Posts classified under: Learning and Memory

Jesse Rissman, Ph.D.



Jesse Rissman joined the UCLA faculty in 2011 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. He earned his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley and subsequently completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University.


A selected list of publications:

Westphal Andrew J, Chow Tiffany E, Ngoy Corey, Zuo Xiaoye, Liao Vivian, Storozuk Laryssa A, Peters Megan A K, Wu Allan D, Rissman Jesse   Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to the Left Rostrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Selectively Improves Source Memory Retrieval Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2019; 31(9): 1380-1391.
Hennessee Joseph P, Reggente Nicco, Cohen Michael S, Rissman Jesse, Castel Alan D, Knowlton Barbara J   White matter integrity in brain structures supporting semantic processing is associated with value-directed remembering in older adults Neuropsychologia, 2019; 129(9): 246-254.
Bainbridge Wilma A, Rissman Jesse   Dissociating neural markers of stimulus memorability and subjective recognition during episodic retrieval Scientific reports, 2018; 8(1): 8679.
Reggente Nicco, Essoe Joey K-Y, Aghajan Zahra M, Tavakoli Amir V, McGuire Joseph F, Suthana Nanthia A, Rissman Jesse   Enhancing the Ecological Validity of fMRI Memory Research Using Virtual Reality Frontiers in neuroscience, 2018; 12(9): 408.
Reggente Nicco, Cohen Michael S, Zheng Zhong S, Castel Alan D, Knowlton Barbara J, Rissman Jesse   Memory Recall for High Reward Value Items Correlates With Individual Differences in White Matter Pathways Associated With Reward Processing and Fronto-Temporal Communication Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2018; 12(9): 241.
Brown Thackery I, Rissman Jesse, Chow Tiffany E, Uncapher Melina R, Wagner Anthony D   Differential Medial Temporal Lobe and Parietal Cortical Contributions to Real-world Autobiographical Episodic and Autobiographical Semantic Memory Scientific reports, 2018; 8(1): 6190.
Chow Tiffany E, Westphal Andrew J, Rissman Jesse   Multi-voxel pattern classification differentiates personally experienced event memories from secondhand event knowledge NeuroImage, 2018; 176(1): 110-123.
Reggente Nicco, Moody Teena D, Morfini Francesca, Sheen Courtney, Rissman Jesse, O’Neill Joseph, Feusner Jamie D   Multivariate resting-state functional connectivity predicts response to cognitive behavioral therapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018; 115(9): 2222-2227.
Cohen Michael S, Rissman Jesse, Hovhannisyan Mariam, Castel Alan D, Knowlton Barbara J   Free recall test experience potentiates strategy-driven effects of value on memory Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 2017; 43(10): 1581-1601.
Chow Tiffany E, Rissman Jesse   Neurocognitive mechanisms of real-world autobiographical memory retrieval: insights from studies using wearable camera technology Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2017; 1396(1): 202-221.
Treanor Michael, Brown Lily A, Rissman Jesse, Craske Michelle G   Can Memories of Traumatic Experiences or Addiction Be Erased or Modified? A Critical Review of Research on the Disruption of Memory Reconsolidation and Its Applications Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 2017; 12(2): 290-305.
Westphal Andrew J, Wang Siliang, Rissman Jesse   Episodic Memory Retrieval Benefits from a Less Modular Brain Network Organization The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2017; 37(13): 3523-3531.
De Shetler Natalie G, Rissman Jesse   Dissociable profiles of generalization/discrimination in the human hippocampus during associative retrieval Hippocampus, 2017; 27(2): 115-121.
Rissman Jesse, Chow Tiffany E, Reggente Nicco, Wagner Anthony D   Decoding fMRI Signatures of Real-world Autobiographical Memory Retrieval Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2016; 28(4): 604-20.
Westphal Andrew J, Reggente Nicco, Ito Kaori L, Rissman Jesse   Shared and distinct contributions of rostrolateral prefrontal cortex to analogical reasoning and episodic memory retrieval Human brain mapping, 2016; 37(3): 896-912.
Cohen Michael S, Rissman Jesse, Suthana Nanthia A, Castel Alan D, Knowlton Barbara J   Effects of aging on value-directed modulation of semantic network activity during verbal learning NeuroImage, 2015; .
