Ronald Harper, Ph.D.
UCLA Neurobiology
695 Charles Young Dr S
BOX 951763, Suite 78-113 BRI
Los Angeles, CA 90095
The laboratory examines neural mechanisms underlying sleep state: control of breathing, somatomotor activity, and cardiovascular action in developing and adult small animal preparations. Neural mechanisms are examined through neurophysiologic techniques which include assessment of intrinsic optical changes in neural tissue, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and chronic single neuron recording; the optical imaging and cell recording studies are often combined with microdialysis techniques to determine neurochemical mechanisms underlying cell action. We found that a substantial portion of sleep effects on normal and disordered breathing result from rostral brain influences on pontine and medullary structures, that activity over wide areas of these structures can be visualized during ventilatory and pressor challenges in freely behaving animals, and that immature development of mechanisms controlling descending rostral brain influences on breathing can place the organism at risk.
- Harper RM, Kesavan K. Neuromodulatory Support for Breathing and Cardiovascular Action During Development.. Frontiers in pediatrics, 2021.
- Harper RM, Hertling D, Curtis A, Sauerland EK, De Giorgio CM. Pilot Safety and Feasibility Study of Non-invasive Limb Proprioceptive Cerebellar Stimulation for Epilepsy.. Frontiers in neurology, 2021.
- An E, Irwin MR, Doering LV, Brecht ML, Watson KE, Aysola RS, Aguila AP, Harper RM, Macey PM. Which came first, obstructive sleep apnoea or hypertension? A retrospective study of electronic records over 10 years, with separation by sex.. BMJ open, 2021.
- Pal A, Ogren JA, Aysola RS, Kumar R, Henderson LA, Harper RM, Macey PM. Insular functional organization during handgrip in females and males with obstructive sleep apnea.. PloS one, 2021.
- Ochoa-Urrea M, Lacuey N, Vilella L, Zhu L, Jamal-Omidi S, Rani MRS, Hampson JP, Dayyani M, Hampson J, Hupp NJ, Tao S, Sainju RK, Friedman D, Nei M, Scott C, Allen L, Gehlbach BK, Reick-Mitrisin V, Schuele S, Ogren J, Harper RM, Diehl B, Bateman LM, Devinsky O, Richerson GB, Zhang GQ, Lhatoo SD. Seizure Clusters, Seizure Severity Markers, and SUDEP Risk.. Frontiers in neurology, 2021.
- Pal A, Ogren JA, Aguila AP, Aysola R, Kumar R, Henderson LA, Harper RM, Macey PM. Functional organization of the insula in men and women with obstructive sleep apnea during Valsalva.. Sleep, 2021.
- Vilella L, Lacuey N, Hampson JP, Zhu L, Omidi S, Ochoa-Urrea M, Tao S, Rani MRS, Sainju RK, Friedman D, Nei M, Strohl K, Scott C, Allen L, Gehlbach BK, Hupp NJ, Hampson JS, Shafiabadi N, Zhao X, Reick-Mitrisin V, Schuele S, Ogren J, Harper RM, Diehl B, Bateman LM, Devinsky O, Richerson GB, Ryvlin P, Zhang GQ, Lhatoo SD. Association of Peri-ictal Brainstem Posturing With Seizure Severity and Breathing Compromise in Patients With Generalized Convulsive Seizures.. Neurology, 2020.
- Allen LA, Harper RM, Vos SB, Scott CA, Lacuey N, Vilella L, Winston JS, Whatley BP, Kumar R, Ogren J, Hampson JS, Rani S, Winston GP, Lemieux L, Lhatoo SD, Diehl B. Peri-ictal hypoxia is related to extent of regional brain volume loss accompanying generalized tonic-clonic seizures.. Epilepsia, 2020.
- Murugesan A, Rani MRS, Vilella L, Lacuey N, Hampson JP, Faingold CL, Friedman D, Devinsky O, Sainju RK, Schuele S, Diehl B, Nei M, Harper RM, Bateman LM, Richerson G, Lhatoo SD. Postictal serotonin levels are associated with peri-ictal apnea.. Neurology, 2019.
