2024 Decision Making Affinity Group (DMAG) Symposium

June 6, 2024

12:30pm – 5:00pm


NRB 132

2024 Decision Making Affinity Group (DMAG) Symposium

“More than Rewarding: How Do Sound and Light Cues Impact Risky Decision Making and Motor Impulsivity?”

Catharine Winstanley, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Member, Centre for Brain Health
University of British Columbia

“Allocating Attentionfor Information Gain: The Roles of Uncertainty, Prior Knowledge and Cognitive Costs”

Jacqueline Gottlieb, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Neuroscience
Zuckerman Institute
Columbia University

“Exploring the Links between Value-Based and Perceptual Decisions”

Ian Krajbich, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
UCLA College of Life Sciences

“Neuronal Signals for Multi-Component Choice Options in Primate Orbitofrontal Cortex”

Wolfram Schultz, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
Visiting Research Associate, Division of Human & Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology

In-Person Event
Neuroscience Research Building (NRB) 132 – Auditorium

For more information, please contact Alicia Izquierdo atAIzquie@psych.ucla.edu.