, Vrshek-Schallhorn Suzanne, Epstein Alyssa, Naliboff Bruce, Ornitz Edward Elevated responding to safe conditions as a specific risk factor for anxiety versus depressive disorders: evidence from a longitudinal investigation Journal of abnormal psychology, 2012; 121(2): 315-24.
Arch Joanna J, Eifert Georg H, Davies Carolyn, Vilardaga Jennifer C Plumb, Rose Raphael D, Craske Michelle G Randomized Clinical Trial of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Versus Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Mixed Anxiety Disorders Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 2012; 43(2): .
Bystritsky Alexander, Hovav Sarit, Sherbourne Cathy, Stein Murray B, Rose Raphael D, Campbell-Sills Laura, Golinelli Daniela, Sullivan Greer, Craske Michelle G, Roy-Byrne Peter P Use of complementary and alternative medicine in a large sample of anxiety patients Psychosomatics, 2012; 53(3): 266-72.
Curran Geoffrey M, Sullivan Greer, Mendel Peter, Craske Michelle G, Sherbourne Cathy D, Stein Murray B, McDaniel Ashley, Roy-Byrne Peter Implementation of the CALM intervention for anxiety disorders: a qualitative study Implementation science : IS, 2012; 7(4): 1-11.
Craske Michelle G The R-DoC initiative: science and practice Depression and anxiety, 2012; 29(4): 253-6.
Niles Andrea N, Lebeau Richard T, Liao Betty, Glenn Daniel E, Craske Michelle G Dimensional indicators of generalized anxiety disorder severity for DSM-V Journal of anxiety disorders, 2012; 26(2): 279-86.
Uliaszek Amanda A, Zinbarg Richard E, Mineka Susan, Craske Michelle G, Griffith James W, Sutton Jonathan M, Epstein Alyssa, Hammen Constance A longitudinal examination of stress generation in depressive and anxiety disorders Journal of abnormal psychology, 2012; 121(1): 4-15.
Prenoveau Jason M, Craske Michelle G, Liao Betty, Ornitz Edward M Human fear conditioning and extinction: Timing is everythingâ¦or is it? Biological psychology, 2012; 26(2): .
Stein Alan, Craske Michelle G, Lehtonen Annukka, Harvey Allison, Savage-McGlynn Emily, Davies Beverley, Goodwin Julia, Murray Lynne, Cortina-Borja Mario, Counsell Nicholas Maternal cognitions and mother-infant interaction in postnatal depression and generalized anxiety disorder Journal of abnormal psychology, 2012; 121(1): .
Dear Blake F, Titov Nickolai, Schwencke Genevieve, Andrews Gavin, Johnston Luke, Craske Michelle G, McEvoy Peter An open trial of a brief transdiagnostic internet treatment for anxiety and depression Behaviour research and therapy, 2011; 49(12): 830-7.
Ries Richard, Wolitzky-Taylor Kate B, Operskalski Joachim T, Craske Michelle G, Roy-Byrne Peter Treatment of comorbid substance use and anxiety disorders: a case study Journal of addiction medicine, 2011; 5(4): 248-53.
Wolitzky-Taylor Kate, Operskalski Joachim T, Ries Richard, Craske Michelle G, Roy-Byrne Peter Understanding and treating comorbid anxiety disorders in substance users: review and future directions Journal of addiction medicine, 2011; 5(4): 233-47.
Prenoveau Jason M, Craske Michelle G, Zinbarg Richard E, Mineka Susan, Rose Raphael D, Griffith James W Are anxiety and depression just as stable as personality during late adolescence? Results from a three-year longitudinal latent variable study Journal of abnormal psychology, 2011; 120(4): 832-43.
Arteche Adriane, Joormann Jutta, Harvey Allison, Craske Michelle, Gotlib Ian H, Lehtonen Annukka, Counsell Nicholas, Stein Alan The effects of postnatal maternal depression and anxiety on the processing of infant faces Journal of affective disorders, 2011; 133(1-2): 197-203.
Stein Dan J, Craske Michelle G, Friedman Matthew J, Phillips Katharine A Meta-structure issues for the DSM-5: how do anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, post-traumatic disorders, and dissociative disorders fit together? Current psychiatry reports, 2011; 13(4): 248-50.
