Zili Liu, Ph.D.

Zili Liu, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology Cognitive Psychology Member, Brain Research Institute Neuroscience GPB Home Area


8505 and 8509 Psychology Tower Building

7546 Psychology Tower Building


  1. Cui L, Lo S, and Liu Z (2023). The Use of Visualizations to Improve Bayesian Reasoning: A Literature Review, Vision; 7(1(17)): 1–15.
  2. Willey C and Liu Z (2022). Re-assessing the Role of Culture on the Visual Orientation Perception of the Rod and Frame Test, PLoS ONE; 17(10): e0276393.
  3. Yu Z, Zhang R, Silva A, Xing Y, Thompson B, and Liu Z (2022). Motion opponency at the middle temporal cortex: preserved motion information and the effect of perceptual learning, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2022; 1–12.
  4. Deeb, A-R., Silva, A.E., and Liu, Z (2022). Causality Modulates Perception of Apparent Motion Stimuli, Vision Research; 210(December): 1–6. 2
  5. Huang J, Yu A, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2021). Deciphering Human Decision Rules in Motion Discrimination, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2021.
  6. Waz S C and Liu Z (2021). Evidence for strictly monocular processing in visual motion opponency and Glass pattern perception Vision Research, 186: 103—111.
  7. Karjack S, Erlikhman G, and Liu Z (2021). Reduced Direction Discrimination Sensitivity in Visual Motion Adaptation, and the Role of Perceptual Learning Vision Research, 185: 111-122.
  8. Silva A, Thompson B, and Liu Z (2021). Motion opponency examined throughout visual cortex with multivariate pattern analysis of fMRI data. Human Brain Mapping, 42: 5-13.
  9. Lee A L F, Liu Z, and Lu H (2020). Parts beget parts: Bootstrapping hierarchical object representations through visual statistical learning, Cognition, 2020, (104515) 1 - 14.
  10. Cui L and Liu Z (2020). Synergy between Research on Ensemble Perception, Data Visualization, and Statistics Education: A Tutorial Review Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83 (Special Issue on Ensemble Perception): 1290–1311.
  11. Erlikhman G, Singh G, Ghose T, and Liu Z (2019). The effect of perceptual contour orientation uncertainty on the tilt aftereffect. Vision Research, 158, 126–134.
  12. Silva A and Liu Z (2018). Spatial proximity modulates the strength of motion opponent suppression elicited by locally paired dot displays. Vision Research, 144, 1—8.
  13. Xing Y and Liu Z (2018). A Preference for Minimal Deformation Constrains the Perceived Depth of a Stereokinetic Stimulus. Vision Research, 153: 53–59.
  14. Zavagno D, Daneyko O, and Liu Z (2018). The influence of physical illumination on lightness perception in simultaneous contrast displays. i-Perception; 9(4): 1–22.
  15. Ren Na R, Bi T, Tjan BS, Liu Z, and Fang F (2018). Effect of Task Difficulty on Blood[1]Oxygen-Level-Dependent Signal: a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in a Motion Discrimination Task. PLOS ONE. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0199440
  16. Willey C and Liu Z (2018). Limited generalization with varied, as compared to specific, practice in short-term motor learning. Acta Psychologica 182, 39–45.
  17. Zhou ZW, Liu Z, Clavagnier S, Reynaud A, Hou F (2017). Visual plasticity in adults. Neural Plasticity. doi.org/10.1155/2017/8469580.
  18. Lu H, Tjan BS, and Liu Z (2017). Human efficiency in detecting and discriminating biological motion. Journal of Vision, 17(6), 1–14.
  19. Willey C and Liu Z (2018). Long-term motor learning: effects of varied and specific practice. Vision Research, 152, 10-16.
  20. Huang J, Liang J, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2017). Transfer in motion discrimination learning was no greater in double training than in single training. Journal of Vision, vol.17, doi:10.1167/17.6.7
  21. Thompson B, Deblieck C, Wu AD, Iacoboni M, Liu Z (2016). Psychophysical and rTMS evi[1]dence for the presence of motion opponency in human V5. Brain Stimulation (doi:10.1016/j.brs.2016.05.012).
  22. Chang J, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2016). Limited top-down influence from recognition to same[1]different matching of Chinese characters. PLoS ONE, 11(6): e0156517. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156517.
  23. Liu Z, Yang X, and Intraub H (2016). Boundary extension: insights from Signal Detection Theory, Journal of Vision, 16(8):7, 1–10.
  24. Liang J, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2016). Examining the standard model of Signal Detection Theory in motion discrimination, Journal of Vision, Special Issue on Perceptual Learning, 16, 9. doi:10.1167/16.7.9
  25. Liang J, Zhou Y, Fahle M, and Liu Z (2015). Specificity of motion discrimination learning even with double training and staircase, Journal of Vision, Special Issue on Perceptual Learning, 15(3), 1–10. 3
  26. Liang J, Zhou Y, Fahle M, and Liu Z (2015). Limited transfer of long-term motion perceptual learning with double training, Journal of Vision, Special Issue on Perceptual Learning, 15(1), 1–9.
  27. Silva A and Liu Z (2015). Opponent backgrounds reduce discrimination sensitivity to com[1]peting motions: effects of different vertical motions on horizontal motion perception, Vision Research, 113, 55–64.
  28. Chen N, Bi T, Zhou T, Li S, Liu Z, and Fang F (2015). Sharpened cortical tuning and enhanced cortico-cortical communication contribute to the long-term neural mechanisms of visual motion perceptual learning, Neural Image, 115: 17 – 29.