Uncapher Melina R, Boyd-Meredith J Tyler, Chow Tiffany E, Rissman Jesse, Wagner Anthony D   Goal-Directed Modulation of Neural Memory Patterns: Implications for fMRI-Based Memory Detection The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2015; 35(22): 8531-45.
Gordon Alan M, Rissman Jesse, Kiani Roozbeh, Wagner Anthony D   Cortical reinstatement mediates the relationship between content-specific encoding activity and subsequent recollection decisions Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2014; 24(12): 3350-64.
Waskom Michael L, Kumaran Dharshan, Gordon Alan M, Rissman Jesse, Wagner Anthony D   Frontoparietal representations of task context support the flexible control of goal-directed cognition The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2014; 34(32): 10743-55.
Cohen Michael S, Rissman Jesse, Suthana Nanthia A, Castel Alan D, Knowlton Barbara J   Value-based modulation of memory encoding involves strategic engagement of fronto-temporal semantic processing regions Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 2014; 14(2): 578-92.
Kuhl Brice A, Rissman Jesse, Wagner Anthony D   Multi-voxel patterns of visual category representation during episodic encoding are predictive of subsequent memory Neuropsychologia, 2012; 50(4): 458-69.
Rissman Jesse, Wagner Anthony D   Distributed Representations in Memory: Insights from Functional Brain Imaging Annual review of psychology, 2012; 108(14): .
Kuhl Brice A, Rissman Jesse, Chun Marvin M, Wagner Anthony D   Fidelity of neural reactivation reveals competition between memories Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011; 108(14): 5903-8.
Rissman Jesse, Greely Henry T, Wagner Anthony D   Detecting individual memories through the neural decoding of memory states and past experience Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010; 107(21): 9849-54.
Carr Valerie A, Rissman Jesse, Wagner Anthony D   Imaging the human medial temporal lobe with high-resolution fMRI Neuron, 2010; 65(3): 298-308.
Rissman Jesse, Gazzaley Adam, D’Esposito Mark   The effect of non-visual working memory load on top-down modulation of visual processing Neuropsychologia, 2009; 47(7): 1637-46.
Rissman Jesse, Gazzaley Adam, D’Esposito Mark   Dynamic adjustments in prefrontal, hippocampal, and inferior temporal interactions with increasing visual working memory load Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2008; 18(7): 1618-29.
Gazzaley Adam, Rissman Jesse, Cooney Jeffrey, Rutman Aaron, Seibert Tyler, Clapp Wesley, D’Esposito Mark   Functional interactions between prefrontal and visual association cortex contribute to top-down modulation of visual processing Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2007; 17 Suppl 1(7): i125-35.
Fiebach Christian J, Rissman Jesse, D’Esposito Mark   Modulation of inferotemporal cortex activation during verbal working memory maintenance Neuron, 2006; 51(2): 251-61.
Gazzaley Adam, Cooney Jeffrey W, Rissman Jesse, D’Esposito Mark   Top-down suppression deficit underlies working memory impairment in normal aging Nature neuroscience, 2005; 8(10): 1298-300.
Blumstein Sheila E, Myers Emily B, Rissman Jesse   The perception of voice onset time: an fMRI investigation of phonetic category structure Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2005; 17(9): 1353-66.
Ranganath Charan, Heller Aaron, Cohen Michael X, Brozinsky Craig J, Rissman Jesse   Functional connectivity with the hippocampus during successful memory formation Hippocampus, 2005; 15(8): 997-1005.
Misiurski Cara, Blumstein Sheila E, Rissman Jesse, Berman Daniel   The role of lexical competition and acoustic-phonetic structure in lexical processing: evidence from normal subjects and aphasic patients Brain and language, 2005; 93(1): 64-78.
Gazzaley Adam, Rissman Jesse, D’Esposito Mark   Functional connectivity during working memory maintenance Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 2004; 4(4): 580-99.
Rissman Jesse, Gazzaley Adam, D’Esposito Mark   Measuring functional connectivity during distinct stages of a cognitive task NeuroImage, 2004; 23(2): 752-63.
Rissman Jesse, Eliassen James C, Blumstein Sheila E   An event-related FMRI investigation of implicit semantic priming Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2003; 15(8): 1160-75.

