Posts classified under: Neuroimaging/Cognitive

Barbara Knowlton, Ph.D.


Barbara Knowlton received a B.A. in Psychology from Johns Hopkins University, and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Stanford University. She completed post-doctoral work in the Department of Psychiatry at UC San Diego.


A selected list of publications:

Wagshal, D. Knowlton, BJ, Cohen, JR, Bookheimer,SY, Bilder, RM Fernandez, VG, Asarnow, RF   Cognitive correlates of gray matter abnormalities in adolescent siblings of patients with childhood-onset schizophrenia Schizophrenia Research, 2015; 161: 345-350.
Haut KM, van Erp TG, Knowlton B, Bearden CE, Subotnik K, Ventura J, Nuechterlein KH, Cannon TD.   Contributions of Feature Binding During Encoding and Functional Connectivity of the Medial Temporal Lobe Structures to Episodic Memory Deficits Across the Prodromal and First-Episode Phases of Schizophrenia Clinical Psychological Science, 2015; 3(2): 159-174.
Suthana, NA, Donix, M, Wozny, DR, Bazih, A, Jones, M, Heidemann, RM, Trampel, R, Ekstrom, AD, Scharf, M, Knowlton, B, Turner, R Bookheimer, SY.   High-resolution 7T fMRI of Human Hippocampal Subfields during Associative Learning Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015; 27(6): 1194-1206.
Suthana, N.A., Parikshank, N.N., Ekstrom, A.D., Ison, M.J., Knowlton, B.J., Bookheimer, S.Y., Fried, I.   Specific Responses of Human Hippocampal Neurons are Associated with Better Memory Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015; 112(33): 10503-10508.

Edythe London, Ph.D.


Dr. London received her Ph.D. in Pharmacology from the University of Maryland and her postdoctoral training at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Before coming to UCLA in 2001, she was the Director of the Brain Imaging Center for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and held faculty appointments at the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine. Dr. London is a Professor-in-Residence in the Departments of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and Molecular and Medical Pharmacology. Her work focuses on the use of neuroimaging to study neural circuitry underlying self-control and behaviors related to addiction.


A selected list of publications:

Lee, B, Groman, S, London, E D, Jentsch, J D   Dopamine D2/D3 receptors play a specific role in the reversal of a learned visual discrimination in monkeys, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2007; 32(10): 2125-2134.
Wong, D F, Kuwabara, H, Schretlen, D J, Bonson, K R, Nandi, A, Brasic, J R, Kimes, A S, Maris, M A, Kumar, A, Contoreggi, C, Links, J, Ernst, M, Rousset, O, Zukin, S, Grace, A A, Lee, J S, Rohde, C, Jasinski, D R, Gjedde, A, London, E D   Increased occupancy of dopamine receptors in human striatum during cue-elicited cocaine craving, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2006; 31(12): 2716-2727.
London, E D, Berman, S M, Voytek, B, Simon, S L, Mandelkern, M A, Monterosso, J, Thompson, P M, Brody, A L, Geaga, J A, Hong, M S, Hayashi, K M, Rawson, R A, Ling, W   Cerebral metabolic dysfunction and impaired vigilance in recently abstinent methamphetamine abusers, Biological Psychiatry, 2005; 58(10): 770-778.
Rotheram-Fuller, E, Shoptaw, S, Berman, S M, London, E D   Impaired performance in a test of decision-making by opiate-dependent tobacco smokers, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2004; 73(1): 79-86.
London, E D, Simon, S L, Berman, S M, Mandelkern, M A, Lichtman, A M, Bramen, J, … Ling, W   Mood disturbances and regional cerebral metabolic abnormalities in recently abstinent methamphetamine abusers, Archives of General Psychiatry, 2004; 61(1): 73-84.
Thompson, P M, Hayashi, K M, Simon, S L, Geaga, J A, Hong, M S, Sui, Y, Lee, J Y, Toga, A W, Ling, W, London, E D   Structural abnormalities in the brains of human subjects who use methamphetamine, Journal of Neuroscience, 2004; 24(26): 6028-6036.
Ernst, M, Bolla, K, Mouratidis, M, Contoreggi, C, Matochik, J A, Kurian, V, … London, E D   Decision-making in a risk-taking task: a PET study, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2002; 26(5): 682-691.
Bonson, K R, Grant, S J, Contoreggi C S, Links, J M, Metcalfe J, Weyl, H L, … London, E D   Neural systems and cue-induced cocaine craving, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2002; 26(3): 376-386.
Ernst, M, Heishman, S J, Spurgeon, L, & London, E D   Smoking history and nicotine effects on cognitive performance, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2001; 25(3): 313-319.
Faulkner, P, Ghahremani, D G, Tyndale, R F, Cox, C M, Kazanjian, A S, Paterson, N, Lotfipour, S, Hellemann, G S, Petersen, N, Vigil, C, London, E D   Reduced-Nicotine Cigarettes in Young Smokers: Impact of Nicotine Metabolism on Nicotine Dose Effects Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017; 42(8): 1610-1618.
Okita, K, Mandelkern, M A, London, E D   Cigarette Use and Striatal Dopamine D2/3 Receptors: Possible Role in the Link between Smoking and Nicotine Dependence The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 2016; 19(11): 15-22.
Okita, K, Petersen, N, Robertson, C L, Dean, A C, Mandelkern, M A, London, E D   Sex Differences in Midbrain Dopamine D2-Type Receptor Availability and Association with Nicotine Dependence Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016; 41(12): 2913-2919.
Robertson, C L, Ishibashi, K, Chudzynski, J, Mooney, L J, Rawson, R A, Dolezal, B A, Cooper, C B, Brown, A K, Mandelkern, M A, London, E D   Effect of Exercise Training on Striatal Dopamine D2/D3 Receptors in Methamphetamine Users during Behavioral Treatment Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016; 41(6): 1629-36.
Morales, A M, Kohno, M, Robertson, C L, Dean, A C, Mandelkern, M A, London, E D   Gray-matter volume, midbrain dopamine D2/D3 receptors and drug craving in methamphetamine users Molecular psychiatry, 2015; 20(6): 764-71.
Robertson, C L, Ishibashi, K, Mandelkern, M A, Brown, A K, Ghahremani, D G, Sabb, F, Bilder, R, Cannon, T, Borg, J, London, E D   Striatal D1- and D2-type dopamine receptors are linked to motor response inhibition in human subjects The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2015; 35(15): 5990-7.
Kohno, M, Ghahremani, D G, Morales, A M, Robertson, C L, Ishibashi, K, Morgan, A T, Mandelkern, M A, London, E D   Risk-taking behavior: dopamine D2/D3 receptors, feedback, and frontolimbic activity Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2015; 25(1): 236-45.
O’Neill, J, Tobias, M C, Hudkins, M, London, E D   Glutamatergic neurometabolites during early abstinence from chronic methamphetamine abuse The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 2014; 18(3): 236-45.
Kohno, M, Morales, A M, Ghahremani, D G, Hellemann, G, London, E D   Risky decision making, prefrontal cortex, and mesocorticolimbic functional connectivity in methamphetamine dependence JAMA psychiatry, 2014; 71(7): 812-20.
O’Neill, J, Tobias, M C, Hudkins, M, Oh, E Y, Hellemann, G S, Nurmi, E L, London, E D   Thalamic glutamate decreases with cigarette smoking Psychopharmacology, 2014; 231(13): 2717-24.
Groman, S M, Morales, A M, Lee, B, London, E D, Jentsch, J D   Methamphetamine-induced increases in putamen gray matter associate with inhibitory control Psychopharmacology, 2013; 229(3): 527-38.
Brown, A K, Mandelkern, M A, Farahi, J, Robertson, C, Ghahremani, D G, Sumerel, B, Moallem, N, London, E D   Sex differences in striatal dopamine D2/D3 receptor availability in smokers and non-smokers The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 2012; 15(7): 989-94.
Zorick, T, Lee, B, Mandelkern, M A, Fong, T, Robertson, C, Ghahremani, D G, Brown, A K, Sumerel, B, London, E D   Low striatal dopamine receptor availability linked to caloric intake during abstinence from chronic methamphetamine abuse Molecular psychiatry, 2012; 17(6): 569-71.