Sutton Jonathan M, Mineka Susan, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle G, Griffith James W, Rose Raphael D, Waters Allison M, Nazarian Maria, Mor Nilly The Relationships of Personality and Cognitive Styles with Self-Reported Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety Cognitive therapy and research, 2011; 35(4): 381-393.
Rose Raphael D, Lang Ariel J, Welch Stacy Shaw, Campbell-Sills Laura, Chavira Denise A, Sullivan Greer, Sherbourne Cathy, Bystritsky Alexander, Stein Murray B, Roy-Byrne Peter P, Craske Michelle G Training primary care staff to deliver a computer-assisted cognitive-behavioral therapy program for anxiety disorders General hospital psychiatry, 2011; 33(4): 336-42.
Titov Nickolai, Dear Blake F, Schwencke Genevieve, Andrews Gavin, Johnston Luke, Craske Michelle G, McEvoy Peter Transdiagnostic internet treatment for anxiety and depression: a randomised controlled trial Behaviour research and therapy, 2011; 49(8): 441-52.
Stein Murray B, Roy-Byrne Peter P, Craske Michelle G, Campbell-Sills Laura, Lang Ariel J, Golinelli Daniella, Rose Raphael D, Bystritsky Alexander, Sullivan Greer, Sherbourne Cathy D Quality of and patient satisfaction with primary health care for anxiety disorders The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2011; 72(7): 970-6.
Craske Michelle G, Wolitzky-Taylor Kate B, Labus Jennifer, Wu Stephen, Frese Michael, Mayer Emeran A, Naliboff Bruce D A cognitive-behavioral treatment for irritable bowel syndrome using interoceptive exposure to visceral sensations Behaviour research and therapy, 2011; 49(6-7): 413-21.
Vrshek-Schallhorn Suzanne, Czarlinski Jennifer, Mineka Susan, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle Prospective Predictors of Suicidal Ideation during Depressive Episodes among Older Adolescents and Young Adults Personality and individual differences, 2011; 50(8): 1202-1207.
Craske Michelle G, Stein Murray B, Sullivan Greer, Sherbourne Cathy, Bystritsky Alexander, Rose Raphael D, Lang Ariel J, Welch Stacy, Campbell-Sills Laura, Golinelli Daniela, Roy-Byrne Peter Disorder-specific impact of coordinated anxiety learning and management treatment for anxiety disorders in primary care Archives of general psychiatry, 2011; 68(4): 378-88.
Culver Najwa C, Stoyanova Milena, Craske Michelle G Clinical relevance of retrieval cues for attenuating context renewal of fear Journal of anxiety disorders, 2011; 25(2): 284-92.
Stevens Stephan, Gerlach Alexander L, Cludius Barbara, Silkens Anna, Craske Michelle G, Hermann Christiane Heartbeat perception in social anxiety before and during speech anticipation Behaviour research and therapy, 2011; 49(2): 138-43.
Sumner Jennifer A, Griffith James W, Mineka Susan, Rekart Kathleen Newcomb, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle G Overgeneral autobiographical memory and chronic interpersonal stress as predictors of the course of depression in adolescents Cognition & emotion, 2011; 25(1): 183-92.
Andrews Gavin, Cuijpers Pim, Craske Michelle G, McEvoy Peter, Titov Nickolai Computer therapy for the anxiety and depressive disorders is effective, acceptable and practical health care: a meta-analysis PloS one, 2010; 5(10): e13196.
Baker Aaron, Mystkowski Jayson, Culver Najwa, Yi Rena, Mortazavi Arezou, Craske Michelle G Does habituation matter? Emotional processing theory and exposure therapy for acrophobia Behaviour research and therapy, 2010; 48(11): 1139-43.
Lewis Alison R, Zinbarg Richard E, Mineka Susan, Craske Michelle G, Epstein Alyssa, Griffith James W The relationship between anxiety sensitivity and latent symptoms of emotional problems: A structural equation modeling approach Behaviour research and therapy, 2010; 48(8): 761-9.
Adam Emma K, Doane Leah D, Zinbarg Richard E, Mineka Susan, Craske Michelle G, Griffith James W Prospective prediction of major depressive disorder from cortisol awakening responses in adolescence Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2010; 35(6): 921-31.