- Lacuey N, Martins R, Vilella L, Hampson JP, Rani MRS, Strohl K, Zaremba A, Hampson JS, Sainju RK, Friedman D, Nei M, Scott C, Gehlbach BK, Hupp NJ, Schuele S, Ogren J, Harper RM, Allen L, Diehl B, Bateman LM, Devinsky O, Richerson GB, Lhatoo S. The association of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and benzodiazepines with ictal central apnea.. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, 2019.
- Allen LA, Vos SB, Kumar R, Ogren JA, Harper RK, Winston GP, Balestrini S, Wandschneider B, Scott CA, Ourselin S, Duncan JS, Lhatoo SD, Harper RM, Diehl B. Cerebellar, limbic, and midbrain volume alterations in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy.. Epilepsia, 2019.
- Vilella L, Lacuey N, Hampson JP, Rani MRS, Loparo K, Sainju RK, Friedman D, Nei M, Strohl K, Allen L, Scott C, Gehlbach BK, Zonjy B, Hupp NJ, Zaremba A, Shafiabadi N, Zhao X, Reick-Mitrisin V, Schuele S, Ogren J, Harper RM, Diehl B, Bateman LM, Devinsky O, Richerson GB, Tanner A, Tatsuoka C, Lhatoo SD. Incidence, Recurrence, and Risk Factors for Peri-ictal Central Apnea and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy.. Frontiers in neurology, 2019.
- Lacuey N, Hampson JP, Harper RM, Miller JP, Lhatoo S. Limbic and paralimbic structures driving ictal central apnea.. Neurology, 2019.
- Vilella L, Lacuey N, Hampson JP, Rani MRS, Sainju RK, Friedman D, Nei M, Strohl K, Scott C, Gehlbach BK, Zonjy B, Hupp NJ, Zaremba A, Shafiabadi N, Zhao X, Reick-Mitrisin V, Schuele S, Ogren J, Harper RM, Diehl B, Bateman L, Devinsky O, Richerson GB, Ryvlin P, Lhatoo SD. Postconvulsive central apnea as a biomarker for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP).. Neurology, 2018.
- Macey PM, Prasad JP, Ogren JA, Moiyadi AS, Aysola RS, Kumar R, Yan-Go FL, Woo MA, Albert Thomas M, Harper RM. Sex-specific hippocampus volume changes in obstructive sleep apnea.. NeuroImage. Clinical, 2018.
- Ogren JA, Tripathi R, Macey PM, Kumar R, Stern JM, Eliashiv DS, Allen LA, Diehl B, Engel J, Rani MRS, Lhatoo SD, Harper RM. Regional cortical thickness changes accompanying generalized tonic-clonic seizures.. NeuroImage. Clinical, 2018.
- Tom C, Roy B, Vig R, Kang DW, Aysola RS, Woo MA, Harper RM, Kumar R. Correlations between Waist and Neck Circumferences and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Characteristics.. Sleep and vigilance, 2018.
- Parga JJ, Daland R, Kesavan K, Macey PM, Zeltzer L, Harper RM. A description of externally recorded womb sounds in human subjects during gestation.. PloS one, 2018.
- Song X, Roy B, Kang DW, Aysola RS, Macey PM, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM, Kumar R. Altered resting-state hippocampal and caudate functional networks in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.. Brain and behavior, 2018.
- Macey PM, Haris N, Kumar R, Thomas MA, Woo MA, Harper RM. Obstructive sleep apnea and cortical thickness in females and males.. PloS one, 2018.
- Horne RSC, Roy B, Walter LM, Biggs SN, Tamanyan K, Weichard A, Nixon GM, Davey MJ, Ditchfield M, Harper RM, Kumar R. Regional brain tissue changes and associations with disease severity in children with sleep-disordered breathing.. Sleep, 2018.
- Allen LA, Harper RM, Kumar R, Guye M, Ogren JA, Lhatoo SD, Lemieux L, Scott CA, Vos SB, Rani S, Diehl B. Dysfunctional Brain Networking among Autonomic Regulatory Structures in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Patients at High Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy.. Frontiers in neurology, 2017.