Ghahremani, D G, Lee, B, Robertson, C L, Tabibnia, G, Morgan, A T, De Shetler, N, Brown, A K, Monterosso, J R, Aron, A R, Mandelkern, M A, Poldrack, R A, London, E D   Striatal dopamine D₂/D₃ receptors mediate response inhibition and related activity in frontostriatal neural circuitry in humans The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2012; 32(21): 7316-24.
Ishibashi, K, Berman, S M, Paz-Filho, G, Lee, B, Robertson, C, Mandelkern, M A, Wong, M L, Licinio, J, London, E D   Dopamine D2/D3 receptor availability in genetically leptin-deficient patients after long-term leptin replacement Molecular psychiatry, 2012; 17(4): 352-3.
Groman, S M, Lee, B, Seu, E, James, A S, Feiler, K, Mandelkern, M A, London, E D, Jentsch, J D   Dysregulation of D₂-mediated dopamine transmission in monkeys after chronic escalating methamphetamine exposure The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2012; 32(17): 5843-52.
Payer, D E, Nurmi, E L, Wilson, S A, McCracken, J T, London, E D   Effects of methamphetamine abuse and serotonin transporter gene variants on aggression and emotion-processing neurocircuitry Translational psychiatry, 2012; 2(4): e80.
Dean, A C, Sevak, R J, Monterosso, J R, Hellemann, G, Sugar, C A, London, E D   Acute modafinil effects on attention and inhibitory control in methamphetamine-dependent humans Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 2011; 72(6): 943-53.
Zorick, T, Sugar, C A, Hellemann, G, Shoptaw, S, London, E D   Poor response to sertraline in methamphetamine dependence is associated with sustained craving for methamphetamine Drug and alcohol dependence, 2011; 118(2-3): 500-3.
Ghahremani, D G, Tabibnia, G, Monterosso, J, Hellemann, G, Poldrack, R A, London, E D   Effect of modafinil on learning and task-related brain activity in methamphetamine-dependent and healthy individuals Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2011; 36(5): 950-9.
Zorick, T, Mandelkern, M A, Lee, B, Wong, M-L, Miotto, K, Shabazian, J, London, E D   Elevated plasma prolactin in abstinent methamphetamine-dependent subjects The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 2011; 37(1): 62-7.
Zorick, T, Sevak, R J, Miotto, K, Shoptaw, S, Swanson, A-N, Clement, C, De La Garza, R, Newton, T F, London, E D   Pilot safety evaluation of varenicline for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence Journal of experimental pharmacology, 2010; 2(10): 13-8.
Zorick, T, Nestor, L, Miotto, K, Sugar, C, Hellemann, G, Scanlon, G, Rawson, R, London, E D   Withdrawal symptoms in abstinent methamphetamine-dependent subjects Addiction (Abingdon, England), 2010; 105(10): 1809-18.
Azizian, A, Nestor, L J, Payer, D, Monterosso, J R, Brody, A L, London, E D   Smoking reduces conflict-related anterior cingulate activity in abstinent cigarette smokers performing a Stroop task Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010; 35(3): 775-82.
London, E D, Berman, S M, Mohammadian, P, Ritchie, T, Mandelkern, M A, Susselman, M K W, Schlagenhauf, F, Noble, E P   Effect of the TaqIA polymorphism on ethanol response in the brain Psychiatry research, 2009; 174(3): 163-70.
Lee, B, London, E D, Poldrack, R A, Farahi, J, Nacca, A, Monterosso, J R, Mumford, J A, Bokarius, A V, Dahlbom, M, Mukherjee, J, Bilder, R M, Brody, A L, Mandelkern, M A   Striatal dopamine d2/d3 receptor availability is reduced in methamphetamine dependence and is linked to impulsivity The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2009; 29(47): 14734-40.
Brody, A L, Mandelkern, M A, Olmstead, R E, Allen-Martinez, Z, Scheibal, D, Abrams, A L, Costello, M R, Farahi, J, Saxena, S, Monterosso, J, London, E D   Ventral striatal dopamine release in response to smoking a regular vs a denicotinized cigarette Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2009; 34(2): 282-9.
Xu, J, Azizian, A, Monterosso, J, Domier, C P, Brody, A L, Fong, T W, London, E D   Gender effects on mood and cigarette craving during early abstinence and resumption of smoking Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 2008; 10(11): 1653-61.
Berman, S M, Voytek, B, Mandelkern, M A, Hassid, B D, Isaacson, A, Monterosso, J, Miotto, K, Ling, W, London, E D   Changes in cerebral glucose metabolism during early abstinence from chronic methamphetamine abuse Molecular psychiatry, 2008; 13(9): 897-908.
Baicy, K, London, E D, Monterosso, J, Wong, M-L, Delibasi, T, Sharma, A, Licinio, J   Leptin replacement alters brain response to food cues in genetically leptin-deficient adults Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2007; 104(46): 18276-9.
Galynker, I I, Eisenberg, D, Matochik, J A, Gertmenian-King, E, Cohen, L, Kimes, A S, Contoreggi, C, Kurian, V, Ernst, M, Rosenthal, R N, Prosser, J, London, E D   Cerebral metabolism and mood in remitted opiate dependence Drug and alcohol dependence, 2007; 90(2-3): 166-74.
Xu, J, Mendrek, A, Cohen, M S, Monterosso, J, Simon, S, Brody, A L, Jarvik, M, Rodriguez, P, Ernst, M, London, E D   Effects of acute smoking on brain activity vary with abstinence in smokers performing the N-Back task: a preliminary study Psychiatry research, 2006; 148(2-3): 103-9.
Ernst M, Matochik J A, Heishman S J, Van Horn J D, Jons P H, Henningfield J E, London E D   Effect of nicotine on brain activation during performance of a working memory task Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2001; 98(8): 4728-33.
Mukhin A G, Gündisch D, Horti A G, Koren A O, Tamagnan G, Kimes A S, Chambers J, Vaupel D B, King S L, Picciotto M R, Innis R B, London E D   5-Iodo-A-85380, an alpha4beta2 subtype-selective ligand for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors Molecular pharmacology, 2000; 57(3): 642-9.

