Posts classified under: Neurotechnology

Gina Poe, Ph.D.


Gina Poe has been working since 1995 on the mechanisms through which sleep serves memory consolidation and restructuring. Dr. Poe is a southern California native who graduated from Stanford University then worked for two post-baccalaureate years at the VA researching Air Force Test Pilots’ brainwave signatures under high-G maneuvers. She then earned her PhD in Basic Sleep in the Neuroscience Interdepartmental Program at UCLA under the guidance of Ronald Harper then moved to the University of Arizona for her postdoctoral studies with Carol Barnes and Bruce McNaughtons looking at graceful degradation of hippocampal function in aged rats as well as hippocampal coding in a 3-D maze navigated in the 1998 space shuttle mission. She brought these multiunit teachings to answer a burning question of whether REM sleep were for remembering or forgetting and found that activity of neurons during REM sleep is consistent both with the consolidation of novel memories and the elimination of already consolidated memories from the hippocampus, readying the associative memory network for new learning the next day. Moving first to Washington State University then to the University of Michigan before joining UCLA in 2016, Poe has over 80 undergraduates, 9 graduate students, and 8 postdoctoral scholars, and has served in university faculty governance as well as led 5 different programs designed to diversify the neuroscience workforce and increase representation of people of the global majority in the STEM fields. At UCLA she continues research and teaching and Directs the COMPASS-Life Sciences and BRI-SURE programs and co-Directs the MARC-U*STAR program. Nationally she has served as course director of the Marine Biological Lab’s SPINES course and co-Directs the Society for Neuroscience’s NSP program which earned the nation’s highest mentoring honor in 2018. These programs have over 1000 PhD level alumni.

Research Interests

The Poe lab investigates the mechanisms by which sleep traits serve learning and memory consolidation. Memories are encoded by the pattern of synaptic connections between neurons. We employ tetrode recording and optogenetic techniques in learning animals to see how neural patterns underlying learning are reactivated during sleep, and how activity during sleep influences the neural memory code. Both strengthening and weakening of synapses is important to the process of sculpting a network when we make new memories and integrate them into old schema. Results from our studies suggest that while synaptic strengthening can be efficiently accomplished during the waking learning process, the synaptic weakening part of memory integration requires conditions unique to sleep. The absence of noradrenaline during sleep spindles and REM sleep as well as the low levels of serotonin during REM sleep allow the brain to integrate new memories and to refresh and renew old synapses so that we are ready to build new associations the next waking period. Memory difficulties involved in post-traumatic stress disorder, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and even autism involve abnormalities in the sleep-dependent memory consolidation process that my lab studies. Keywords: Sleep, learning and memory, PTSD, memory consolidation, reconsolidation, REM sleep, sleep spindles, Norepinephrine, LTP, depotentiation, reversal learning, optogenetics, electrophysiology, tetrode recordings, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex.


B.A., Human Biology, Stanford University 1987
Ph.D., Neuroscience, University of California, Los Angeles 1995

Selected Publications

Cao J, Herman AB, West GB, Poe G, Savage VM. Unraveling why we sleep: Quantitative analysis reveals abrupt transition from neural reorganization to repair in early development. Sci Adv 6(38):eaba0398 (11 pages), 2020. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba0398.

Guthrie R, Ciliberti D, Mankin E, Poe GR. Recurrent hippocampo-neocortical sleep-state divergence in humans. PNAS 119(44): e2123427119, PM36279474, 2022.

Frazer M, Cabrera Y, Guthrie R, Poe GR. Shining a light on the mechanisms of sleep for memory consolidation. Current Sleep Medicine Rep, 7:221-231, 2021.

Cabrera Y, Holloway J, Poe GR (2020) ‘Sleep Changes Across the Female Hormonal Cycle Affecting Memory: Implications for Resilient Adaptation to Traumatic Experiences.’ J Womens Health (Larchmt), 29 (3): 446-451. PMID: 32186966

Swift KM, Keus K, Echeverria CG, Cabrera Y, Jimenez J, Holloway J, Clawson BC, Poe GR () ‘Sex differences within sleep in gonadally-intact rats.’ Sleep, 2019.PMID: 31784755

Swift KM, Gross BA, Frazer MA, Bauer DS, Clark KJD, Vazey EM, Aston-Jones G, Li Y, Pickering AE, Sara SJ, Poe GR (2018) ‘Abnormal Locus Coeruleus Sleep Activity Alters Sleep Signatures of Memory Consolidation and Impairs Place Cell Stability and Spatial Memory.’ Curr Biol, 28 (22): 3599-3609.e4. PMID: 30393040

Zaborszky L, Gombkoto P, Varsanyi P, Poe GR, Role L, Ananth M, Rajebhosale P, Talmage D, Hasselmo M, Dannenberg H, Minces V, Chiba A, “Specific basal forebrain-cortical cholinergic circuits coordinate cognitive operations”, J Neurosci, 38 (44): 9446-9458 (2018).