- Macey PM, Sarma MK, Prasad JP, Ogren JA, Aysola R, Harper RM, Thomas MA. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with altered midbrain chemical concentrations.. Neuroscience, 2017.
- Parga JJ, Bhatt RR, Kesavan K, Sim MS, Karp HN, Harper RM, Zeltzer L. A prospective observational cohort study of exposure to womb-like sounds to stabilize breathing and cardiovascular patterns in preterm neonates.. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, 2017.
- Roy B, Woo MA, Wang DJJ, Fonarow GC, Harper RM, Kumar R. Reduced regional cerebral blood flow in patients with heart failure.. European journal of heart failure, 2017.
- Macey PM, Rieken NS, Ogren JA, Macey KE, Kumar R, Harper RM. Sex differences in insular cortex gyri responses to a brief static handgrip challenge.. Biology of sex differences, 2017.
- Tummala S, Roy B, Vig R, Park B, Kang DW, Woo MA, Aysola R, Harper RM, Kumar R. Non-Gaussian Diffusion Imaging Shows Brain Myelin and Axonal Changes in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.. Journal of computer assisted tomography, 2017.
- Weiss SA, Orosz I, Salamon N, Moy S, Wei L, Van't Klooster MA, Knight RT, Harper RM, Bragin A, Fried I, Engel J, Staba RJ. Ripples on spikes show increased phase-amplitude coupling in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy seizure-onset zones.. Epilepsia, 2016.
- Ma MA, Kumar R, Macey PM, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Epiglottis cross-sectional area and oropharyngeal airway length in male and female obstructive sleep apnea patients.. Nature and science of sleep, 2016.
- Harper RM. Neuroanatomical findings of significant translational importance : Comments on: Holstein, G. R., Friedrich, V. L., and Martinelli, G. P. Exp Brain Res (2016). doi:10.1007/s00221-016-4725-2.. Experimental brain research, 2016.
- Sarma MK, Macey PM, Nagarajan R, Aysola R, Harper RM, Thomas MA. Accelerated Echo Planer J-resolved Spectroscopic Imaging of Putamen and Thalamus in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.. Scientific reports, 2016.
- Tummala S, Roy B, Park B, Kang DW, Woo MA, Harper RM, Kumar R. Associations between brain white matter integrity and disease severity in obstructive sleep apnea.. Journal of neuroscience research, 2016.
- Shivkumar K, Ajijola OA, Anand I, Armour JA, Chen PS, Esler M, De Ferrari GM, Fishbein MC, Goldberger JJ, Harper RM, Joyner MJ, Khalsa SS, Kumar R, Lane R, Mahajan A, Po S, Schwartz PJ, Somers VK, Valderrabano M, Vaseghi M, Zipes DP. Clinical neurocardiology defining the value of neuroscience-based cardiovascular therapeutics.. The Journal of physiology, 2016.
- Macey PM, Rieken NS, Kumar R, Ogren JA, Middlekauff HR, Wu P, Woo MA, Harper RM. Sex Differences in Insular Cortex Gyri Responses to the Valsalva Maneuver.. Frontiers in neurology, 2016.
- Park B, Roy B, Woo MA, Palomares JA, Fonarow GC, Harper RM, Kumar R. Lateralized Resting-State Functional Brain Network Organization Changes in Heart Failure.. PloS one, 2016.
- Park B, Palomares JA, Woo MA, Kang DW, Macey PM, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM, Kumar R. Aberrant Insular Functional Network Integrity in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.. Sleep, 2016.
- Macey PM, Schluter PJ, Macey KE, Harper RM. Detecting variable responses within fMRI time-series of volumes-of-interest using repeated measures ANOVA.. F1000Research, 2016.
- Macey PM, Sarma MK, Nagarajan R, Aysola R, Siegel JM, Harper RM, Thomas MA. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with low GABA and high glutamate in the insular cortex.. Journal of sleep research, 2016.
- Park B, Palomares JA, Woo MA, Kang DW, Macey PM, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM, Kumar R. Disrupted functional brain network organization in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.. Brain and behavior, 2016.