Daniel Silverman, M.D., Ph.D.


Daniel H. Silverman, M.D., Ph.D., is Head of the Neuronuclear Imaging Section of the Ahmanson Translational Imaging Division at UCLA Medical Center, on the Executive Committee of the UCLA Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, and a Professor in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Los Angeles. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry at Harvard University, and postdoctoral research training in Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School. He obtained his M.D. from The Ohio State University College of Medicine, subsequently completed post-M.D. training at UCLA, and then obtained certification from both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Nuclear Medicine.

Kate Wassum, Ph.D.


A selected list of publications:

Wassum KM, Greenfield, VY, Linker KE, Maidment NT, Ostlund SB.   Inflated Reward Value in Early Opiate Withdrawal Addiction Biology, 2014; .
Tolosa VM, Wassum KM, Maidment NT, Monbouquette HG.   Electrochemically-deposited iridium oxide reference electrode integrated with an electroenzymatic glutamate sensor on a multi-electrode array microprobe, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013; .
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Loewinger GC, Maidment NT.   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine release tracks reward seeking during expression of Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer, Biological Psychiatry, 2013; .
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT.   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine signaling precedes and predicts performance of a self-initiated action sequence, Biological Psychiatry, 2012; .
Wassum KM, Tolosa VM, Tseng TC, Balleine BW, Monbouquette HG, Maidment NT.   Transient extracellular glutamate events in the basolateral amygdala track reward seeking actions, Journal of Neuroscience, 2012; .
Lichtenberg Nina T, Pennington Zachary T, Holley Sandra M, Greenfield Venuz Y, Cepeda Carlos, Levine Michael S, Wassum Kate M   Basolateral Amygdala to Orbitofrontal Cortex Projections Enable Cue-Triggered Reward Expectations The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2017; 37(35): 8374-8384.
Hersman Sarah, Cushman Jesse, Lemelson Noah, Wassum Kate, Lotfipour Shahrdad, Fanselow Michael S   Optogenetic excitation of cholinergic inputs to hippocampus primes future contextual fear associations Scientific reports, 2017; 7(1): 2333.
Lichtenberg Nina T, Wassum Kate M   Amygdala mu-opioid receptors mediate the motivating influence of cue-triggered reward expectations The European journal of neuroscience, 2017; 45(3): 381-387.
Ostlund Sean B, Liu Angela T, Wassum Kate M, Maidment Nigel T   Modulation of cue-triggered reward seeking by cholinergic signaling in the dorsomedial striatum The European journal of neuroscience, 2017; 45(3): 358-364.
Collins Anne L, Aitken Tara J, Greenfield Venuz Y, Ostlund Sean B, Wassum Kate M   Nucleus Accumbens Acetylcholine Receptors Modulate Dopamine and Motivation Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016; 41(12): 2830-2838.
Wassum Kate M, Greenfield Venuz Y, Linker Kay E, Maidment Nigel T, Ostlund Sean B   Inflated reward value in early opiate withdrawal Addiction biology, 2016; 21(2): 221-33.
Aitken Tara J, Greenfield Venuz Y, Wassum Kate M   Nucleus accumbens core dopamine signaling tracks the need-based motivational value of food-paired cues Journal of neurochemistry, 2016; 136(5): 1026-36.
Malvaez Melissa, Greenfield Venuz Y, Wang Alice S, Yorita Allison M, Feng Lili, Linker Kay E, Monbouquette Harold G, Wassum Kate M   Corrigendum: Basolateral amygdala rapid glutamate release encodes an outcome-specific representation vital for reward-predictive cues to selectively invigorate reward-seeking actions Scientific reports, 2016; 6(5): 20891.
Collins Anne L, Greenfield Venuz Y, Bye Jeffrey K, Linker Kay E, Wang Alice S, Wassum Kate M   Dynamic mesolimbic dopamine signaling during action sequence learning and expectation violation Scientific reports, 2016; 6(5): 20231.
Fanselow Michael S, Wassum Kate M   The Origins and Organization of Vertebrate Pavlovian Conditioning Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology, 2015; 8(1): a021717.
Malvaez Melissa, Greenfield Venuz Y, Wang Alice S, Yorita Allison M, Feng Lili, Linker Kay E, Monbouquette Harold G, Wassum Kate M   Basolateral amygdala rapid glutamate release encodes an outcome-specific representation vital for reward-predictive cues to selectively invigorate reward-seeking actions Scientific reports, 2015; 5: 12511.
Wassum Kate M, Izquierdo Alicia   The basolateral amygdala in reward learning and addiction Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 2015; .
