A selected list of publications:
M. Chae, Z. Yang, W. Liu A 128-Channel 6mW Wireless Neural Recording IC with On-the-fly Spike Sorting and UWB transmitter, IEEE Trans. on Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation Engineering, ; 14(9): 2009.
Xu, X. Wu, K. Islam, X. Huang, M. Je, W. Liu, and Z. Yang A New System Architecture for Future Long-Term High-Density Neural Recording, IEEE Trans. On Biomedical Engineering, 2012; .
W. Liu, et al. An experimental platform for retinal prosthesis system perspective and performance evaluation, IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2012; .
G. Wang, P. Wang, Y. Tang, and W. Liu Analysis of dual band power and data telemetry for biomedical implants, IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2012; .
Z. Yang, M. Keshtkaran, Y. Zhou, J. Xu, V. Pikov, C. Guan, and W. Liu Threshold Estimation for In-Vivo Neural Spike Detection, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2012; .
Z. Yang, E. Keefer, Q. Zhao, L. Hoang, and W. Liu 1/f Neural Noise Reduction and Spike Feature Extraction using a Subset of Informative Samples, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2011; 39(4): 1264-1277.
K. Huang, Y. Zhou, X. Wu, W. Liu, and Zhi Yang Design and Optimization of Inductive Power Link for Biomedical Applications, Intech, 2011; .
K. Chen, Z. Yang, L. Hoang, J. Weiland, M. Humayun and W. Liu An Integrated 256-channel Epiretinal Prosthesis, IEEE J. of Solid State Circuits, 2010; 45(9): .
Z. Yang, Q. Zhao, E. Keefer and W. Liu Noise Characterization, Modeling, and Reduction for In Vivo Neural Recording, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems , 2010; 2160-2168.
E. Basham, Z. Yang, and W. Liu Circuit and Coil Design for In Vitro Magnetic Neural Stimulation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBCAS), 2009; 3: 321-331.
Z. Yang, Q. Zhao and W. Liu Improving Spike Separation Using Waveform Derivative, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2009; 6(4): .
A. Rosen, W. Liu, and M. Tohgi MTT Special Issue on RF and Microwave Techniques for Wireless Implants and Biomedical Applications: Guest Editorial, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2009; 57(9): .
Z. Yang, Q. Zhao and W. Liu Neural Signal Classification Using a Simplified Feature Set with Energy Based Non-parametric Clustering, Neurocomputing, 2009; 73: 412-422.
Z. Yang, Q. Zhao and W. Liu Spike Feature Extraction Using Informative Samples, Spotlight presentation, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS21), 2009; 1865-1872.
M. Zhou and W. Liu A Non-Coherent DPSK Data Receiver with Interference Cancellation for Dual-Band Transcutaneous Telemetries, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2008; .
M. Chae, and W. Liu, Design Optimization for Integrated Neural Recording Systems, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2008; .
W. Liu, M. Humayun, and M. Liker Implantable Biomimetic Microelectronics Systems, IEEE Proceedings, 2008; 96(7): 1073-1075.
W. Liu, M. Humayun, and M. Liker Special Issue on Implantable Biomimetic Microelectronics Systems: Guest Editorial, Proceeding of IEEE, 2008; 96(7): .
K. Cockerham, W. Liu, L. Crow, M. Sivaprakasam, A. Olmos, M. Oehleberg, O. Pantchenko and S. Aro, The Application of Nano-Technology and Engineering in Medicine: A New Paradigm for Facial Muscle Reanimation, Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2008; .
K. Cockerham, W. Liu, L. Crow, M. Sivaprakasam, A. Olmos, M. Oehleberg, O. Pantchenko and S. Aro, The Application of Nano-Technology and Engineering in Medicine: A New Paradigm for Facial Muscle Reanimation, Expert Review of Medical Devices, 2008; .