- Macey PM, Ogren JA, Kumar R, Harper RM. Functional Imaging of Autonomic Regulation: Methods and Key Findings.. Frontiers in neuroscience, 2016.
- Tummala S, Palomares J, Kang DW, Park B, Woo MA, Harper RM, Kumar R. Global and Regional Brain Non-Gaussian Diffusion Changes in Newly Diagnosed Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.. Sleep, 2016.
- Harper RM, Kumar R, Macey PM, Harper RK, Ogren JA. Impaired neural structure and function contributing to autonomic symptoms in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Frontiers in neuroscience, 2015.
- Mayo MC, Deng JC, Albores J, Zeidler M, Harper RM, Avidan AY. Hypocretin Deficiency Associated with Narcolepsy Type 1 and Central Hypoventilation Syndrome in Neurosarcoidosis of the Hypothalamus.. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2015.
- Palomares JA, Tummala S, Wang DJ, Park B, Woo MA, Kang DW, St Lawrence KS, Harper RM, Kumar R. Water Exchange across the Blood-Brain Barrier in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An MRI Diffusion-Weighted Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Study.. Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging, 2015.
- Wandschneider B, Koepp M, Scott C, Micallef C, Balestrini S, Sisodiya SM, Thom M, Harper RM, Sander JW, Vos SB, Duncan JS, Lhatoo S, Diehl B. Structural imaging biomarkers of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy.. Brain : a journal of neurology, 2015.
- Baron Nelson M, Compton P, Macey PM, Patel SK, Jacob E, O'Neil S, Ogren J, Finlay JL, Harper RM. Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Neurobehavioral Outcome in Children With Brain Tumors Treated With Chemotherapy.. Journal of pediatric oncology nursing : official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses, 2015.
- Kumar R, Yadav SK, Palomares JA, Park B, Joshi SH, Ogren JA, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM, Woo MA. Reduced regional brain cortical thickness in patients with heart failure.. PloS one, 2015.
- Wu P, Bandettini PA, Harper RM, Handwerker DA. Effects of thoracic pressure changes on MRI signals in the brain.. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2015.
- Woo MA, Ogren JA, Abouzeid CM, Macey PM, Sairafian KG, Saharan PS, Thompson PM, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM, Kumar R. Regional hippocampal damage in heart failure.. European journal of heart failure, 2015.
- Woo MA, Palomares JA, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM, Kumar R. Global and regional brain mean diffusivity changes in patients with heart failure.. Journal of neuroscience research, 2014.
- Woo MA, Yadav SK, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM, Kumar R. Brain metabolites in autonomic regulatory insular sites in heart failure.. Journal of the neurological sciences, 2014.
- DeGiorgio CM, Miller PR, Harper R, Gornbein J, Schrader L, Soss J, Meymandi S. Fish oil (n-3 fatty acids) in drug resistant epilepsy: a randomised placebo-controlled crossover study.. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 2014.
- Macey PM, Kumar R, Ogren JA, Woo MA, Harper RM. Global brain blood-oxygen level responses to autonomic challenges in obstructive sleep apnea.. PloS one, 2014.
- Nelson MB, Macey PM, Harper RM, Jacob E, Patel SK, Finlay JL, Nelson MD, Compton P. Structural brain alterations in children an average of 5 years after surgery and chemotherapy for brain tumors.. Journal of neuro-oncology, 2014.
- Serber SL, Rinsky B, Kumar R, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM. Cerebral blood flow velocity and vasomotor reactivity during autonomic challenges in heart failure.. Nursing research, 2014.
- Yadav SK, Kumar R, Macey PM, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Insular cortex metabolite changes in obstructive sleep apnea.. Sleep, 2014.
- Kumar R, Pham TT, Macey PM, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Abnormal myelin and axonal integrity in recently diagnosed patients with obstructive sleep apnea.. Sleep, 2014.
- Zhong W, Tang YG, Zhao X, Go FY, Harper RM, Hui H. Treating obstructive sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure benefits type 2 diabetes management.. Pancreas, 2014.