Zili Liu, Ph.D.


Zili Liu studies visual perception — how people see and why they see the way they do ( He joined UCLA’s Psychology Department in 2001. Dr. Liu received his Ph.D. in Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, and his M.S. in Applied Mathematics, both from Brown University. He received his B.Sc. in Physics, from Beijing (Peking) University, China. He supports Rural China Education Foundation (


A selected list of publications:

Lucy Cui and Zili Liu.   Synergy between Research on Ensemble Perception, Data Visualization, and Statistics Education: A Tutorial Review, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2020; (in press)(Special Issue on Ensemble Perception): .
Alan L.F. Lee, Zili Liu, Hongjing Lu.   Parts beget parts: Bootstrapping hierarchical object representations through visual statistical learning, Cognition, 2020; (in press): .
Gennady Erlikhman, Gurjyot Singh, Tandra Ghose, Zili Liu   The effect of perceptual contour orientation uncertainty on the tilt aftereffect Vision Research, 2019; 158: 126-134.
Yang (Mac) Xing, Zili Liu.   A Preference for Minimal Deformation Constrains the Perceived Depth of a Stereokinetic Stimulus Vision Research, 2018; 153: 53–59.
Daniele Zavagno, Olga Daneyko, and Zili Liu.   The influence of physical illumination on lightness perception in simultaneous contrast displays i-Perception, 2018; 9(4): 1-22.
Willey, C. and Liu, Z.   Long-term motor learning: Effects of varied and specific practice Vision Research, 2018; 152: 10-16.
Jinfeng Huang; Ju Liang; Yifeng Zhou; Zili Liu   Transfer in motion discrimination learning was no greater in double training than in single training Journal of Vision, 2017; 17(6): 1-10.
Hongjing Lu, Bosco S. Tjan, and Zili Liu   Human efficiency in detecting and discriminating biological motion Journal of Vision, 2017; 17(6): 1 — 14.
Jiawei Zhou, Zili Liu, Simon Clavagnier, Alexandre Reynaud, and Fang Hou.   Visual Plasticity in Adults, Neural Plasticity, 2017; 2017: 2.
Benjamin Thompson; Choi Deblieck; Allan D Wu; Marco Iacoboni; Zili Liu.   Psychophysical and rTMS evidence for the presence of motion opponency in human V5 Brain Stimulation, 2016; .
Ju Liang, Yifeng Zhou, Zili Liu.   Examining the Standard Model of Signal Detection Theory in motion discrimination, Journal of Vision (Special Issue on Perceptual Learning), 2016; 16(9): doi:10.1167/16.7.9.
Zili Liu, Xiaoyang Yang, Helene Intraub.   Boundary extension: Insights from Signal Detection Theory Journal of Vision, 2016; 16(8): 1–10.
Jennifer Chang, Yifeng Zhou, Zili Liu.   Limited top-down influence from recognition to same-different matching of Chinese characters PLoS ONE, 2016; 11(6): e0156517. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156517.
Ju Liang, Yifeng Zhou, Manfred Fahle, and Zili Liu   Limited Transfer of Long-Term Motion Perceptual Learning with Double Training Journal of Vision (Special Issue: Perceptual Learning), 2015; 15(1): 1 – 9.
Ju Liang, Yifeng Zhou, Manfred Fahle, Zili Liu   Specificity of motion discrimination learning even with double training and staircase Journal of Vision (Special Issue: Perceptual Learning), 2015; 15(3): 1 – 10.
Nihong Chen, Taiyong Bi, Tiangang Zhou, Sheng Li, Zili Liu, and Fang Fang.   Sharpened cortical tuning and enhanced cortico-cortical communication contribute to the long-term neural mechanisms of visual motion perceptual learning Neuro Image, 2015; 115: 17 — 29.
Tandra Ghose, Zili Liu.   Generalization between canonical and non-canonical views in object recognition Journal of Vision, 2013; 13(1): 1–15.
Xiaoxiao Wang, Yifeng Zhou, Zili Liu.   Transfer in motion perceptual learning depends on the difficulty of the training task Journal of Vision, 2013; 13((7):5): 1 — 9.
