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John Colicelli, Ph.D.


John Colicelli is a cell biologist and biochemist. He joined the Department of Biological Chemistry in the UCLA School of Medicine in 1990. He became a full professor in 2003. Dr. Colicelli earned his B.A. in Chemistry at Rutgers University and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Columbia University in New York. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Dr. Colicelli’s research is focused on molecular signal transduction in cancer biology and neuronal plasticity. He teaches cell biology at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Dr. Colicelli serves as a Departmental Vice Chair and as a member of the School of Medicine Faculty Executive Committee.

Steve Cannon, M.D., Ph.D.


The primary research interests of our laboratory are how ion channels regulate the electrical excitability of cells and how defects in these channels lead to human disease. In the past two decades, mutations of ion channel genes have been found to be the primary cause for over 100 human diseases. Our research program is focused on the mechanistic basis for a group of inherited conditions that alter the electrical excitability of skeletal muscle, including periodic paralysis and myotonia. We have characterized the gating defects of mutant channels, generated computational models of muscle excitability, and produced genetically-engineered mice to gain insights on the pathomechanisms of these disorders and to explore therapeutic interventions.

Francesco Chiappelli, Ph.D.


Dr. Chiappelli has been at UCLA continuously since 1972. He obtained his bachelor’s (1975), master’s (1981) and Ph.D. degrees (1986) at UCLA, and completed his post-doctoral training in psychoneuroimmunology (mind/body interactions), and fundamental & clinical immunology at UCLA. He has been on the UCLA faculty since. Dr. Chiappelli joined the School of Dentistry faculty in 1994, where he has taught evidence-based dentistry, psychoneuroimmunology, anatomy, ontogeny, osteo-immunology, and advanced seminars in cellular immunology to undergraduate & graduates students, as well as to Residents & fellows, and in continuing education courses. Dr. Chiappelli also held a joint position of Health Science Specialist at the Veterans Administration Medical Center.


Mark Cohen, Ph.D.


Dr. Cohen received his undergraduate training in both engineering at MIT and biology at Stanford. His graduate work at the Rockefeller University concerned hormonally-modulated electrical signaling. He worked in the private sector from 1985 to 1990 developing applications and technology of magnetic resonance imaging, before accepting a faculty appointment at Harvard, where he directed the high-speed MR imaging laboratory, and ultimately contributing to the development of functional MRI performing seminal experiments in this field. Since arriving at UCLA in 1993 he has focused his work on applications and technologies of neuroimaging, and more recently, has been working toward the development of low-cost high performance MRI devices based on novel technologies adopted from low temperature physics.