Posts classified under: Synapse to Circuit Club

Avishek Adhikari, Ph.D.


Dr. Adhikari joined UCLA’s Psychology Department in 2016, following postdoctoral training at Stanford University with Prof. Karl Deisseroth and Ph.D. studies at Columbia University with Prof. Joshua A. Gordon and Prof. Rene Hen.

Dr. Adhikari’s lab investigates how the brain coordinates the constellation of changes related to emotional behaviors, with a focus on fear and anxiety. These multi-faceted changes involve complex and dynamic adaptations in hormonal, physiological and behavioral realms. Dr. Adhikari dissects how interactions between different brain structures control these processes, seeking insights that shed light on the neural basis of pathological anxiety disorders and adaptive aversion to danger. To do so we use a combination of powerful techniques, including electrophysiology, behavioral assays, optogenetics and calcium imaging to monitor and control neural activity and behavior.

Learn more about our research at our lab website


A selected list of publications:

Ye Li, Allen William E, Thompson Kimberly R, Tian Qiyuan, Hsueh Brian, Ramakrishnan Charu, Wang Ai-Chi, Jennings Joshua H, Adhikari Avishek, Halpern Casey H, Witten Ilana B, Barth Alison L, Luo Liqun, McNab Jennifer A, Deisseroth Karl   Wiring and Molecular Features of Prefrontal Ensembles Representing Distinct Experiences Cell, 2016; 165(7): 1776-88.
Adhikari Avishek, Lerner Talia N, Finkelstein Joel, Pak Sally, Jennings Joshua H, Davidson Thomas J, Ferenczi Emily, Gunaydin Lisa A, Mirzabekov Julie J, Ye Li, Kim Sung-Yon, Lei Anna, Deisseroth Karl   Basomedial amygdala mediates top-down control of anxiety and fear Nature, 2015; 527(7577): 179-85.
Adhikari Avishek   Distributed circuits underlying anxiety Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 2014; 8(7): 112.
Gunaydin Lisa A, Grosenick Logan, Finkelstein Joel C, Kauvar Isaac V, Fenno Lief E, Adhikari Avishek, Lammel Stephan, Mirzabekov Julie J, Airan Raag D, Zalocusky Kelly A, Tye Kay M, Anikeeva Polina, Malenka Robert C, Deisseroth Karl   Natural neural projection dynamics underlying social behavior Cell, 2014; 157(7): 1535-51.
Kim Sung-Yon, Adhikari Avishek, Lee Soo Yeun, Marshel James H, Kim Christina K, Mallory Caitlin S, Lo Maisie, Pak Sally, Mattis Joanna, Lim Byung Kook, Malenka Robert C, Warden Melissa R, Neve Rachael, Tye Kay M, Deisseroth Karl   Diverging neural pathways assemble a behavioural state from separable features in anxiety Nature, 2013; 496(7444): 219-23.
Tye Kay M, Mirzabekov Julie J, Warden Melissa R, Ferenczi Emily A, Tsai Hsing-Chen, Finkelstein Joel, Kim Sung-Yon, Adhikari Avishek, Thompson Kimberly R, Andalman Aaron S, Gunaydin Lisa A, Witten Ilana B, Deisseroth Karl   Dopamine neurons modulate neural encoding and expression of depression-related behaviour Nature, 2013; 493(7433): 537-41.
Warden Melissa R, Selimbeyoglu Aslihan, Mirzabekov Julie J, Lo Maisie, Thompson Kimberly R, Kim Sung-Yon, Adhikari Avishek, Tye Kay M, Frank Loren M, Deisseroth Karl   A prefrontal cortex-brainstem neuronal projection that controls response to behavioural challenge Nature, 2012; 492(7429): 428-32.
Nason Malcolm W, Adhikari Avishek, Bozinoski Marjan, Gordon Joshua A, Role Lorna W   Disrupted activity in the hippocampal-accumbens circuit of type III neuregulin 1 mutant mice Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2011; 36(2): 488-96.
Adhikari Avishek, Sigurdsson Torfi, Topiwala Mihir A, Gordon Joshua A   Cross-correlation of instantaneous amplitudes of field potential oscillations: a straightforward method to estimate the directionality and lag between brain areas Journal of neuroscience methods, 2010; 191(2): 191-200.
Resende Rodrigo R, da Costa José L, Kihara Alexandre H, Adhikari Avishek, Lorençon Eudes   Intracellular Ca2+ regulation during neuronal differentiation of murine embryonal carcinoma and mesenchymal stem cells Stem cells and development, 2010; 19(3): 379-94.
Adhikari Avishek, Topiwala Mihir A, Gordon Joshua A   Synchronized activity between the ventral hippocampus and the medial prefrontal cortex during anxiety Neuron, 2010; 65(2): 257-69.
Resende Rodrigo R, Adhikari Avishek   Cholinergic receptor pathways involved in apoptosis, cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation Cell communication and signaling : CCS, 2009; 7(2): 20.
Resende Rodrigo R, Gomes Katia N, Adhikari Avishek, Britto Luiz R G, Ulrich Henning   Mechanism of acetylcholine-induced calcium signaling during neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells in vitro Cell calcium, 2008; 43(2): 107-21.
Bechara Etelvino J H, Dutra Fernando, Cardoso Vanessa E S, Sartori Adriano, Olympio Kelly P K, Penatti Carlos A A, Adhikari Avishek, Assunção Nilson A   The dual face of endogenous alpha-aminoketones: pro-oxidizing metabolic weapons Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP, 2008; 146(1-2): 88-110.
Adhikari Avishek, Penatti Carlos A A, Resende Rodrigo R, Ulrich Henning, Britto Luiz R G, Bechara Etelvino J H   5-Aminolevulinate and 4, 5-dioxovalerate ions decrease GABA(A) receptor density in neuronal cells, synaptosomes and rat brain Brain research, 2006; 1093(1): 95-104.