- Kumar R, Farahvar S, Ogren JA, Macey PM, Thompson PM, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Brain putamen volume changes in newly-diagnosed patients with obstructive sleep apnea.. NeuroImage. Clinical, 2014.
- Harper RM, Kumar R, Macey PM, Woo MA, Ogren JA. Affective brain areas and sleep-disordered breathing.. Progress in brain research, 2014.
- Macey PM, Kumar R, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Heart rate responses to autonomic challenges in obstructive sleep apnea.. PloS one, 2013.
- Yadav SK, Kumar R, Macey PM, Richardson HL, Wang DJ, Woo MA, Harper RM. Regional cerebral blood flow alterations in obstructive sleep apnea.. Neuroscience letters, 2013.
- Richardson HL, Macey PM, Kumar R, Valladares EM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Neural and physiological responses to a cold pressor challenge in healthy adolescents.. Journal of neuroscience research, 2013.
- Harper RM, Kumar R, Ogren JA, Macey PM. Sleep-disordered breathing: effects on brain structure and function.. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2013.
- Kumar R, Harper RM. Response.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2013.
- Kumar R, Chavez AS, Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Brain axial and radial diffusivity changes with age and gender in healthy adults.. Brain research, 2013.
- Pan A, Kumar R, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM, Woo MA. Visual assessment of brain magnetic resonance imaging detects injury to cognitive regulatory sites in patients with heart failure.. Journal of cardiac failure, 2013.
- Ogren JA, Macey PM, Kumar R, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM, Woo MA. Impaired cerebellar and limbic responses to the valsalva maneuver in heart failure.. Cerebellum (London, England), 2012.
- Macey PM, Kumar R, Yan-Go FL, Woo MA, Harper RM. Sex differences in white matter alterations accompanying obstructive sleep apnea.. Sleep, 2012.
- Harper RM, Kumar R, Macey PM, Ogren JA, Richardson HL. Functional neuroanatomy and sleep-disordered breathing: implications for autonomic regulation.. Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), 2012.
- Kumar R, Chavez AS, Macey PM, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Altered global and regional brain mean diffusivity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.. Journal of neuroscience research, 2012.
- Macey PM, Wu P, Kumar R, Ogren JA, Richardson HL, Woo MA, Harper RM. Differential responses of the insular cortex gyri to autonomic challenges.. Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical, 2012.
- Kumar R, Woo MS, Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Progressive gray matter changes in patients with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Pediatric research, 2012.
- Kumar R, Delshad S, Woo MA, Macey PM, Harper RM. Age-related regional brain T2-relaxation changes in healthy adults.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2011.
- Macey PM, Moiyadi AS, Kumar R, Woo MA, Harper RM. Decreased cortical thickness in central hypoventilation syndrome.. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2011.
- Pae EK, Yoon AJ, Ahuja B, Lau GW, Nguyen DD, Kim Y, Harper RM. Perinatal intermittent hypoxia alters γ-aminobutyric acid: a receptor levels in rat cerebellum.. International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, 2011.
- Kumar R, Nguyen HD, Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Regional brain axial and radial diffusivity changes during development.. Journal of neuroscience research, 2011.
- Kumar R, Woo MA, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM. Brain axonal and myelin evaluation in heart failure.. Journal of the neurological sciences, 2011.
- Kumar R, Nguyen HD, Ogren JA, Macey PM, Thompson PM, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM, Woo MA. Global and regional putamen volume loss in patients with heart failure.. European journal of heart failure, 2011.
- Kumar R, Delshad S, Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Development of T2-relaxation values in regional brain sites during adolescence.. Magnetic resonance imaging, 2010.
- Kumar R, Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Rostral brain axonal injury in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Journal of neuroscience research, 2010.
- DeGiorgio CM, Miller P, Meymandi S, Chin A, Epps J, Gordon S, Gornbein J, Harper RM. RMSSD, a measure of vagus-mediated heart rate variability, is associated with risk factors for SUDEP: the SUDEP-7 Inventory.. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, 2010.
- Patwari PP, Carroll MS, Rand CM, Kumar R, Harper R, Weese-Mayer DE. Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome and the PHOX2B gene: a model of respiratory and autonomic dysregulation.. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2010.