Uliaszek Amanda A, Zinbarg Richard E, Mineka Susan, Craske Michelle G, Sutton Jonathan M, Griffith James W, Rose Raphael, Waters Allison, Hammen Constance The role of neuroticism and extraversion in the stress-anxiety and stress-depression relationships Anxiety, stress, and coping, 2010; 23(4): 363-81.
Stein Alan, Arteche Adriane, Lehtonen Annukka, Craske Michelle, Harvey Allison, Counsell Nicholas, Murray Lynne Interpretation of infant facial expression in the context of maternal postnatal depression Infant behavior & development, 2010; 33(3): 273-8.
Arch Joanna J, Craske Michelle G Laboratory stressors in clinically anxious and non-anxious individuals: the moderating role of mindfulness Behaviour research and therapy, 2010; 48(6): 495-505.
Roy-Byrne Peter, Craske Michelle G, Sullivan Greer, Rose Raphael D, Edlund Mark J, Lang Ariel J, Bystritsky Alexander, Welch Stacy Shaw, Chavira Denise A, Golinelli Daniela, Campbell-Sills Laura, Sherbourne Cathy D, Stein Murray B Delivery of evidence-based treatment for multiple anxiety disorders in primary care: a randomized controlled trial JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, 2010; 303(19): 1921-8.
Zinbarg Richard E, Mineka Susan, Craske Michelle G, Griffith James W, Sutton Jonathan, Rose Raphael D, Nazarian Maria, Mor Nilly, Waters Allison M The Northwestern-UCLA youth emotion project: Associations of cognitive vulnerabilities, neuroticism and gender with past diagnoses of emotional disorders in adolescents Behaviour research and therapy, 2010; 48(5): 347-58.
Rudaz Myriam, Craske Michelle G, Becker Eni S, Ledermann Thomas, Margraf Jürgen Health anxiety and fear of fear in panic disorder and agoraphobia vs. social phobia: a prospective longitudinal study Depression and anxiety, 2010; 27(4): 404-11.
Prenoveau Jason M, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle G, Mineka Susan, Griffith James W, Epstein Alyssa M Testing a hierarchical model of anxiety and depression in adolescents: a tri-level model Journal of anxiety disorders, 2010; 24(3): 334-44.
Wittchen Hans-Ulrich, Gloster Andrew T, Beesdo-Baum Katja, Fava Giovanni A, Craske Michelle G Agoraphobia: a review of the diagnostic classificatory position and criteria Depression and anxiety, 2010; 27(2): 113-33.
Wolitzky-Taylor Kate B, Castriotta Natalie, Lenze Eric J, Stanley Melinda A, Craske Michelle G Anxiety disorders in older adults: a comprehensive review Depression and anxiety, 2010; 27(2): 190-211.
Lewis-Fernández Roberto, Hinton Devon E, Laria Amaro J, Patterson Elissa H, Hofmann Stefan G, Craske Michelle G, Stein Dan J, Asnaani Anu, Liao Betty Culture and the anxiety disorders: recommendations for DSM-V Depression and anxiety, 2010; 27(2): 212-29.
Andrews Gavin, Hobbs Megan J, Borkovec Thomas D, Beesdo Katja, Craske Michelle G, Heimberg Richard G, Rapee Ronald M, Ruscio Ayelet Meron, Stanley Melinda A Generalized worry disorder: a review of DSM-IV generalized anxiety disorder and options for DSM-V Depression and anxiety, 2010; 27(2): 134-47.
Craske Michelle G, Kircanski Katharina, Epstein Alyssa, Wittchen Hans-Ulrich, Pine Danny S, Lewis-Fernández Roberto, Hinton Devon, Hinton Devon, Hinton Devon, Hinton Devon Panic disorder: a review of DSM-IV panic disorder and proposals for DSM-V Depression and anxiety, 2010; 27(2): 93-112.
Phillips Katharine A, Friedman Matthew J, Stein Dan J, Craske Michelle Special DSM-V issues on anxiety, obsessive-compulsive spectrum, posttraumatic, and dissociative disorders Depression and anxiety, 2010; 27(2): 91-2.
LeBeau Richard T, Glenn Daniel, Liao Betty, Wittchen Hans-Ulrich, Beesdo-Baum Katja, Ollendick Thomas, Craske Michelle G Specific phobia: a review of DSM-IV specific phobia and preliminary recommendations for DSM-V Depression and anxiety, 2010; 27(2): 148-67.