M. R. Yuce and W. Liu Design and performance of a wideband sub-sampling front-ends for multi-standard software radios, International Journal of Electronics and Communications Elsevier, 2007; .
Z.Yang, W. Liu and E. Basham Optimization of Coils for Biomedical Applications,, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2007; 43: 3851-3860.
M. R. Yuce, W. Liu, J. Damiano, B. Bharat, P. D. Franzon and N. S. Dogan SOI CMOS implementation of a multirate PSK receiver for space communications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2007; .
R. Bashirullah, W. Liu, and R. Cavin A 16Gb/s Adaptive Bandwidth Bus Based on Hybrid Current/Voltage Mode Signaling Repeaters, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2006; 41: 461-473.
W. Liu and M. Sivaprakasam IC Technology Challenges for Implantable Devices, Future Fab International, 2006; 20: 17-19.
M. Sivaprakasam, W. Liu, M. S. Humayun, and J. D. Weiland A Variable Range Bi-Phasic Current Stimulus Driver Circuitry for an Implantable Retinal Prosthetic Device, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuit, 2005; 40: 763 771.
M. Yuce, W. Liu A low power multirate DPSK receiver for space applications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2005; 54(2074-2084): .
G. A. Kendir, W. Liu, G. Wang, M. Sivaprakasam, R. Bashirullah, M. S. Humayun, and J. D. Weiland An Optimal Design Methodology for Inductive Power Link with Class-E Amplifier, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2005; 52: 857 866.
M. Sivaprakasam, W. Liu, G. Wang, J. D. Weiland, and M. S. Humayun Architecture Tradeoffs in High Density Microstimulators for Retinal Prosthesis, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Special Issue on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2005; 52: 2629-2641.
M. Sivaprakasam, W. Liu, G. Wang, J. D. Weiland, and M. S. Humayun Architecture Tradeoffs in High Density Microstimulators for Retinal Prosthesis, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Special Issue on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2005; 52: 2629-2641.
G. Wang, W. Liu, M. Sivaprakasam, and G. A. Kendir Design and Analysis of an Adaptive Transcutaneous Power Telemetry for Biomedical Implants, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2005; 52: 857-866.
W. Liu, M. Sivaprakasam, G. Wang, M. Zhou, J. Granacki, J. LaCoss, J. Wills Microelectronics Design for Implantable Wireless Biomimetic Microelectronic Systems, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 2005; 24: 66 74.
J. D. Weiland, W. Liu and M. Humayun Retinal Prosthesis, Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 2005; 7: .
R. Bashirullah, W. Liu, R. Cavin, and D. Edwards A Hybrid Current/Voltage Mode On-Chip Signaling Scheme With Adaptive Bandwidth Capability, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2004; 12: 876-880.
S. DeMarco, W. Liu, P. R. Singh, G. Lazzi, M. Humayun, J. Weiland An Arbitrary Waveform Stimulus Circuit for Visual Prostheses using a Low Area Multibias DAC, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 2003; .
S. C. Demarco, G. Lazzi, W. Liu, J. D. Weiland, and M. S. Humayun Computed SAR and Thermal Elevation in a 0.25-mm 2-D Model of the Human Eye and Head in Response to an Implanted Retinal Stimulator Part I: Models and Methods, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2003; 51: 2274-2285.
S. C. Demarco, G. Lazzi, W. Liu, J. D. Weiland, and M. S. Humayun, Computed SAR and Thermal Elevation in a 0.25-mm 2-D Model of the Human Eye and Head in Response to an Implanted Retinal Stimulator Part II: Models and Methods, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2003; 51: 2286-2295.
R. Bashirullah, W. Liu, and R. Cavin III Current-Mode Signaling in Deep Submicron Global Interconnects, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2003; 11: 406-417.
W. Liu, M. Sivaprakasam, P. R. Singh, R. Bashirullah, and G. Wang Electronic Visual Prostheses, Artificial Organs, 2003; 27: 986-995.