Wassum Kate M, Phillips Paul E M   Probing the neurochemical correlates of motivation and decision making ACS chemical neuroscience, 2015; 6(1): 11-3.
Ostlund Sean B, LeBlanc Kimberly H, Kosheleff Alisa R, Wassum Kate M, Maidment Nigel T   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine signaling encodes the facilitation of incentive motivation produced by repeated cocaine exposure Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2014; 39(10): 2441-9.
Tolosa Vanessa M, Wassum Kate M, Maidment Nigel T, Monbouquette Harold G   Electrochemically deposited iridium oxide reference electrode integrated with an electroenzymatic glutamate sensor on a multi-electrode array microprobe Biosensors & bioelectronics, 2013; 42(8): 256-60.
Wassum Kate M, Ostlund Sean B, Loewinger Gabriel C, Maidment Nigel T   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine release tracks reward seeking during expression of Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer Biological psychiatry, 2013; 73(8): 747-55.
Wassum Kate M, Ostlund Sean B, Maidment Nigel T   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine signaling precedes and predicts performance of a self-initiated action sequence task Biological psychiatry, 2012; 71(10): 846-54.
Wassum Kate M, Tolosa Vanessa M, Tseng Tina C, Balleine Bernard W, Monbouquette Harold G, Maidment Nigel T   Transient extracellular glutamate events in the basolateral amygdala track reward-seeking actions The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2012; 32(8): 2734-46.
Wassum Kate M, Ostlund Sean B, Balleine Bernard W, Maidment Nigel T   Differential dependence of Pavlovian incentive motivation and instrumental incentive learning processes on dopamine signaling Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.), 2011; 18(7): 475-83.
Wassum Kate M, Cely Ingrid C, Balleine Bernard W, Maidment Nigel T   Micro-opioid receptor activation in the basolateral amygdala mediates the learning of increases but not decreases in the incentive value of a food reward The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011; 31(5): 1591-9.
Ostlund Sean B, Wassum Kate M, Murphy Niall P, Balleine Bernard W, Maidment Nigel T   Extracellular dopamine levels in striatal subregions track shifts in motivation and response cost during instrumental conditioning The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011; 31(1): 200-7.
Wassum KM, Cely IC, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT, Balleine BW.   Disruption of endogenous opioid activity during instrumental learning enhances habit acquisition, Neuroscience, 2009; 163(3): 770-80.
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT, Balleine BW.   Distinct opioid circuits determine the palatability and the desirability of rewarding events, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2009; 106(30): 12512-7.
Wassum Kate M, Evans Christopher J   International Narcotics Research Conference – 39th Annual Meeting IDrugs : the investigational drugs journal, 2008; 11(9): 646-9.
Wassum Kate M, Tolosa Vanessa M, Wang Jianjun, Walker Eric, Monbouquette Harold G, Maidment Nigel T   Silicon Wafer-Based Platinum Microelectrode Array Biosensor for Near Real-Time Measurement of Glutamate in Vivo Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2008; 8(8): 5023-5036.
Wightman R Mark, Heien Michael L A V, Wassum Kate M, Sombers Leslie A, Aragona Brandon J, Khan Amina S, Ariansen Jennifer L, Cheer Joseph F, Phillips Paul E M, Carelli Regina M   Dopamine release is heterogeneous within microenvironments of the rat nucleus accumbens The European journal of neuroscience, 2007; 26(7): 2046-54.
Cheer Joseph F, Wassum Kate M, Sombers Leslie A, Heien Michael L A V, Ariansen Jennifer L, Aragona Brandon J, Phillips Paul E M, Wightman R Mark   Phasic dopamine release evoked by abused substances requires cannabinoid receptor activation The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2007; 27(4): 791-5.
Cheer Joseph F, Wassum Kate M, Wightman R Mark   Cannabinoid modulation of electrically evoked pH and oxygen transients in the nucleus accumbens of awake rats Journal of neurochemistry, 2006; 97(4): 1145-54.
Heien Michael L A V, Khan Amina S, Ariansen Jennifer L, Cheer Joseph F, Phillips Paul E M, Wassum Kate M, Wightman R Mark   Real-time measurement of dopamine fluctuations after cocaine in the brain of behaving rats Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2005; 102(29): 10023-8.
Cheer Joseph F, Wassum Kate M, Heien Michael L A V, Phillips Paul E M, Wightman R Mark   Cannabinoids enhance subsecond dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of awake rats The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2004; 24(18): 4393-400.