  29. Ghose T and Liu Z (2013). Generalization between canonical and non-canonical views in object recognition, Journal of Vision, 2013; 13(1): 1–15.
  30. Thompson B, Tjan B S, and Liu Z (2013). Perceptual Learning of Motion Direction Discrimi[1]nation with Suppressed and Unsuppressed MT in Humans: An fMRI Study, PLoS ONE, 8(1): 1 – 14.
  31. Wang X, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2013). Transfer in motion perceptual learning depends on the difficulty of the training task, Journal of Vision, 2013; 13((7):5): 1 – 9.
  32. Huang X, Lu H, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2011). General and specific perceptual learning in radial speed discrimination, Journal of Vision, 11(4): 7, 1 – 11.
  33. Lu H and Liu Z (2009) When a never-seen but less-occluded image is better recognized: Evi[1]dence from same-different matching experiments and a model, Journal of Vision, 9(4): 4, 1 – 12.
  34. Lu H and Liu Z. (2008). When a never-seen but less-occluded image is better recognized: Evidence from old—new memory experiments, Journal of Vision, 8(7): 31, 1 – 9.
  35. Zhou J, Gotch C, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2008). Perceiving an object in its context – is the context cultural or perceptual? Journal of Vision, 8(12):2, 1 — 5.
  36. Zhou J, Tjan B S, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2008). Better discrimination for illusory than for occluded perceptual completions, Journal of Vision, 8(7): 26, 1 – 17.
  37. Huang X, Lu H, Tjan B S, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2007). Motion perceptual learning: when only task-relevant information is learned, Journal of Vision 7(10): 14, 1—10.
  38. Lu H and Liu Z (2006). Computing dynamic classification images from correlation maps, Journal of Vision (Special Issue on Classification Images), 6. 475 – 483.
  39. Lu H, Zavagno D, and Liu Z (2006). The glare effect does not give rise to a longer lasting afterimage, Perception, 35, 701—707.
  40. Rokers B, Yuille A, and Liu Z (2006). The perceived motion of a stereokinetic stimulus, Vision Research, 46, 2575 – 2387.
  41. Thompson B and Liu Z (2006). Learning motion discrimination with suppressed and unsup[1]pressed MT, Vision Research, 4, 2110—2121.
  42. Lu H, Tjan B S, and Liu Z (2006). Shape recognition alters stereoscopic depth discrimination, Journal of Vision, 6, 75-86.
  43. Hou F, Lu H, Zhou Y, and Liu Z (2006). Amodal completion impairs stereo acuity discrimi[1]nation, Vision Research, 46, 2061 – 2068.
  44. Tjan B S and Liu Z (2005). Symmetry impedes symmetry discrimination, Journal of Vision, 5, 888 – 900.
  45. Lu H, Qian N, and Liu Z (2004). Learning motion discrimination with suppressed MT, Vision Research, 44, 1817-1825.
  46. Rokers B and Liu Z (2004). On the minimal relative motion principle – lateral displacement of a contracting bar, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 48, 292—295. 4
  47. Liu Z (2004). On the principle of minimal relative motion – the oscillating tilted bar, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 28. 196 – 198.
  48. Liu Z (2003). On the principle of minimal speed difference – the bar, the circle with a lot, and the ellipse, Journal of Vision, 3, 625 — 629.
  49. Liu Z and Kersten D (2003). 3D symmetric shapes are discriminated more efficiently than asymmetric ones, Journal of Optical Society of America, Special Issue on Bayesian and Sta[1]tistical Approaches to Vision, 20, 1331—1340.
  50. Matthews N, Liu Z, and Qian N (2001). The effect of orientation learning on contrast sensi[1]tivity, Vision Research, 41, 463 — 471.
  51. Liu Z and Weinshall D (2000). Mechanisms of generalization in perceptual learning, Vision Research, 40, 97- 109.
  52. Liu Z (1999). Perceptual learning in motion discrimination that generalizes across motion directions, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 96, 11085 —11087.
  53. Liu Z, Jacobs D W, and Basri R (1999). The role of convexity in perceptual completion – beyond good continuation, Vision Research, 39, 4244 — 4257.
  54. Matthews N, Liu Z, Geesaman B J, and Qian N (1999). Perceptual learning on orientation and direction discrimination, Vision Research, 39: 3692 — 3701.
  55. Liu Z, Kersten D, and Knill D C (1999). Dissociating stimulus information from internal representation —- a case study in object recognition, Vision Research, 39, 603 – 612.
  56. Liu Z and Kersten D (1998). 2D observers for human 3D object recognition? Vision Research, Special issue on Models of Recognition, 3 2507 – 2519.
  57. Liu Z and Vaina L (1998). Simultaneous learning of motion discrimination in two directions, Cognitive Brain Research, 6, 347 – 349.
  58. Liu Z (1996). Viewpoint-dependency in object representation and recognition, Spatial Vision, Special Issue on Perceptual Learning & Adaptation in Man & Machine, 9: 491 — 521.
  59. Liu Z, Knill D C, and Kersten D (1995). Object classification for human and ideal Observers, Vision Research, 35, 549 – 568.
  60. Liu Z, Wang X, and Zhang S W (1992). An electronic network for edge detection using DOC operator function, Acta Automatica Sinica, 18, 239 – 243.
  61. Zhang S W, Wang X, Liu Z, and Srinivasan M V (1990). Visual tracking of moving targets by freely flying honeybees. Visual Neuroscience, 4, 379 – 386.