- Menteer J, Macey PM, Woo MA, Panigrahy A, Harper RM. Central nervous system changes in pediatric heart failure: a volumetric study.. Pediatric cardiology, 2010.
- Macey PM, Kumar R, Ogren JA, Woo MA, Harper RM. Images in sleep medicine. Altered cerebral blood flow in a patient with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Sleep medicine, 2010.
- Macey PM, Woo MA, Kumar R, Cross RL, Harper RM. Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea severity and sleep, depression and anxiety symptoms in newly-diagnosed patients.. PloS one, 2010.
- Harper RM, Kinney HC. Potential Mechanisms of Failure in the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.. Current pediatric reviews, 2010.
- Kumar R, Nguyen HD, Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Dilated basilar arteries in patients with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Neuroscience letters, 2009.
- Kumar R, Lee K, Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Mammillary body and fornix injury in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Pediatric research, 2009.
- Macey PM, Richard CA, Kumar R, Woo MA, Ogren JA, Avedissian C, Thompson PM, Harper RM. Hippocampal volume reduction in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. PloS one, 2009.
- Kumar R, Macey PM, Cross RL, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Neural alterations associated with anxiety symptoms in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.. Depression and anxiety, 2009.
- Woo MA, Kumar R, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM. Brain injury in autonomic, emotional, and cognitive regulatory areas in patients with heart failure.. Journal of cardiac failure, 2008.
- Kumar R, Woo MA, Birrer BV, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM. Mammillary bodies and fornix fibers are injured in heart failure.. Neurobiology of disease, 2008.
- Kumar R, Macey PM, Woo MA, Alger JR, Harper RM. Diffusion tensor imaging demonstrates brainstem and cerebellar abnormalities in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Pediatric research, 2008.
- Cross RL, Kumar R, Macey PM, Doering LV, Alger JR, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Neural alterations and depressive symptoms in obstructive sleep apnea patients.. Sleep, 2008.
- Macey PM, Kumar R, Woo MA, Valladares EM, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Brain structural changes in obstructive sleep apnea.. Sleep, 2008.
- Kumar R, Birrer BV, Macey PM, Woo MA, Gupta RK, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Reduced mammillary body volume in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.. Neuroscience letters, 2008.
- Serber SL, Kumar R, Woo MA, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Harper RM. Cognitive test performance and brain pathology.. Nursing research, 2008.
- Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM. Hyperoxic brain effects are normalized by addition of CO2.. PLoS medicine, 2007.
- Woo MA, Macey PM, Keens PT, Kumar R, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM. Aberrant central nervous system responses to the Valsalva maneuver in heart failure.. Congestive heart failure (Greenwich, Conn.), 2007.
- Kumar R, Macey PM, Woo MA, Alger JR, Harper RM. Elevated mean diffusivity in widespread brain regions in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2006.
- Krakow B, Melendrez D, Warner TD, Clark JO, Sisley BN, Dorin R, Harper RM, Leahigh LK, Lee SA, Sklar D, Hollifield M. Signs and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing in trauma survivors: a matched comparison with classic sleep apnea patients.. The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 2006.
- Henderson LA, Macey KE, Macey PM, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Regional brain response patterns to Cheyne-Stokes breathing.. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2005.
- Woo MA, Macey PM, Keens PT, Kumar R, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM. Functional abnormalities in brain areas that mediate autonomic nervous system control in advanced heart failure.. Journal of cardiac failure, 2005.
- Kumar R, Macey PM, Woo MA, Alger JR, Keens TG, Harper RM. Neuroanatomic deficits in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. The Journal of comparative neurology, 2005.
- Macey KE, Macey PM, Woo MA, Henderson LA, Frysinger RC, Harper RK, Alger JR, Yan-Go F, Harper RM. Inspiratory loading elicits aberrant fMRI signal changes in obstructive sleep apnea.. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2005.
- Macey PM, Macey KE, Woo MA, Keens TG, Harper RM. Aberrant neural responses to cold pressor challenges in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Pediatric research, 2005.