Lewis P, Knoblich G, Poe GR, “Recasting reality: how memory replay in sleep boosts creative problem solving”, Trends Cogni Sci, 22 (6): 491-503 (2018).

Bjorness TE, Booth V, Poe GR (2018) ‘Hippocampal theta power pressure builds over non-REM sleep and dissipates within REM sleep episodes.’ Arch Ital Biol, 156 (3): 112-126. PMID: 30324607

Poe GR (2017) ‘Sleep Is for Forgetting.’ J Neurosci, 37 (3): 464-473. PMID: 28100731

Javanbakht, A and Poe, GR, “Behavioral neuroscience of circuits involved in arousal regulation”, The Neurobiology of PTSD, Ressler, K and Liberzon, I(Eds.), 130-147 (2016).

Emrick JJ, Gross BA, Riley BT, Poe GR (2016) ‘Different Simultaneous Sleep States in the Hippocampus and Neocortex.’ Sleep, 39 (12): 2201-2209. PMID: 27748240

Vanderheyden WM, George SA, Urpa L, Kehoe M, Liberzon I, Poe GR (2015) ‘Sleep alterations following exposure to stress predict fear-associated memory impairments in a rodent model of PTSD.’ Exp Brain Res, 233 (8): 2335-46. PMID: 26019008.

Watts A, Gritton HJ, Sweigart J, Poe GR (2012) ‘Antidepressant suppression of non-REM sleep spindles and REM sleep impairs hippocampus-dependent learning while augmenting striatum-dependent learning.’ J Neurosci, 32 (39): 13411-20. PMID: 23015432

Booth V, Poe GR (2006) ‘Input source and strength influences overall firing phase of model hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells during theta: relevance to REM sleep reactivation and memory consolidation.’ Hippocampus, 16 (2): 161-73. PMID: 16411243

Kate Wassum, Ph.D.


A selected list of publications:

Wassum KM, Greenfield, VY, Linker KE, Maidment NT, Ostlund SB.   Inflated Reward Value in Early Opiate Withdrawal Addiction Biology, 2014; .
Tolosa VM, Wassum KM, Maidment NT, Monbouquette HG.   Electrochemically-deposited iridium oxide reference electrode integrated with an electroenzymatic glutamate sensor on a multi-electrode array microprobe, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013; .
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Loewinger GC, Maidment NT.   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine release tracks reward seeking during expression of Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer, Biological Psychiatry, 2013; .
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT.   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine signaling precedes and predicts performance of a self-initiated action sequence, Biological Psychiatry, 2012; .
Wassum KM, Tolosa VM, Tseng TC, Balleine BW, Monbouquette HG, Maidment NT.   Transient extracellular glutamate events in the basolateral amygdala track reward seeking actions, Journal of Neuroscience, 2012; .
Lichtenberg Nina T, Pennington Zachary T, Holley Sandra M, Greenfield Venuz Y, Cepeda Carlos, Levine Michael S, Wassum Kate M   Basolateral Amygdala to Orbitofrontal Cortex Projections Enable Cue-Triggered Reward Expectations The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2017; 37(35): 8374-8384.
Hersman Sarah, Cushman Jesse, Lemelson Noah, Wassum Kate, Lotfipour Shahrdad, Fanselow Michael S   Optogenetic excitation of cholinergic inputs to hippocampus primes future contextual fear associations Scientific reports, 2017; 7(1): 2333.
Lichtenberg Nina T, Wassum Kate M   Amygdala mu-opioid receptors mediate the motivating influence of cue-triggered reward expectations The European journal of neuroscience, 2017; 45(3): 381-387.
Ostlund Sean B, Liu Angela T, Wassum Kate M, Maidment Nigel T   Modulation of cue-triggered reward seeking by cholinergic signaling in the dorsomedial striatum The European journal of neuroscience, 2017; 45(3): 358-364.
Collins Anne L, Aitken Tara J, Greenfield Venuz Y, Ostlund Sean B, Wassum Kate M   Nucleus Accumbens Acetylcholine Receptors Modulate Dopamine and Motivation Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016; 41(12): 2830-2838.
Wassum Kate M, Greenfield Venuz Y, Linker Kay E, Maidment Nigel T, Ostlund Sean B   Inflated reward value in early opiate withdrawal Addiction biology, 2016; 21(2): 221-33.
Aitken Tara J, Greenfield Venuz Y, Wassum Kate M   Nucleus accumbens core dopamine signaling tracks the need-based motivational value of food-paired cues Journal of neurochemistry, 2016; 136(5): 1026-36.
Malvaez Melissa, Greenfield Venuz Y, Wang Alice S, Yorita Allison M, Feng Lili, Linker Kay E, Monbouquette Harold G, Wassum Kate M   Corrigendum: Basolateral amygdala rapid glutamate release encodes an outcome-specific representation vital for reward-predictive cues to selectively invigorate reward-seeking actions Scientific reports, 2016; 6(5): 20891.
Collins Anne L, Greenfield Venuz Y, Bye Jeffrey K, Linker Kay E, Wang Alice S, Wassum Kate M   Dynamic mesolimbic dopamine signaling during action sequence learning and expectation violation Scientific reports, 2016; 6(5): 20231.
Fanselow Michael S, Wassum Kate M   The Origins and Organization of Vertebrate Pavlovian Conditioning Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology, 2015; 8(1): a021717.
Malvaez Melissa, Greenfield Venuz Y, Wang Alice S, Yorita Allison M, Feng Lili, Linker Kay E, Monbouquette Harold G, Wassum Kate M   Basolateral amygdala rapid glutamate release encodes an outcome-specific representation vital for reward-predictive cues to selectively invigorate reward-seeking actions Scientific reports, 2015; 5: 12511.
Wassum Kate M, Izquierdo Alicia   The basolateral amygdala in reward learning and addiction Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 2015; .
Wassum Kate M, Phillips Paul E M   Probing the neurochemical correlates of motivation and decision making ACS chemical neuroscience, 2015; 6(1): 11-3.
Ostlund Sean B, LeBlanc Kimberly H, Kosheleff Alisa R, Wassum Kate M, Maidment Nigel T   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine signaling encodes the facilitation of incentive motivation produced by repeated cocaine exposure Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2014; 39(10): 2441-9.