Laura DeNardo, Ph.D.


A selected list of publications:

Laura A DeNardo, Cindy D Liu, William E Allen, Eliza L Adams, Drew Friedmann, Ehsan Dadgar-Kiani, Lisa Fu, Casey J Guenthner, Jin Hyung Lee, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, Liqun Luo   Temporal Evolution of Cortical Ensembles Promoting Remote Memory Retrieval , 2018; .
Berns Dominic S, DeNardo Laura A, Pederick Daniel T, Luo Liqun   Teneurin-3 controls topographic circuit assembly in the hippocampus Nature, 2018; 554(7692): 328-333.
Savas Jeffrey N, Wang Yi-Zhi, DeNardo Laura A, Martinez-Bartolome Salvador, McClatchy Daniel B, Hark Timothy J, Shanks Natalie F, Cozzolino Kira A, Lavallée-Adam Mathieu, Smukowski Samuel N, Park Sung Kyu, Kelly Jeffery W, Koo Edward H, Nakagawa Terunaga, Masliah Eliezer, Ghosh Anirvan, Yates John R   Amyloid Accumulation Drives Proteome-wide Alterations in Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease-like Pathology Cell reports, 2017; 21(9): 2614-2627.
Allen William E, DeNardo Laura A, Chen Michael Z, Liu Cindy D, Loh Kyle M, Fenno Lief E, Ramakrishnan Charu, Deisseroth Karl, Luo Liqun   Thirst-associated preoptic neurons encode an aversive motivational drive Science (New York, N.Y.), 2017; 357(6356): 1149-1155.
DeNardo Laura, Luo Liqun   Genetic strategies to access activated neurons Current opinion in neurobiology, 2017; 45(6356): 121-129.
Savas JN, Ribeiro LF, Wierda KD, Wright R, DeNardo-Wilke LA, Chamma I, Wang Yi-Zhi, Zemla R, Lavallee- Adam M, Vennekens KM, O’Sullivan ML, Antonios JK, Hall EA, Thoumine O, Attie AD, Yates JR, Ghosh A, De Wit J   The Sorting Receptor SorCS1 Regulates Trafficking of Neurexin and AMPA receptors, Neuron, 2015; 87: 764-80.
DeNardo Laura A, Berns Dominic S, DeLoach Katherine, Luo Liqun   Connectivity of mouse somatosensory and prefrontal cortex examined with trans-synaptic tracing Nature neuroscience, 2015; 18(11): 1687-1697.
DeNardo Laura A, de Wit Joris, Otto-Hitt Stefanie, Ghosh Anirvan   NGL-2 regulates input-specific synapse development in CA1 pyramidal neurons Neuron, 2012; 76(4): 762-75.
Wilke Scott A, Hall Benjamin J, Antonios Joseph K, Denardo Laura A, Otto Stefanie, Yuan Bo, Chen Fading, Robbins Elissa M, Tiglio Katie, Williams Megan E, Qiu Zilong, Biederer Thomas, Ghosh Anirvan   NeuroD2 regulates the development of hippocampal mossy fiber synapses Neural development, 2012; 7(4): 9.