Craske Michelle G, Roy-Byrne Peter P, Stein Murray B, Sullivan Greer, Sherbourne Cathy, Bystritsky Alexander Treatment for anxiety disorders: Efficacy to effectiveness to implementation Behaviour research and therapy, 2009; 47(11): 931-7.
Uliaszek Amanda A, Hauner Katherina K Y, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle G, Mineka Susan, Griffith James W, Rose Raphael D An Examination of Content Overlap and Disorder-Specific Predictions in the Associations of Neuroticism with Anxiety and Depression Journal of research in personality, 2009; 43(5): 785-794.
Chavira Denise A, Stein Murray B, Golinelli Daniela, Sherbourne Cathy D, Craske Michelle G, Sullivan Greer, Bystritsky Alexander, Roy-Byrne Peter P Predictors of clinical improvement in a randomized effectiveness trial for primary care patients with panic disorder The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 2009; 197(10): 715-21.
Prenoveau Jason M, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle G, Mineka Susan, Griffith James W, Rose Raphael D Evaluating the invariance and validity of the structure of dysfunctional attitudes in an adolescent population Assessment, 2009; 16(3): 258-73.
Arch Joanna J, Craske Michelle G First-line treatment: a critical appraisal of cognitive behavioral therapy developments and alternatives The Psychiatric clinics of North America, 2009; 32(3): 525-47.
Griffith James W, Sumner Jennifer A, Debeer Elise, Raes Filip, Hermans Dirk, Mineka Susan, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle G An item response theory/confirmatory factor analysis of the Autobiographical Memory Test Memory (Hove, England), 2009; 17(6): 609-23.
Roy-Byrne Peter, Veitengruber Jason P, Bystritsky Alexander, Edlund Mark J, Sullivan Greer, Craske Michelle G, Welch Stacy Shaw, Rose Raphael, Stein Murray B Brief intervention for anxiety in primary care patients Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM, 2009; 22(2): 175-86.
Twiss Christian, Kilpatrick Lisa, Craske Michelle, Buffington C A Tony, Ornitz Edward, RodrÃguez Larissa V, Mayer Emeran A, Naliboff Bruce D Increased startle responses in interstitial cystitis: evidence for central hyperresponsiveness to visceral related threat The Journal of urology, 2009; 181(5): 2127-33.
Craske Michelle G, Rose Raphael D, Lang Ariel, Welch Stacy Shaw, Campbell-Sills Laura, Sullivan Greer, Sherbourne Cathy, Bystritsky Alexander, Stein Murray B, Roy-Byrne Peter P Computer-assisted delivery of cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in primary-care settings Depression and anxiety, 2009; 26(3): 235-42.
Craske Michelle G, Waters Allison M, Nazarian Maria, Mineka Susan, Zinbarg Richard E, Griffith James W, Naliboff Bruce, Ornitz Edward M Does neuroticism in adolescents moderate contextual and explicit threat cue modulation of the startle reflex? Biological psychiatry, 2009; 65(3): 220-6.
Lehtonen Annukka, Jakub Natasha, Craske Michelle, Doll Helen, Harvey Allison, Stein Alan Effects of preoccupation on interpersonal recall: a pilot study Depression and anxiety, 2009; 26(1): 1-6.
Kircanski Katharina, Craske Michelle G, Epstein Alyssa M, Wittchen Hans-Ulrich Subtypes of panic attacks: a critical review of the empirical literature Depression and anxiety, 2009; 26(10): 878-87.
Craske Michelle G, Rauch Scott L, Ursano Robert, Prenoveau Jason, Pine Daniel S, Zinbarg Richard E What is an anxiety disorder? Depression and anxiety, 2009; 26(12): 1066-85.
Stein Alan, Lehtonen Annukka, Harvey Allison G, Nicol-Harper Rosie, Craske Michelle The influence of postnatal psychiatric disorder on child development. Is maternal preoccupation one of the key underlying processes? Psychopathology, 2009; 42(1): 11-21.
Campbell-Sills Laura, Norman Sonya B, Craske Michelle G, Sullivan Greer, Lang Ariel J, Chavira Denise A, Bystritsky Alexander, Sherbourne Cathy, Roy-Byrne Peter, Stein Murray B Validation of a brief measure of anxiety-related severity and impairment: the Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) Journal of affective disorders, 2009; 112(1-3): 92-101.