Tolosa Vanessa M, Wassum Kate M, Maidment Nigel T, Monbouquette Harold G   Electrochemically deposited iridium oxide reference electrode integrated with an electroenzymatic glutamate sensor on a multi-electrode array microprobe Biosensors & bioelectronics, 2013; 42(8): 256-60.
Wassum Kate M, Ostlund Sean B, Loewinger Gabriel C, Maidment Nigel T   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine release tracks reward seeking during expression of Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer Biological psychiatry, 2013; 73(8): 747-55.
Wassum Kate M, Ostlund Sean B, Maidment Nigel T   Phasic mesolimbic dopamine signaling precedes and predicts performance of a self-initiated action sequence task Biological psychiatry, 2012; 71(10): 846-54.
Wassum Kate M, Tolosa Vanessa M, Tseng Tina C, Balleine Bernard W, Monbouquette Harold G, Maidment Nigel T   Transient extracellular glutamate events in the basolateral amygdala track reward-seeking actions The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2012; 32(8): 2734-46.
Wassum Kate M, Ostlund Sean B, Balleine Bernard W, Maidment Nigel T   Differential dependence of Pavlovian incentive motivation and instrumental incentive learning processes on dopamine signaling Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.), 2011; 18(7): 475-83.
Wassum Kate M, Cely Ingrid C, Balleine Bernard W, Maidment Nigel T   Micro-opioid receptor activation in the basolateral amygdala mediates the learning of increases but not decreases in the incentive value of a food reward The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011; 31(5): 1591-9.
Ostlund Sean B, Wassum Kate M, Murphy Niall P, Balleine Bernard W, Maidment Nigel T   Extracellular dopamine levels in striatal subregions track shifts in motivation and response cost during instrumental conditioning The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011; 31(1): 200-7.
Wassum KM, Cely IC, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT, Balleine BW.   Disruption of endogenous opioid activity during instrumental learning enhances habit acquisition, Neuroscience, 2009; 163(3): 770-80.
Wassum KM, Ostlund SB, Maidment NT, Balleine BW.   Distinct opioid circuits determine the palatability and the desirability of rewarding events, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2009; 106(30): 12512-7.
Wassum Kate M, Evans Christopher J   International Narcotics Research Conference – 39th Annual Meeting IDrugs : the investigational drugs journal, 2008; 11(9): 646-9.
Wassum Kate M, Tolosa Vanessa M, Wang Jianjun, Walker Eric, Monbouquette Harold G, Maidment Nigel T   Silicon Wafer-Based Platinum Microelectrode Array Biosensor for Near Real-Time Measurement of Glutamate in Vivo Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2008; 8(8): 5023-5036.
Wightman R Mark, Heien Michael L A V, Wassum Kate M, Sombers Leslie A, Aragona Brandon J, Khan Amina S, Ariansen Jennifer L, Cheer Joseph F, Phillips Paul E M, Carelli Regina M   Dopamine release is heterogeneous within microenvironments of the rat nucleus accumbens The European journal of neuroscience, 2007; 26(7): 2046-54.
Cheer Joseph F, Wassum Kate M, Sombers Leslie A, Heien Michael L A V, Ariansen Jennifer L, Aragona Brandon J, Phillips Paul E M, Wightman R Mark   Phasic dopamine release evoked by abused substances requires cannabinoid receptor activation The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2007; 27(4): 791-5.
Cheer Joseph F, Wassum Kate M, Wightman R Mark   Cannabinoid modulation of electrically evoked pH and oxygen transients in the nucleus accumbens of awake rats Journal of neurochemistry, 2006; 97(4): 1145-54.
Heien Michael L A V, Khan Amina S, Ariansen Jennifer L, Cheer Joseph F, Phillips Paul E M, Wassum Kate M, Wightman R Mark   Real-time measurement of dopamine fluctuations after cocaine in the brain of behaving rats Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2005; 102(29): 10023-8.
Cheer Joseph F, Wassum Kate M, Heien Michael L A V, Phillips Paul E M, Wightman R Mark   Cannabinoids enhance subsecond dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of awake rats The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2004; 24(18): 4393-400.

