Rhonda R. Voskuhl, M.D.

Rhonda Voskuhl, M.D.

Jack H. Skirball Chair, Multiple Sclerosis Research Director, Multiple Sclerosis Program Professor, Neurology Professor In-Residence, Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior

(310) 206-4636

635 Charles E. Young Drive South
NRB1 475D
Los Angeles, CA 90095


Dr. Voskuhl is the Director of the UCLA MS Program, holds the Jack H. Skirball Chair in MS, and is a Professor in the UCLA Dept. of Neurology. She has received national and international awards for her research and has continuous funding for over 20 years. Professor Voskuhl uses a “Bedside to Bench to Bedside” approach, basing reserach on clinical observations, understanding them in the lab, then designing novel clincal trials. She sees MS patients in the neurology clinic and mentors at the postdoctoral, graduate, and undergradate levels.