Waters Allison M, Craske Michelle G, Bergman R Lindsey, Naliboff Bruce D, Negoro Hideki, Ornitz Edward M Developmental changes in startle reactivity in school-age children at risk for and with actual anxiety disorder International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, 2008; 70(3): 158-64.
Hauner Katherina K Y, Adam Emma K, Mineka Susan, Doane Leah D, DeSantis Amy S, Zinbarg Richard, Craske Michelle, Griffith James W Neuroticism and introversion are associated with salivary cortisol patterns in adolescents Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2008; 33(10): 1344-56.
Naliboff Bruce D, Waters Allison M, Labus Jennifer S, Kilpatrick Lisa, Craske Michelle G, Chang Lin, Negoro Hideki, Ibrahimovic Hana, Mayer Emeran A, Ornitz Edward Increased acoustic startle responses in IBS patients during abdominal and nonabdominal threat Psychosomatic medicine, 2008; 70(8): 920-7.
Story Tyler J, Craske Michelle G Responses to false physiological feedback in individuals with panic attacks and elevated anxiety sensitivity Behaviour research and therapy, 2008; 46(9): 1001-8.
Craske Michelle G, Waters Allison M, Lindsey Bergman R, Naliboff Bruce, Lipp Ottmar V, Negoro Hideki, Ornitz Edward M Is aversive learning a marker of risk for anxiety disorders in children? Behaviour research and therapy, 2008; 46(8): 954-67.
Tabibnia Golnaz, Lieberman Matthew D, Craske Michelle G The lasting effect of words on feelings: words may facilitate exposure effects to threatening images Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 2008; 8(3): 307-17.
Waters Allison M, Neumann David L, Henry Julie, Craske Michelle G, Ornitz Edward M Baseline and affective startle modulation by angry and neutral faces in 4-8-year-old anxious and non-anxious children Biological psychology, 2008; 78(1): 10-9.
Kircanski Katharina, Craske Michelle G, Bjork Robert A Thought suppression enhances memory bias for threat material Behaviour research and therapy, 2008; 46(4): 462-76.
Kringelbach Morten L, Lehtonen Annukka, Squire Sarah, Harvey Allison G, Craske Michelle G, Holliday Ian E, Green Alexander L, Aziz Tipu Z, Hansen Peter C, Cornelissen Piers L, Stein Alan A specific and rapid neural signature for parental instinct PloS one, 2008; 3(2): e1664.
Waters Allison M, Wharton Trisha A, Zimmer-Gembeck Melanie J, Craske Michelle G Threat-based cognitive biases in anxious children: comparison with non-anxious children before and after cognitive behavioural treatment Behaviour research and therapy, 2008; 46(3): 358-74.
Sullivan Greer, Craske Michelle G, Sherbourne Cathy, Edlund Mark J, Rose Raphael D, Golinelli Daniela, Chavira Denise A, Bystritsky Alexander, Stein Murray B, Roy-Byrne Peter P Design of the Coordinated Anxiety Learning and Management (CALM) study: innovations in collaborative care for anxiety disorders General hospital psychiatry, 2008; 29(5): 379-87.
Mor Nilly, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle G, Mineka Susan, Uliaszek Amanda, Rose Raphael, Griffith James W, Waters Allison M Evaluating the invariance of the factor structure of the EPQ-R-N among adolescents Journal of personality assessment, 2008; 90(1): 66-75.
Craske Michelle G, Kircanski Katharina, Zelikowsky Moriel, Mystkowski Jayson, Chowdhury Najwa, Baker Aaron Optimizing inhibitory learning during exposure therapy Behaviour research and therapy, 2008; 46(1): 5-27.
Means-Christensen Adrienne J, Roy-Byrne Peter P, Sherbourne Cathy D, Craske Michelle G, Stein Murray B Relationships among pain, anxiety, and depression in primary care Depression and anxiety, 2008; 25(7): 593-600.
Aikins Deane E, Craske Michelle G Sleep-based heart period variability in panic disorder with and without nocturnal panic attacks Journal of anxiety disorders, 2008; 22(3): 453-63.