Benjamin Wu, D.D.S., Ph.D.


Prof. Ben Wu received his D.D.S. from the University of Pacific, his advanced prosthodontics specialty certificate at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is currently Professor and Chair of the UCLA Department of Bioengineering, and Chair of the Division of Advanced Prosthodontics in the School of Dentistry. He holds joint appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery in the School of Medicine. Prof. Wu is Director of the Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, and a member of the UCLA Brain Research Institute, the California NanoSystems Institute, and Fellow of the the Academy of Prosthodontics.


A selected list of publications:

Lee M, Siu RK, Ting K, Wu BM   Effect of nell-1 delivery on chondrocyte proliferation and cartilaginous extracellular matrix deposition Tissue Eng Part A, 2010; 16(5): 1791-800.
Yuki I, Uchiyama N, Murayama Y, Nien YL, Lee D, Ebara M, Ishii A, Chiang A, Vinters HV, Nishimura I, Wu BM, Vinuela F   Intravascular tissue reactions induced by various types of bioabsorbable polymeric materials: correlation between the degradation profiles and corresponding tissue reactions Neuroradiology, 2010; 52(11): 1017-24.
Pham EA, Ho WJ, Kamei DT, Wu BM   Modification of the diphenylamine assay for cell quantification in three-dimensional biodegradable polymeric scaffolds J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 2010; 92(2): 499-507.
Aghaloo T, Cowan CM, Zhang X, Freymiller E, Soo C, Wu B, Ting K, Zhang Z   The effect of NELL1 and bone morphogenetic protein-2 on calvarial bone regeneration J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2010; 68(2): 300-8.
Lee M, Li W, Siu RK, Whang J, Zhang X, Soo C, Ting K, Wu BM.   Biomimetic apatite-coated alginate/chitosan microparticles as osteogenic protein carriers Biomaterials, 2009; 30(30): 6094-101.
Choi CH, Heydarkhan-Hagvall S, Wu BM, Dunn JC, Beygui RE, Kim CJ.   Cell growth as a sheet on three-dimensional sharp-tip nanostructures J Biomed Mater Res A, 2009; 89(3): 804-17.
Kramerova I, Kudryashova E, Wu B, Germain S, Vandenborne K, Romain N, Haller RG, Verity MA, Spencer MJ.   Mitochondrial abnormalities, energy deficit and oxidative stress are features of calpain 3 deficiency in skeletal muscle Hum Mol Genet, 2009; 18(17): 3194-205.
Lee, M. Wu, B. M. Dunn, J. C. Y.   Effect of scaffold architecture and pore size on smooth muscle cell growth Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2008; 87A(4): 1010-1016.
Brown, D. A. MacLellan, W. R. Dunn, J. C. Y. Wu, B. M. Beygui, R. E.   Hypoxic cell death is reduced by pH buffering in a model of engineered heart tissue Artificial Cells Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology, 2008; 36(2): 94-113.
Lee, M. Wu, B. M. Stelzner, M. Reichardt, H. M. Dunn, J. C. Y.   Intestinal smooth muscle cell maintenance by basic fibroblast growth factor Tissue Engineering Part A, 2008; 14(8): 1395-1402.
Lee M, Wu BM, Stelzner M, Reichardt HM, Dunn JC.   Intestinal smooth muscle cell maintenance by basic fibroblast growth factor Tissue Eng Part A, 2008; 14(8): 1395-402.
Chow, M. Duong, H. Wu, B. Tawil, B.   Mesenchymal stem cells differentiation into osteoblasts on 2D and in 3D fibrin scaffolds Wound Repair and Regeneration, 2008; 16(2): 175.
Kramerova, I. Kudryashova, E. Wu, B. Ottenheijm, C. Granzier, H. Spencer, M. J.   Novel role of calpain-3 in the triad-associated protein complex regulating calcium release in skeletal muscle Human Molecular Genetics, 2008; 17(21): 3271-3280.
Dave, D. S. Gunther-Lopez, V. Zhang, R. Leung, J. Kun, S. Gollapudi, K. Wu, B. Rodriguez, L. V.   Periurethral injection of autologous adipose-derived stem cells with hepatocyte growth factor-impregnated PLGA microspheres for treatment of stress urinary incontinence in an animal model Journal of Urology, 2008; 179(4): 109-109.
Heydarkhan-Hagvall, S. Schenke-Layland, K. Dhanasopon, A. P. Rofail, F. Smith, H. Wu, B. M. Shemin, R. Beygui, R. E. MacLellan, W. R.   Three-dimensional electrospun ECM-based hybrid scaffolds for cardiovascular tissue engineering Biomaterials, 2008; 29(19): 2907-2914.