- Woo MA, Macey PM, Macey KE, Keens TG, Woo MS, Harper RK, Harper RM. FMRI responses to hyperoxia in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Pediatric research, 2005.
- Pae EK, Chien P, Harper RM. Intermittent hypoxia damages cerebellar cortex and deep nuclei.. Neuroscience letters, 2004.
- Pae EK, Wu J, Nguyen D, Monti R, Harper RM. Geniohyoid muscle properties and myosin heavy chain composition are altered after short-term intermittent hypoxic exposure.. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2004.
- Harper RM, Macey PM, Woo MA, Macey KE, Keens TG, Gozal D, Alger JR. Hypercapnic exposure in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome reveals CNS respiratory control mechanisms.. Journal of neurophysiology, 2004.
- Henderson LA, Macey PM, Richard CA, Runquist ML, Harper RM. Functional magnetic resonance imaging during hypotension in the developing animal.. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2004.
- Macey PM, Macey KE, Kumar R, Harper RM. A method for removal of global effects from fMRI time series.. NeuroImage, 2004.
- Macey PM, Valderama C, Kim AH, Woo MA, Gozal D, Keens TG, Harper RK, Harper RM. Temporal trends of cardiac and respiratory responses to ventilatory challenges in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Pediatric research, 2004.
- Kristensen MP, Rector DM, Poe GR, Harper RM. Activity changes of the cat paraventricular hypothalamus during stressor exposure.. Neuroreport, 2004.
- Macey PM, Alger JR, Kumar R, Macey KE, Woo MA, Harper RM. Global BOLD MRI changes to ventilatory challenges in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2003.
- Harper RM. Impaired arousals and sudden infant death syndrome: preexisting neural injury?. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2003.
- Henderson LA, Richard CA, Macey PM, Runquist ML, Yu PL, Galons JP, Harper RM. Functional magnetic resonance signal changes in neural structures to baroreceptor reflex activation.. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2003.
- Richard CA, Rector DM, Macey PM, Ali N, Harper RM. Late-developing rostral ventrolateral medullary surface responses to cardiovascular challenges during sleep.. Brain research, 2003.
- Woo MA, Macey PM, Fonarow GC, Hamilton MA, Harper RM. Regional brain gray matter loss in heart failure.. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2003.
- Harper RM, Macey PM, Henderson LA, Woo MA, Macey KE, Frysinger RC, Alger JR, Nguyen KP, Yan-Go FL. fMRI responses to cold pressor challenges in control and obstructive sleep apnea subjects.. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2003.
- Henderson LA, Macey PM, Macey KE, Frysinger RC, Woo MA, Harper RK, Alger JR, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Brain responses associated with the Valsalva maneuver revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.. Journal of neurophysiology, 2002.
- Harper RM, Richard CA, Henderson LA, Macey PM, Macey KE. Structural mechanisms underlying autonomic reactions in pediatric arousal.. Sleep medicine, 2002.
- Macey PM, Henderson LA, Macey KE, Alger JR, Frysinger RC, Woo MA, Harper RK, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Brain morphology associated with obstructive sleep apnea.. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2002.
- Henderson LA, Woo MA, Macey PM, Macey KE, Frysinger RC, Alger JR, Yan-Go F, Harper RM. Neural responses during Valsalva maneuvers in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2002.
- Henderson LA, Yu PL, Frysinger RC, Galons JP, Bandler R, Harper RM. Neural responses to intravenous serotonin revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2002.
- Harper RM, Woo MA, Alger JR. Visualization of sleep influences on cerebellar and brainstem cardiac and respiratory control mechanisms.. Brain research bulletin, 2000.
- Harper RM, Bandler R, Spriggs D, Alger JR. Lateralized and widespread brain activation during transient blood pressure elevation revealed by magnetic resonance imaging.. The Journal of comparative neurology, 2000.
- Harper RM, Kinney HC, Fleming PJ, Thach BT. Sleep influences on homeostatic functions: implications for sudden infant death syndrome.. Respiration physiology, 2000.
- Harper RM, Gozal D, Bandler R, Spriggs D, Lee J, Alger J. Regional brain activation in humans during respiratory and blood pressure challenges.. Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology, 1998.