Waters Allison M, Craske Michelle G, Bergman R Lindsey, Treanor Michael Threat interpretation bias as a vulnerability factor in childhood anxiety disorders Behaviour research and therapy, 2008; 46(1): 39-47.
Arch Joanna J, Craske Michelle G Implications of naturalistic use of pharmacotherapy in CBT treatment for panic disorder Behaviour research and therapy, 2007; 45(7): 1435-47.
DeSantis Amy S, Adam Emma K, Doane Leah D, Mineka Susan, Zinbarg Richard E, Craske Michelle G Racial/ethnic differences in cortisol diurnal rhythms in a community sample of adolescents The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2007; 41(1): 3-13.
Craske Michelle G, Farchione Todd J, Allen Laura B, Barrios Velma, Stoyanova Milena, Rose Raphael Cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder and comorbidity: more of the same or less of more? Behaviour research and therapy, 2007; 45(6): 1095-109.
Bricker Jonathan B, Russo Joan, Stein Murray B, Sherbourne Cathy, Craske Michelle, Schraufnagel Trevor J, Roy-Byrne Peter Does occasional cannabis use impact anxiety and depression treatment outcomes?: Results from a randomized effectiveness trial Depression and anxiety, 2007; 24(6): 392-8.
Waters Allison M, Nitz Ashley B, Craske Michelle G, Johnson Chris The effects of anxiety upon attention allocation to affective stimuli Behaviour research and therapy, 2007; 45(4): 763-74.
Mukherjee Snigdha, Sullivan Greer, Perry Dana, Verdugo Bobby, Means-Christensen Adrienne, Schraufnagel Trevor, Sherbourne Cathy D, Stein Murray B, Craske Michelle G, Roy-Byrne Peter P Adherence to treatment among economically disadvantaged patients with panic disorder Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 2006; 57(12): 1745-50.
Arch Joanna J, Craske Michelle G Mechanisms of mindfulness: emotion regulation following a focused breathing induction Behaviour research and therapy, 2006; 44(12): 1849-58.
Roy-Byrne Peter P, Craske Michelle G, Stein Murray B Panic disorder Lancet, 2006; 368(9540): 1023-32.
Demertzis Kristen Hope, Craske Michelle G Anxiety in primary care Current psychiatry reports, 2006; 8(4): 291-7.
Norman Sonya B, Means-Christensen Adrienne J, Craske Michelle G, Sherbourne Cathy D, Roy-Byrne Peter P, Stein Murray B Associations between psychological trauma and physical illness in primary care Journal of traumatic stress, 2006; 19(4): 461-70.
Hermans Dirk, Craske Michelle G, Mineka Susan, Lovibond Peter F Extinction in human fear conditioning Biological psychiatry, 2006; 60(4): 361-8.
Roy-Byrne Peter, Sherbourne Cathy, Miranda Jeanne, Stein Murray, Craske Michelle, Golinelli Daniela, Sullivan Greer Poverty and response to treatment among panic disorder patients in primary care The American journal of psychiatry, 2006; 163(8): 1419-25.
Craske Michelle G, Roy-Byrne Peter, Stein Murray B, Sullivan Greer, Hazlett-Stevens Holly, Bystritsky Alexander, Sherbourne Cathy CBT intensity and outcome for panic disorder in a primary care setting Behavior therapy, 2006; 37(2): 112-9.
Katon Wayne, Russo Joan, Sherbourne Cathy, Stein Murray B, Craske Michelle, Fan Ming-Yu, Roy-Byrne Peter Incremental cost-effectiveness of a collaborative care intervention for panic disorder Psychological medicine, 2006; 36(3): 353-63.
Mystkowski Jayson L, Craske Michelle G, Echiverri Aileen M, Labus Jennifer S Mental reinstatement of context and return of fear in spider-fearful participants Behavior therapy, 2006; 37(1): 49-60.
Means-Christensen Adrienne J, Sherbourne Cathy D, Roy-Byrne Peter P, Craske Michelle G, Stein Murray B Using five questions to screen for five common mental disorders in primary care: diagnostic accuracy of the Anxiety and Depression Detector General hospital psychiatry, 2006; 28(2): 108-18.
Zucker Bonnie G, Craske Michelle G, Blackmore Michelle A, Nitz Ashley A cognitive behavioral workshop for subclinical obsessions and compulsions Behaviour research and therapy, 2006; 44(2): 289-304.