Brown DA, MacLellan WR, Laks H, Dunn JC, Wu BM, Beygui RE   Analysis of oxygen transport in a diffusion-limited model of engineered heart tissue Biotechnol Bioeng, 2007; 97(4): 962-75.
Brown DA, MacLellan WR, Wu BM, Beygui RE   Analysis of pH gradients resulting from mass transport limitations in engineered heart tissue Annals of Biomed Eng, 2007; 35(11): 1885-1897.
Choi CH. Hagwall SH. Wu BM. Dunn JCY. Kim CJ   Cell interactions with 3D sharp tip nanotopography Biomaterials, 2007; 28(9): 1672-9.
Lee M. Wu BM. Dunn JYC   Effect of scaffold architecture and pore size on smooth muscle cell growth J. Biomed. Mat Res. Part A, 2007; 87(4): 1010-6.
Hagerman E. Shim J. Gupta V. Wu BM   Evaluation of laser spallation as a technique for measurement of cell adhesion strength J. Biomed. Mat. Res. Part A 82A, 2007; 82(4): 852-860.
Mack JJ, Cox BN, Lee M, Dunn JYC, Wu BM   Magnetically Actuable Polymer Nanocomposites for Bioengineering Applications J. Mater. Sci, 2007; 42(15): 6139-6147.
Cowan CM, Aghaloo T, Chou YF, Walder B, Zhang X, Soo C, Ting K, Wu BM.   MicroCT Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Mineralization in Response to BMP-2 Doses In Vitro and in Critical Sized Rat Calvarial Defects, Tissue Engineering, 2007; 13(3): 501-512.
Lee M. Iruela Arispe ML. Wu BM. Dunn JCY   Modulation of protein delivery from modular polymer scaffolds Biomaterials, 2007; 28(10): 1862-70.
Lee, M. Chen, T. T. Iruela-Arispe, M. L. Wu, B. M. Dunn, J. C. Y.   Modulation of protein delivery from modular polymer scaffolds Biomaterials, 2007; 28(10): 1862-1870.
Wan DC, Pomerantz JH, Brunet LJ, Kim JB, Chou YF, Wu, BM, Harland R, Blau HM, Longaker MT   Noggin suppression enhances in vitro osteogenesis and accelerates in vivo bone formation J. Biol Chem, 2007; 282(36): 26450-26459.
Aghaloo T, Amantea CM. Cowan KM, Richardson JA, Wu B, Parhami F, Tetradis S   Oxysterols enhance osteoblast differentiation in vitro and bone healing in vivo J. Orthop Res, 2007; 25(11): 1488-1497.
Wan DC, Siedhoff MT, Kwan MD, Nacamuli RP, Wu BM, Longaker MT   Refining Retinoic Acid Stimulation for Osteogenic Differentiation of Murine Adipose-Derived Adult Stromal Cells Tissue Engineering, 2007; 13(7): 1623-1631.
Cowan, C. M. Jiang, X. Q. Hsu, T. Soo, C. Zhang, B. J. Wang, J. Z. Kuroda, S. Wu, B. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhang, X. L. Ting, K.   Synergistic effects of Nell-1 and BMP-2 on the osteogenic differentiation of myoblasts Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2007; 22(6): 918-930.
Cowan CM, Jiang X, Hsu T, Soo C, Zhang J, Wang J, Kuroda S, Wu B, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Ting K   Synergistic effects of Nell-1 and BMP-2 on the osteogenic differentiation of myoblasts J Bone Mineral Res, 2007; 22(6): 918-30.
Petrigliano FA, English C. Barba D. Esmende S. Wu BM. McAllister MD   The Effects of Local bFGF Release and Uniaxial Strain on Cellular Adaptation and Gene Expression in a 3D Environment: Implications for Ligament Tissue Engineering Tissue Engineering, 2007; 13(11): 1-11.
Lu SS, Zhang X, Soo C, Hsu T, Napoli A, Aghaloo T, Wu BM, Tsou P, Ting K, Wang JC   The osteoinductive properties of Nell-1 in rat spinal fusion model The Spine Journal, 2007; 7(1): 50-60.
Yuki I, Lee D, Murayama Y, Chiang A, Vinters HV, Nishimura I, Wang CJ, Ishii A, Wu BM, Vinuela V   Thrombus organization and healing in an experimental aneurysm model. Part II. The effect of various types of bioabsorbable polymeric coils J. Neurosurgery, 2007; 107(1): 109-120.
Lee D, Yuki I, Murayama Y, Chiang A, Nishimura I, Vinters HV, Wang CJ, Nien YL, Ishii A, Wu BM, Vinuela F   Thrombus organization and healing in the swine experimental aneurysm model. Part I. A histological and molecular analysis J. Neurosurgery, 2007; 107(1): 94-108.
Dunn JCY. Chan WY, Cristini V. Kim JS. Lowengrub J. Singha S. Wu BM   Analysis of Cell Growth in Three-Dimensional Scaffolds Tissue Engineering, 2006; 12: 705-716.
Rodriguez LV. Alfonso Z. Zhang R. Leung J. Wu BM. Ignarro LJ.   Clonogenic multipotent stem cells in human adipose tissue differentiate into functional smooth muscle cells PNAS, 2006; 103(32): 12167-12172.