Xuan Huang, Hongjing Lu, Yifeng Zhou, Zili Liu.   General and specific perceptual learning in radial speed discrimination Journal of Vision, 2011; 11(4, article 7): 1 — 11.
Zhou J, Tjan B S, Zhou Y, Liu Z   Better discrimination for illusory than for occluded perceptual completions Journal of Vision, 2008; 8(7(26)): 1-17.
Zhou J, Gotch C, Zhou Y, Liu Z   Perceiving an object in its context — is the context cultural or perceptual? Journal of Vision, 2008; 8(12(2)): 1-5.
Huang X, Lu H, Tjan BS, Zhou Y, Liu Z   Motion perceptual learning: When only task-relevant information is learned Journal of Vision, 2007; 7(10:14): 1-10.
Hou F, Lu H, Zhou Y, Liu Z.   “Amodal completion impairs stereo acuity discrimination”, Vision Research, 2006; 46: 2061-2068.
Lu H, Zavagno D, Liu Z.   “The glare effect does not give rise to a longer lasting afterimage”, Perception, 2006; 35: 701 — 707.
Thompson B, Liu Z.   Learning motion discrimination with suppressed and unsuppressed MT, Vision Research, 2006; 46: 2110-2121.
Rokers B, Yuille A, Liu Z.   The perception of a stereokinetic stimulus, Vision Research, 2006; 46: 2375 — 2387.
Lu H, Liu Z   Computing dynamic classification images from correlation maps Journal of Vision [electronic resource], 2006; 6: 475 — 483.
Lu H, Tjan B S, Liu Z.   “Shape recognition alters sensitivity in stereoscopic depth discrimination” Journal of Vision [electronic resource], 2006; 6: 75–86.
Tjan, B S Liu, Z.   Symmetry impedes symmetry discrimination Journal of vision [electronic resource], 2005; 5(10): 888-900.
Rokers B, Liu Z.   “On the minimal relative motion principle — lateral displacement of a contracting bar”, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2004; 48(4): 292-295.
Liu Z.   “On the principle of minimal relative motion — the oscillating tilted bar” Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2004; 48: 196-198.
Lu, H Qian, N Liu, Z   Learning motion discrimination with suppressed MT Vision research. , 2004; 44(15): 1817-25.
Liu, Z Kersten, D   Three-dimensional symmetric shapes are discriminated more efficiently than asymmetric ones Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 2003; 20(7): 1331-40.
Liu Z.   “On the principle of minimal relative motion — the bar, the circle with a dot, and the ellipse” Journal of Vision [electronic resource], 2003; 3: 625–629.
Matthews N, Liu Z, Qian N.   “The effect of orientation learning on contrast sensitivity” Vision Research, 2001; 41: 463-471.
Liu, Z Weinshall, D   Mechanisms of generalization in perceptual learning Vision research, 2000; 40(1): 97-109.
Liu Z.   “Learning a visual skill that generalizes across motion directions” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 1999; 96: 14085-14087.
Matthews N, Liu Z, Geesaman B J, Qian N.   “Perceptual learning on orientation and direction discrimination” Vision Research, 1999; 39: 3692-3701.
Liu, Z Jacobs, DW Basri, R   The role of convexity in perceptual completion: beyond good continuation Vision research. , 1999; 39(25): 4244-57.
Liu, Z Kersten, D Knill, DC   Dissociating stimulus information from internal representation–a case study in object recognition Vision research, 1999; 39(3): 603-12.
Liu, Z Kersten, D   2D observers for human 3D object recognition? Vision research. , 1998; 38(15-16): 2507-19.
Liu, Z Vaina, LM   Simultaneous learning of motion discrimination in two directions Brain research. Cognitive brain research, 1998; 6(4): 347-9.
Liu, Z   Viewpoint dependency in object representation and recognition Spatial vision, 1996; 9(4): 491-521.
Liu, Z Knill, DC Kersten, D   Object classification for human and ideal observers Vision research, 1995; 35(4): 549-68.
Zhang, S. W. Wang, X. Liu, Z. Srinivasan, M V.   Visual tracking of moving targets by freely flying honeybees Visual neuroscience, 1990; 4(4): 379-86.