R. Bashirullah, W. Liu Raised Cosine Approximation Signaling for Reduced Noise Cross-talk, IEEE Electronic Letters, 2002; 38(21): 1256-1258.
E. Margalit, M. Maia, J. Weiland, R. Greenberg, G. Fujii , G. Torres, D. Piyathaisere, T. O’Hearn, W. Liu, G. Lazzi, G. Dagnelie, D. Scribner, E. de Juan Jr, M. Humayun Retinal Prosthesis for the Blind, Survey of Opthalmology, 2002; 47(4): 335-356.
A selected list of publications:
Walthers Christopher M, Seidlits Stephanie K Gene delivery strategies to promote spinal cord repair Biomarker insights, 2015; 10(Suppl 1): 11-29.
Thomas Aline M, Seidlits Stephanie K, Goodman Ashley G, Kukushliev Todor V, Hassani Donna M, Cummings Brian J, Anderson Aileen J, Shea Lonnie D Sonic hedgehog and neurotrophin-3 increase oligodendrocyte numbers and myelination after spinal cord injury Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro, 2014; 6(7): 694-705.
Seidlits Stephanie K, Gower Robert Michael, Shepard Jaclyn A, Shea Lonnie D Hydrogels for lentiviral gene delivery Expert opinion on drug delivery, 2013; 10(4): 499-509.
Thomas Aline M, Kubilius Matthew B, Holland Samantha J, Seidlits Stephanie K, Boehler Ryan M, Anderson Aileen J, Cummings Brian J, Shea Lonnie D Channel density and porosity of degradable bridging scaffolds on axon growth after spinal injury Biomaterials, 2013; 34(9): 2213-20.
Khaing Zin Z, Milman Brian D, Vanscoy Jennifer E, Seidlits Stephanie K, Grill Raymond J, Schmidt Christine E High molecular weight hyaluronic acid limits astrocyte activation and scar formation after spinal cord injury Journal of neural engineering, 2011; 8(4): 046033.
Seidlits Stephanie K, Drinnan Charles T, Petersen Rebecca R, Shear Jason B, Suggs Laura J, Schmidt Christine E Fibronectin-hyaluronic acid composite hydrogels for three-dimensional endothelial cell culture Acta biomaterialia, 2011; 7(6): 2401-9.
Yang Youjun, Seidlits Stephanie K, Adams Michelle M, Lynch Vincent M, Schmidt Christine E, Anslyn Eric V, Shear Jason B A highly selective low-background fluorescent imaging agent for nitric oxide Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010; 132(38): 13114-6.
Seidlits Stephanie K, Khaing Zin Z, Petersen Rebecca R, Nickels Jonathan D, Vanscoy Jennifer E, Shear Jason B, Schmidt Christine E The effects of hyaluronic acid hydrogels with tunable mechanical properties on neural progenitor cell differentiation Biomaterials, 2010; 31(14): 3930-40.
Kijanka Gregor, Barry Richard, Chen Hong, Gould Edith, Seidlits Stephanie K, Schmid Jasmin, Morgan Maria, Mason David Y, Cordell Jacqueline, Murphy Derek Defining the molecular target of an antibody derived from nuclear extract of Jurkat cells using protein arrays Analytical biochemistry, 2009; 395(2): 119-24.
Seidlits Stephanie K, Lee Jae Y, Schmidt Christine E Nanostructured scaffolds for neural applications Nanomedicine (London, England), 2008; 3(2): 183-99.
Kasper F Kurtis, Seidlits Stephanie K, Tang Andrew, Crowther Roger S, Carney Darrell H, Barry Michael A, Mikos Antonios G In vitro release of plasmid DNA from oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate) hydrogels Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, 2005; 104(3): 521-39.
Seidlits Stephanie K, Reza Tammie, Briand Kevin A, Sereno Anne B Voluntary spatial attention has different effects on voluntary and reflexive saccades TheScientificWorldJournal, 2003; 3(3): 881-902.