Mendoza J., Chang C., Blalock CL., Atkinson JB., WU BM., Dunn JYC.   Contractile Function of the Mechanically Lengthened Intestine J. Surgical Research, 2006; 136(1): 8-12.
Puapong DP., Wu BM., Lam MM., Atkinson JB., Dunn JCY.   Distension enterogenesis: Increasing the Size and Function of Small Intestine J. Pediatric Surgery , 2006; 41(4): 763-7.
Catelas I. Sese N. Dunn JCY. Helgerson S. Tawil B. Wu BM   Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation in Fibrin Gels in vitro Tissue Engineering, 2006; 12(8): 1-12.
Hagerman EM. Chao SHH. Dunn JCY. Wu BM   Initial Adhesion Events for IEC-6: signal transduction, cell spreading, and cell adhesion strength Journal of Biomedical Materials Research , 2006; 76(2): 272-278.
Aghaloo T, Cowan K, Chou YF, Zhang X, Lee HF, Miao S, Hong N, Kuroda S, Wu B, Ting K, Soo C   Nell-1 Induced Bone Regeneration in Calvarial Defects Am J Pathol, 2006; 169(3): 903-15.
Cowan, C. M. Cheng, S. Ting, K. Soo, C. Walder, B. Wu, B. Kuroda, S. Zhang, X. L.   Nell-1 induced bone formation within the distracted intermaxillary suture Bone, 2006; 38(1): 48-58.
Cowan, C. M. Cheng, S. Ting, K. Soo, C. Walder, B. Wu, B. Kuroda, S. Zhang, X.   Nell-1 induced bone formation within the distracted intermaxillary suture Bone, 2006; 38(1): 48-58.
Zhang X, Cowan K, Jiang X, Soo C, Miao S, Carpenter D, Wu, B, Kuroda K, and Ting K.   Nell-1 induces acrania-like cranioskeletal deformities during mouse embryonic development Lab Invest, 2006; 86(7): 633-44.
Kramerova, I. Kudryashova, E. Wu, B. Spencer, M. J.   Regulation of the M-cadherin-beta-catenin complex by calpain 3 during terminal stages of myogenic differentiation Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2006; 26(22): 8437-8447.
Chu Y. Wu BM. McCabe ER. Dunn JCY   Serum Free cultures of murine adrenal cortical cells. J. Pediatric Surgery, 2006; 41(12): 2008-2012.
Chang P.C.Y. Mendoza J. Park J. Lam MM. Wu BM. Atkinson JB. Dunn JCY.   Sustainability of mechanically lengthened bowel in rats J. Pediactric Surgery, 2006; 41(12): 2019-2022.
Ho, W. Tawil, B. Dunn, J. C. Y. Wu, B. M.   The behavior of human mesenchymal stem cells in 3D fibrin clots: Dependence on fibrinogen concentration and clot structure Tissue Engineering, 2006; 12(6): 1587-1595.
Dunn, JCY. Wu, BM   Tissue Engineering of Intestine, Encyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, 2006; 1-7.
Petrigliano FA., McAllister MD., Wu BM.   Tissue Engineering of the ACL: A Review of Current Strategies Arthroscopy, 2006; 22(4): 441-451.
Wu, B. Kitagawa, K. Liu, B. Zhang, N. Y. Xiong, Z. M. Inagaki, C.   Attenuation of amyloid beta (Abeta)-induced inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase activity by Abeta fragments, Abeta20-29 and Abeta31-35 Neurosci Lett, 2006; 396(2): 148-52.
Wu, B. K. Li, C. C. Chen, H. J. Chang, J. L. Jeng, K. S. Chou, C. K. Hsu, M. T. Tsai, T. F.   Blocking of G1/S transition and cell death in the regenerating liver of Hepatitis B virus X protein transgenic mice Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2006; 340(3): 916-28.
Wu, B. Liu, J.   Commutability between the semiclassical and adiabatic limits Phys Rev Lett, 2006; 96(2): 020405.
Chang, T. H. Wu, B. R. Chiang, M. Y. Liao, S. C. Ong, C. W. Hsu, H. F. Lin, S. Y.   Synthesis and mesomorphic behavior of a donor-acceptor-type hexaazatriphenylene Org Lett, 2005; 7(19): 4075-8.
Brown, D. A. Beygui, R. E. MacLellan, W. R. Laks, H. Dunn, J. C. Wu, B. M.   Modulation of gene expression in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes by surface modification of polylactide-co-glycolide substrates J Biomed Mater Res A, 2005; 74(3): 419-29.
Wu, B. T. Hung, P. F. Chen, H. C. Huang, R. N. Chang, H. H. Kao, Y. H.   The apoptotic effect of green tea (-)-epigallocatechin gallate on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes depends on the Cdk2 pathway J Agric Food Chem, 2005; 53(14): 5695-701.
Lee, M Dunn, JC Wu, BM   Scaffold fabrication by indirect three-dimensional printing Biomaterials. , 2005; 26(20): 4281-9.
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