Posts classified under: Neurology

Antonio Delgado-Escueta, M.D.


A selected list of publications:

Escueta A V, Bacsal F E, Treiman D M   Complex partial seizures on closed-circuit television and EEG: a study of 691 attacks in 79 patients Annals of neurology, 1982; 11(3): 292-300.
Escueta A V, Kunze U, Waddell G, Boxley J, Nadel A   Lapse of consciousness and automatisms in temporal lobe epilepsy: a videotape analysis Neurology, 1977; 27(2): 144-55.
Nadel A, Waddell G, Volow M, Escueta A V   Unconsciousness, automatisms, and myoclonic jerks with diffuse rhythmic 9-Hz discharges Epilepsia, 1975; 16(3): 511-20.
Escueta A V, Davidson D, Hartwig G, Reilly E   The freezing lesion. III. The effects of diphenylhydantoin on potassium transport within nerve terminals from the primary foci Brain research, 1975; 86(1): 85-96.
Escueta A V, Davidson D, Hartwig G, Reilly E   The freezing lesion. II. Potassium transport within nerve terminals isolated from epileptogenic foci Brain research, 1974; 78(2): 223-7.
Wilson W A, Escueta A V   Common synaptic effects of pentylenetetrazol and penicillin Brain research, 1974; 72(1): 168-71.
Escueta A V, Boxley J, Stubbs N, Waddell G, Wilson W A   Prolonged twilight state and automatisms: a case report Neurology, 1974; 24(4): 331-9.
David R J, Wilson W A, Escueta A V   Voltage clamp analysis of pentylenetetrazol effects on Aplysia neurons Brain research, 1974; 67(3): 549-54.
Escueta A V, Appel S H   The effects of electroshock seizures on potassium transport within synaptosomes from rat brain Journal of neurochemistry, 1972; 19(7): 1625-38.
Escueta A V, Appel S H   Brain synapses. An in vitro model for the study of seizures Archives of internal medicine, 1972; 129(2): 333-44.
Escueta A V, Appel S H   Diphenylhydantoin and potassium transport in isolated nerve terminals The Journal of clinical investigation, 1971; 50(9): 1977-84.
Appel S H, Festoff B W, Autilio L, Escueta A V   Biochemical approaches to the study of synaptic function Biological psychiatry, 1970; 2(3): 219-33.
Appel S H, Escueta A V, Smith S, Parrott B   Carbohydrate metabolism of synapses Neurology, 1970; 20(4): 392.
Appel S H, Autilio L, Festoff B W, Escueta A V   Biochemical studies of synapses in vitro. 3. Ionic activation of protein synthesis The Journal of biological chemistry, 1969; 244(12): 3166-72.
Escueta A V, Appel S H   Biochemical studies of synapses in vitro. II. Potassium transport Biochemistry, 1969; 8(2): 725-33.
Appel S H, Autilio L, Escueta A   Synapse function in vitro Neurology, 1968; 18(3): 292-3.
Ludwig G D, Chaykin L B, Escueta A V   Cerebral gigantism with intermittent fractional hypopituitarism and normal sella turcica Annals of internal medicine, 1967; 67(1): 123-31.
Goldensohn E, Escueta A, Runk L   Unit membrane shifts and firing patterns during spreading depression Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 1967; 23(1): 84.

Bruce Dobkin, M.D.


Recent Honors:

Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London, 2005
Editor-in-Chief, journal Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2006 – present
Irwin Levy Lectureship, Washington University School of Medicine, 2006.
Kenneth Viste Memorial Research Award for contributions to neurorehabilitation research and care, American Society of NeuroRehabilitation, 2006.
International Furst von Donnersmarck Prize for lifetime achievement in neurologic rehabilitation research, Berlin, 2006.
Executive Director; scientific officer for neural repair program, Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation, 2006-09.

Denson Fujikawa, M.D.


Denson G. Fujikawa is a neurologist and neuroscientist who has been a member of the UCLA faculty since he joined the Department of Neurology in as a clinical instructor in 1981. Dr. Fujikawa is at the Sepulveda VA Ambulatory Care Center. He became an Adjunct Professor in 1996, and has been a Staff Neurologist at Sepulveda since 1983. Dr. Fujikawa earned his A.B. degree magna cum laude in psychology at Harvard University, and his M.D. degree at the University of Southern California School of Medicine. He did two years of general surgery residency at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York, two years of of neurosurgery residency at UCLA Medical Center, then switched to neurology, completing his residency at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in 1981. He then spent two years as a research fellow in Dr. Claude Wasterlain’s Epilepsy Research Laboratory at Sepulveda. He spends half his time in clinical neurology, training UCLA neurology residents, with a subspecialty interest in epilepsy, and half his time doing basic research on in vivo mechanisms of naturally occurring apoptotic and pathologically induced necrotic neuronal death.